Item 5.2.2 EAS Board DIVISION OF EDUCATION, ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ART, ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN incorporating LOUIS LAYBOURNE SMITH SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN SOUTH AUSTRALIAN SCHOOL OF ART ADVISORY COMMITTEE Brief notes and actions from the meeting 13 October 2009 from 4:00pm in K3-25, Kaurna Building, City West campus 1. Present Mr Nick Tridente (Chair) Mr Gavin Close (left 5:30) Prof Annabelle Pegrum Prof Mads Gaardboe Mr Adrian Evans Mr Christopher Menz Mr Chris Ware In attendance Assoc Prof John Barbour Ms Mary Knights (for item 5.1) Mr Keith Giles (for item 5.1) Ms Jane Andrew (for item 5.5) Mr Julian Eitzen (Executive Officer) 2. Apologies Mr Matt Remphrey Mr Anton Hart Prof Pal Aluwalia Mr Simon Dodd Ms Anne Robinson 3. Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting on 21 May 2009 were approved. 4. Business arising 4.1 Advisory Committee Chair Mads advised the Committee that Nick would continue as Chair for one more year. He encouraged the members to consider nominating for the position at the conclusion of the term. 4.2 End of year exhibition prize Mads indicated that the concept of a ‘best of’ piece from the end of year exhibitions to be purchased by the University was with the Vice Chancellor for consideration. John advised that a VIP event for the presentation of major prizes and awards was scheduled for December 4 – members will receive invitations in due course. Preparation for the various graduating student shows were progressing well with strong input from the students. The shows would mark the auspicious occasion of the new School’s first year of operation. It was noted however that the higher levels of sponsorship for the events had not been obtained. JKE/AAD/AC 2.09 Item 5.2.2 EAS Board 5. New business 5.1 Gallery update Mary tabled a series of SASA Gallery catalogues including: The Dream Republic strangely familiar [working title] YEARS without MAGIC The Green Candle Dark Dreams + Fluorescent Flesh TRACES Drawing/Environment/Sustainability Mary also tabled “SASA Gallery: Cost Benefit Analysis – 5 page summary” and the full report (Annex 1). She distributed an invitation to the current exhibition, “The Ends of the Earth”, to which she welcomed the members to attend at the conclusion of the Committee meeting to hear a brief floor talk by the artist Linda Dement. Keith gave a powerpoint presentation of exhibition images while Mary outlined key aspects of the Gallery. She noted that the focus of exhibitions was on the ‘research edge’. The exhibitions provided opportunity for emerging and experienced artists to collaborate and work across the range of task from exhibiting to curator and catalogue essay. Mary indicated that a number of exciting new exhibition spaces had been identified across the School’s two buildings which would open up opportunities for diversity in the nature of exhibitions. She advised that a group of 20 academics and postgraduate students had been listed with the 2010 Adelaide Festival of Arts to create an instillation exhibition on campus during the festival. Annabelle noted that the national Architecture conference would be held in Adelaide in 2010 which might provide an opportunity for the Gallery. She also advised that the Gallery of Australian Design had been established in Canberra’s Parliamentary Zone, and that it included dedicated space for mobile exhibitions. Annabelle indicated that she was most willing to cooperate with the School if interested in either of the ventures. ACTION: Mary to follow-up with Annabelle about exhibition opportunities. 5.2 Head of School report Mads reported that the School had continued to consolidate its operations but that there had not been significant developments since the May meeting. The consolidation process had been facilitated by two School retreats, in March and September, where the overall focus was on identifying opportunities for the School profile through the STEP2010 process and in alignment with the University strategy. The September retreat had a more operational focus and considered IT issues and the possibility of moving to leased laptops for student use. The School will rationalize courses and programs and move out of non viable programs, and follow an agenda of expansion in length rather than width. Program development in the School will follow the Bologna model (3 + 2) or variations so that all undergraduate programs have a transition to master option. It is anticipated that a greater level of course and studio sharing, especially in postgraduate, will be achieved through these arrangements. Annabelle advised that the University of Canberra had introduced the Bologna model across its Architecture, Industrial Design, Landscape Architecture, and Interior Architecture programs with good results and efficiency gains. She indicated they were JKE/AAD/AC 2.09 Item 5.2.2 EAS Board considering the introduction of master with honours option and that the Bologna model was well supported by industry. Gavin noted that industry demands