10. What is the first step in protein synthesis called?


EOC Review


: Carbohydrates Internet Lesson:

Google: “Wisconsin Online Carbohydrates” Click 1 st


Click NEXT

1. What is the ratio of C to H to O in a typical carbohydrate? _____C:_____H:_____O

2. Why are carbohydrates important?


3. Which carbohydrates tend to be more soluble? ___________________________________

Click NEXT

4. Name three examples of monosaccharides. a. __________________ b. __________________ c. __________________

5. Define MONOSACCHARIDE. _________________________________________________________________________

6. Where can glucose be found? ________________________________________________

Click NEXT

8. In which shape is glucose most often arranged? __________________________________

9. Name the two sugars that make up nucleic acids. a. __________________________ b. __________________________

Click NEXT

10. Name three examples of disaccharides. a. __________________ b. __________________ c. __________________

11. How many monosaccharides make up a disaccharide? _____________________________

12. What is sucrose more commonly called? ________________________________________

Click NEXT

13. Name three examples of polysaccharides. a. __________________ b. __________________ c. __________________

14. Which polysaccharide is used in the formation of a plant’s cell wall? ___________________

15. Which polysaccharide is converted into glucose when blood sugar levels drop? __________

16. Which polysaccharide is created from glucose as a way plants store energy? ___________

Biomolecules: Proteins Internet Lesson:

Google: “Wisconsin Online Proteins” Click 1 st


Click NEXT

1. Name 4 types of proteins. a. ___________________________ c. ___________________________ b. ___________________________ d. ___________________________

2. What are the smaller building blocks of proteins called? ____________________________

3. How many types of amino acids exist? __________________________________________

Click NEXT

4. What determines the primary structure of a protein?


5. How small are the smaller proteins? ____________________________________________

6. How large are the larger proteins? _____________________________________________

Click NEXT

7. Proteins fold into a secondary structure. What type of bond holds these together? ________

Click NEXT

8. What does the final shape of a protein determine? _________________________________

9. List 4 ways that a protein may be denatured (destroyed). a. ___________________________ c. ___________________________ b. ___________________________ d. ___________________________

Click NEXT

10. Why are proteins from animals considered “complete”?


11. Why must vegetarians eat a wide variety of plants?


Biomolecules: Lipids Internet Lesson:

Google: “Wisconsin Online Lipids” Click 1 st


Click NEXT

1. Define LIPID.


2. Name three examples of lipids. a. __________________ b. __________________ c. __________________

3. What are three advantages of fat? a. ___________________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________________ c. _____________________________________________


WEBSITE #1: http://www.northland.cc.mn.us/biology/Biology1111/animations/enzyme.html



SLIDE ONE: Enzymes are ________________that serve as __________________.

They _________________up or _______________ ______________reactions, but ALWAYS remain _________________.




SLIDE THREE: Each ______________acts on a specific_____________.


What is a SUBSTRATE?

Plant and Animal Cells

Website: www.cellsalive.com

Part A ~ Animal Cell Model:


Click Animal Cell ~ Label the cell parts on the handout


For this part of the assignment, you will need to click on the various parts of the cell to go to a screen that tells you about the parts. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the purpose of the nucleus?

2. Where is the nucleus found?

3. What genetic information is within the nucleus?

4. What do mitochondria do?

5. How big are the mitochondria?

6. Do mitochondria have membranes? If yes, describe.

7. What does ER stand for?

8. What does ER do?

9. What are the two types of ER?

10. What is the ribosome?

11. Define the cell membrane.

12. What is the cell membrane responsible for?

13. What does the Golgi Apparatus do?

14. Where is the nucleolus found?

15. What does the nucleolus do?

16. What is the function of the lysosome?

17. What does the cytoskeleton do?

Part B ~ Plant Cell Model


Click on Plant Cell


Label the parts of the Plant Cell


For this part of the assignment, you will need to click on the various parts of the cell to go to a screen that tells you about the parts. Answer the following questions:

1. What pigment makes plant cells green?

What is the purpose of chloroplasts?

2. What other type of cell has a cell wall?

3. In plant cells, what does the vacuole do?

4. Name the parts of the plant cell that are similar to the animal cell.

5. Name the parts of the plant cell that have the same

function as the animal cell.

Cell Transport


Select Passive Transport:

Cell Membrane

1. Identify the 3 types of passive transport.

2. What does the cell membrane consist of?

3. Sketch a phospholipid.

Simple Diffusion

4. What is diffusion? Sketch an example with the concentration gradient.

5. What determines the rate of diffusion?

Facilitated Diffusion

6. What is facilitated diffusion? How is it different from regular diffusion?

7. Sketch the protein and illustrate how it helps channel molecules.


8. What is osmosis?_____________________________________________________________________________________________

9. What is a hypertonic and hypotonic solution?

10. When does the process end?

Select Active Transport:

11. What is active transport?______________________________________________________________________________________

12. What does energy come in the form of?

13. What are the types of Activate Transport?


Tutorial at http://www.cellsalive.com/

On the left side of the screen is a navigation bar, click on the link to “MITOSIS” Read the text on this page and view the animation, you can slow down the video by clicking step by step through the phases.

