HUMANITIES 9 – JEOPARDY REVIEW FRENCH REVOLUTION CAUSES $100 3 Estates $200 Extravagant Spending Bad Harvest /Food Crisis Britain Enlightenment $300 $400 $500 Class system maintained inequitable distribution of wealth & privileges King blamed for doing this Immediate need of the people that prompted revolution Wars against this country in 1756 & 1778 were very expensive A way of thinking that challenged the power of the king and the church CLASSES $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Clergy Nobility 3rd Estate March on Versaille Burgeiosie Members of the First Estate Members of the Second Estate The majority of the French People Event that had the common people rise up and demand the king come to Paris Middle and upper class members of the 3rd estate PEOPLE $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Louis XVI Marie Antoinette Turgot Robespierre Napoleon Bonaparte The king of France during the revolution Princess married to France’s monarch Minister of Finance fired for trying to reform France’s economy Leader of the Reign of Terror His overthrow of the Directory was the end of the revolution PLACES $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Paris Versaille Bastille American Tuileries Capital of France The palace of the Monarchs Attacked in search of arms July 14, 1789 Soldiers involved in this revolution came home with ideas for change Paris Palace GOVERNMENT $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizens Estates General Thermidorians Committee of Public Safety National Convention Gave French citizens equal rights and liberties. Pre-revolutionary group called by the king to help raise taxes Group who removed Robespierre Started by Robespierre to deal with France’s economic problems Representative government of the French Republic MONARCHY $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Absolute Monarchy Varennes Constitutional Monarchy Austria Prussia & Austria The type of government in France prior to the revolution King & Queen caught here when trying to leave France Having a king and a constitution The French Queen was a princess from here Neighbouring countries threatened war against the revolutionists if harm came to France’s monarchy REFORMS $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Liberty Equality Fraternity Tennis Court Oath Lists of Complaints Law of Maximum Civil Constitution of the Clergy Motto of the revolution Sworn by the 3rd Estate to stay put until a new constitutions was drafted Voters lists of problems Set limit on the price of goods and wages Broke government ties with the Catholic church & set many French Catholics against the revolution GROUPS $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Sans Coulottes Philisophes Girondons Jacobins National Convention Radical peasant group – didn’t like aristocrats fashions Group of enlightened thinkers Moderate Revolutionists – willing to have limited monarchy Radical revolutionaries Group who put Louis XVI on trial TIMELINE $100 $200 $300 $400 1789 1793-1794 1793 Great Fear $500 1641 Year the revolution began Reign of Terror Louis XVI executed Summer of 1789 when peasants revolted against landlords and attacked manors The last year the Estates General met prior to 1789 Tithe Corvee Mass Levy Capitation Mill Rights A tenth of your earnings to the church Peasants required to do unpaid labour on the roads Required every citizen to participate in the war effort Head tax to be paid by every citizen A fee paid to grind grain TAXES $100 $200 $300 $400 $500