in visual communication were increasingly including significant web and online components, and was concerned that Visual Communication might not be keeping pace with these developments. He indicated that it was unfortunate that he would have to leave the meeting before Jane’s presentation but acknowledged that they were scheduled to meet to discuss the matter. Mads welcomed the members views and encouraged them to contact him as matters arose. He noted that 2010 and 11 would involve the implementation of the current program development ideas in readiness for the deregulated market in 2012. There had been a slight growth in overall student numbers with Architecture and Interior Architecture stable, the decline in Industrial Design halted, and a slight increase in Visual Communication and Art. The School was in the fortunate position to make new academic appointments: Dr Angelique Edmonds Mr Chris Brisben, both in Architecture And to be advertised: Architecture – one Senior Lecturer/Assoc Prof Interior Architecture – two Lecturer positions Visual Communication – one Lecturer and one Senior Lecturer Zero Waste SA Centre – one full Professor And noted that Associate Professor Jo Cys had been appointed Acting Dean: Research and Research Education in the Division Office. An additional appointment will come because the School will house a business adviser for the national initiative: Creative Industries Innovation Cluster. The School has actively participated in providing advice for the new research funding model, Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA), mainly through ADBED and AUADS, and was confident that the metrics of the new model would open opportunities for inclusion of research outputs from the School’s discipline areas. The School was operating in surplus, largely from strong enrolments and increased international students, though research income was slightly down. Investment in equipment would be a priority, especially for Art. The School has been a partner with the Thinkers in Residence program with visiting architect Laura Lee. Significant awards have been won: Mt Franklin project – best small building Mimili project – Chancellor’s award for student engagement Toby Richardson – Helpmann grant Olga Sankey – works acquired by Art Gallery of SA Greg Donovan – teaching award Olga Sankey/Steve Carson – teaching award 5.3 STEP 2010 projects Mads advised that the STEP2010 projects evolved out of the University’s updated teaching and learning framework with the projects intended to revitalise courses and programs to maximize student engagement through experiential learning. The School had claimed around $536K to implement the projects which included: JKE/AAD/AC 2.09 Item 5.2.2 EAS Board The Mobile Architecture and Design Studios – the MADS truck The roll-out of career management skills across the programs A comprehensive course mapping exercise to identify efficiency gains and multiple use courses The strengthening of Indigenous Australian content and Indigenous Australian Art course/s Minor capital work on the advice of the architect John Wardall to reconfigure the Kaurna Building to improve its functionality for accommodation of a single school The Committee applauded the initiatives. Annabelle recommended that for the career management components there should be close correlation with industry accreditation requirements, and noted that emphasis needed to be given to the maintenance of students’ log of work. 5.4 School strategic plan This item was deemed to have been adequately covered in the preceding discussions. Mads encouraged the members to contact him with any aspect of the plan they would like to discuss. 5.5 Professional Practice and Research Studio Jane provided a powerpoint presentation of the conceptualisation of the Professional Practice and Research Studio (Annex 2). She emphasised that the descriptor ‘consultancy’ had been avoided and that the Studio did not intend to go in competition with industry. Rather, it should feature research opportunities, cross discipline collaboration, and a focus on creating mutually beneficial outcomes for the Studio and industry partners. The Committee endorsed the concept and the members offered several suggestions for the direction of the Studio’s development. Annabelle in particular made suggestions for the systematization of the concept. ACTION: Jane to follow-up with Annabelle to further refine the Studio concept. 5.6 Collaborative intervention for the Kaurna Building entry foyer John advised the Committee that the School was very interested in developing public art projects, in the first instance to enliven the Kaurna Building’s main entry foyer. He encouraged the members to contact him with any suggestions. 6. Any other business Nick suggested that the Committee meetings be extended in time to three hours (including an interval for drinks and food) and that three meetings be scheduled annually. The meeting closed at 6:35pm, and the Committee adjourned to the SASA Gallery. 7. Next meeting The next meeting is in 2010 – to be advised. JKE/AAD/AC 2.09