1. Which stage does the following occur:

Chromatin condenses into chromosomes

Chromosomes align in center of cell.

Longest part of the cell cycle.

Nuclear envelope breaks down.

Cell is cleaved into two new daughter cells.

Daughter chromosomes arrive at the poles.







Chromatids are pulled apart ___________________________________________

Watch the video carefully.

2. The colored chromosomes represent chromatids. There are two of each color because one is an exact duplicate of the other. -How many chromosomes are visible at the beginning of mitosis? ________________

-- How many are in each daughter cell at the end of mitosis? __________________

--The little green T shaped things on the cell are: ____________________________

-- What happens to the centrioles during mitosis? _____________________________

Go to http://www.johnkyrk.com/mitosis.html

. Draw a cell in each of the following phases.

Interphase Prophase Metaphase

Anaphase Telophase


(1) Go to http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/food/food_menu.html

and choose one of the three food webs. Put the food web together!

Consumers are living things that need producers to be their food (animals and people)

Producers – living things which take the non living matter from the environment (plants)

Decomposers – living things which feed off of dead plants and animals (bacteria, fungi)

(2) Using the information in the table above and what you know about trophic levels answer the following questions about your food chain:

Name a producer in your food web ________________________________

Name a primary consumer in your food web__________________________

Name a secondary consumer in your food web ________________________

Who are usually the decomposers in a food web? _______________________

If the producer has 100 units of energy, and this food chain follows the general rule of energy transfer (what percent is transferred on average?) how much energy will be available for the primary consumer? ________

How much energy will be available for the secondary consumer? __________


A. Carbon Cycle

(1) Go to http://www.kidsnewsroom.org/climatechange/carbon_cycle_version2.html

Click and complete scene 1.

(2) Name 2 places on the earth we find carbon:

1. __________________________ 2. ___________________________

(3) Go to http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/earth/Water/co2_cycle.html

, read about the carbon cycle and fill in the blanks below:

Plants pull carbon (in the form of carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere to make food, through a process called ____________________.

Through food chains animals get ____________ from the plants and other animals they eat.

When plants and animals die and ____________, carbon goes back into the



Some carbon is buried deep in the ground and forms ________________________.

When humans burn fossil fuels, ________________ is released back into the atmosphere.

When humans and animals exhale, they release carbon back into the air by a process called ______________________________.

B. Nitrogen Cycle

Go to the website http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/earth/Life/nitrogen_cycle.html&edu=mid and answer the questions below:

What are 2 ways nitrogen becomes useable to plants, humans and animals:



2. How do herbivores obtain the nitrogen they need?


3. How is nitrogen returned to the atmosphere?


4. What are two ways humans impact the nitrogen cycle:


Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

What is ATP?



How does energy get converted from food molecules to muscles? ________________________________


According to the webpage, the analogy for ATP is that ATP works like a rechargeable _________________.


Click on the arrow to the next page. Pull apart the ice cream. What happens when food is broken down in the body? ________________________________________________________


Pull a Phosphate from the recharged ATP, what happened? ________________________________________

What is Photosynthesis?



Where on the plant does photosynthesis take place?


The energy from the sun enters into what organelle in the plant?


How does the plant get water for photosynthesis?


What gas enters the plant for photosynthesis?






Where does it enter the plant?


What gas exits the plant during photosynthesis?


Where does it exit the plant?


What is the overall equation for photosynthesis?





The Light reaction of Photosynthesis : http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=swf::535::535::/sites/dl/free/0072437316/120072/bio13.swf::Photosynthetic%20E lectron%20Transport%20and%20ATP%20Synthesis


What is split to replenish the electrons (that also makes Oxygen gas)? ____________________________


The excited electrons pump what ion to create a gradient? ____________________________


The ATP synthase uses this gradient to restore ADP back to ATP. ____________________________

What is this process called?

The Dark reaction of Photosynthesis: http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/0070960526/student_view0/chapter5/animation_quiz_1.html


In what part of the chloroplast does the dark reaction take place?


What gas is taken in to start the Calvin Cycle?




What are the 2 products of the light reaction used in the Calvin Cycle? ____________________________


What is the final product of the Calvin Cycle? ____________________________

Overview of Photosynthesis Labeling . Label the following picture on the next page. http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/biocoach/photosynth/overview.html

What is Cellular Respiration?


29. What molecule enters Glycolysis?

30. What gas (in white) is released during the Krebs Cycle?

31. What molecule (in purple) is released from the Krebs cycle and enters the Electron transport chain?

32. What molecule (in dark blue) is released as a product from the Electron transport chain?

33. What energy molecule in Teal is restored as a product of cellular respiration?

DNA Structure, Replication and Protein Synthesis

Use the following websites to answer the questions below. Your answers should be IN COMPLETE SENTENCES!!

Take a tour about


(click on the box that says “What is DNA”)

1) What does DNA stand for? ________________________________________

2) What is the purpose or role of DNA?

