The French Revolution Video

Part 1
1) Why was the French Revolution considered an extraordinary moment in world history?
2) Why is the French Revolution so impactful to France and the European world?
3) According to the video, what did the revolution provide for the French people?
4) What was Max Robespierre’s nickname during the revolution? What was considered his greatest weapon?
5) What mechanism was used to execute individuals during the revolution?
6) King Louis the 14th moved the capital of France to which Province?
7) How did the video describe King Louis the 16th?
8) The royal wedding brought together which two family names for the first time in over 200 years?
9) How does the video describe Marie Antoinette?
10) How does the video describe life outside of the palace gates in France before the revolution begins?
11) What effect did the “seven years war” have on the French economy?
Part 2
1) What movement was taking place in Paris at the same time King Louis the 16 th was taken the throne in France that
brought about revolution?
2) During the Age of Enlightenment, what major themes were being developed that characterized revolutionary
3) According to the video, books written by Voltaire, Rousseau talked about what major characteristics to revolt?
4) How did the concept of “equality” create revolutionary conflict in Europe for the aristocrats and monarchy?
5) What role did Louis the 16th play in the American Revolution? How did this impact the French economy?
6) How did Marie Antoinette feed into the struggles in France?
7) What disease did King Louis the 16th have that could have been catastrophic to the royal bloodline?
Part 3
1) Deregulation and bad harvests caused most of France to be deprived of what major product?
2) Who initially led the charge towards ending the monarchy in France?
3) The winter of 1788 was a turning point for France for what reason?
4) Jacques Necker made a great impact on French history by calling?
5) Why was the general assembly in France considered “unfair” to the 3rd estate in France?
6) Describe the importance of the “Tennis Court Oath”?
7) The revolutionaries in France invade an old jail in France, what was the name of the jail and why did they invade
this building?
8) What major event ultimately led to the people revolting against the monarchy of France?
9) Describe the colors of the French Revolution flag?
Part 4
1) What revolutionary practice rose out of Bastille that symbolized the movement in France?
2) Explain why tearing down the “Bastille” was important to the revolutionaries?
3) Explain the significance of the “Charter of the Declaration of the Rights of Men”?
4) Which new governmental system was created by the national assembly in France?
5) What major media instrument was used by French revolutionaries to spread the word?
6) What action did the French monarchy perform that ignited the common people of France?
7) According to the video, what decision did Louis the 16 th rule over that put him and his family in grave danger?
Part 5
1) Explain what happened when the women stormed the palaces in Versailles?
2) According to the video, how many people starting marching the streets in Versailles to support the revolution?
3) Who were the Jacobins and were did they get their name from?
4) After the royal family leaves Versailles, Paris institutes a new governmental system called? How does this system
5) What was the significance of June 21, 1791 in France?
6) In one of his great speeches to the estates assembly, Robespierre calls for 3 important traits for the new France.
What were they?
7) What demands did Robespierre make to the estates assembly?
8) What was the nickname given to the guillotine?
9) Why did the French enlightenment members prefer the use of the guillotine as an execution device?
Part 6
1) April 1792, France declares war against which European country?
2) August 10, 1792, the French army invades the royal palace leaving how many dead?
3) The national assembly in France will go under a new name after the royal family is arrested. What was the name of
the new assembly?
4) Explain the significance of the revolutionary “Danton” ?
5) In Sept 1792, what major French city was taken and explain the effect this had for the revolutionaries in Paris?
6) How many priests, women, and aristocrats are killed during the prison invasion?
7) Which revolutionary faction ultimately was responsible for the death of King Louis the 16 th?
Part 7
1) Jan 20, 1793 marks a historic event in the revolution. Why?
2) Who was the famous newspaper writer that belonged to the Jacobin faction of the revolution that called for the
heads of any traitor to the revolution?
3) Explain why this journalist was assassinated?
4) How did the revolutionaries view ___________ after he was killed?
5) What would become of King Louis the 16th and Queen Antoinette’s youngest son once captured by the
Part 8
1) Max Robespierre makes a critical mistake by reinstituting ___________________, which felt like the old regime
2) Explain the policy of “dechristianization”?
3) Describe the new revolutionary calendar instituted by the new Republic?
4) How many people were killed during “Vendee”? How did they execute them?
5) In his famous speech at the convention, Robespierre links together a message that would end up costing him is life.
What was his message?
6) Who ends up being Robespierre’s archenemy after the convention speech?
7) Explain the “Great Terror” in France?
Part 9
1) What was Robespierre’s 2nd greatest error during the “reign of terror”?
2) Describe the great triumphs and tragedies of Max Robespierre?
3) Explain the significance of July 27, 1794 to the revolution? Why?