3) What shape does DNA have?_________________________________

4) The sides of the ladder or “backbone” are composed of what substances?______________________________________________

5) What are the 4 nitrogen bases that make up the “rungs” of the ladder?

6) These nitrogen bases must join up according to a special rule: Guanine must join with ____________and __________ must join with __________

This pairing up is crucial to the replication process. Go back to the original "Take a Tour of DNA" page and click on the “Build a DNA molecule”. Follow the directions on the page to make your own DNA molecule.

After you have built your DNA molecule, read the information below the animation called "Molecular Machines copy DNA"

7) About how long does it take your cells to copy its genetic informaiton?

8) After the two DNA strands are pulled apart, about how quickly are the strands copied?

Go to the following site to practice


. Click where it says ‘DNA workshop activity’, then click on "DNA Replication". Don't forget to replicate both sides! (You do NOT need to do the "Protein Synthesis" section.)

9) Where in the cell does DNA replication take place?__________________________________

Now that you've tried copying one DNA molecule, try copying these : How fast can you go? How accurate can you be?

10) What is the shape of DNA usually called?

11) Which 3 organisms did you copy DNA for? How many genes and chromosomes did your three organisms have?

RNA Structure

 http://www.visionlearning.com/library/module_viewer.php?mid=63

1. What does RNA stand for?

2. What about RNA is similar to DNA?

3. What about RNA is different from DNA?

Protein Synthesis (in general)

 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/tryit/dna/protein.html

4. What is the purpose of protein synthesis?

Click on the DNA Workshop Activity, then click on protein synthesis.

5. How long can an mRNA sequence be for real?

6. What is a codon and where can we find it?

7. What is an anticodon and where can we find it?

8. What is a tRNA and what is attached to it?

9. When does this process end?

Protein Synthesis (more specifically)

 http://web.jjay.cuny.edu/~acarpi/NSC/12-dna.htm

10. What is the first step in protein synthesis called?

11. Here is a summary of the steps in the first part of protein synthesis:

 the DNA ___________________________

______________ is made by pairing up bases, A with _______ and G with ________.

12. Where does the mRNA go in the cell after transcription?

13. What is the second step in protein synthesis called?

14. Here is a summary of the steps in the second part of protein synthesis:

 mRNA is read ____ bases at a time (three bases are called a __________________) by pairing with a complementary base sequence on

______________ called an _______________________. Each tRNA is specific for one _________________________. That means each tRNA only has 1 amino acid. It’s not random.

Amino acids are linked by a _________________________ bond to make a protein.

Mutations (when things go wrong):

 http://biology.unm.edu/ccouncil/Biology_124/Summaries/T&T.html

25. Do mutations always have an effect on the organism?

Describe what happens for these three mutations:

26. insertion:

27. deletion:

28. substitution:


Punnet Square Review http://www.athro.com/evo/gen/punexam.html

14. Find Monohybrid Crosses ONLY , for the first two questions under monohybrid crosses answer the question for each of the choices in the drop down box. The first choice is bb genotype, and you pick the chance of having it. Then you change the bb genotype to another and pick the chances again, it will tell you if you are right or wrong.

Mendel Review http://anthro.palomar.edu/mendel/mendel_1.htm

15. Mendel is called the _______________ _____ _____________________.

16. Name seven traits that Mendel found are passed from one generation to another without being changed or blended; they appear in only one of two forms.

17. What are two reasons that Mendel chose to use pea plants for his experiments?

18. What are the 3 important conclusions he came to as a result of his work?

Pedigrees http://www.aboutkidshealth.ca/En/HowTheBodyWorks/GeneticsIntroduction/SimpleSingleGeneInherit ance/AutosomalDominantInheritance/Pages/AutosomalDominantInheritanceSamplePedigree.aspx

Pedigrees are diagrams that track a particular trait through a family to show possible carriers and those who are affected by a condition.

19. What color is the symbol that represents a person who does not show a trait? What color is the symbol that represents a person who shows the trait?

Genetic Disorders http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/geneticdisorders.html

20. What is a genetic disorder?

21. What is a mutation in a gene?

22. What are some ways mutations can happen?

23. What is another way to get a mutated gene?

24. Some genetic disorders are cause by a problem with

__________________________________________. http://www.ygyh.org/ j

25. Click on Huntington’s disease and roll your mouse over the different areas to learn about the disease, when you roll over Inheritance, answer the question.

Is this disease Dominant or recessive?

26. Click on Sickle Cell Disease roll your mouse over the different areas to learn about the disease, when you roll over Cause answer the question? What causes Sickle Cell Disease?

27. Click on Alzheimer’s disease roll your mouse over the different areas to learn about the disase, when you roll over Cause answer the question. What causes Alzheimer’s disease?

28. Click on Down syndrome roll your mouse over the different areas to learn about the disease, when you roll over Cause answer the question. What causes Down syndrome? http://kidshealth.org/kid/talk/qa/what_is_gene.html

29. What is a Gene?

30. What problems can genes have?

31. What is Gene Therapy?

Cloning http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/tech/cloning/clickandclone/

Go to the Site and Play through the cloning.

32. Write down all the steps that must happen to clone.
