Class: Year Four Term: Summer 1


Class: Year Four Term: Summer 1

Physical Education

This half term we will be looking at our health and fitness with the

Edstart coaches. We will be keeping a food log and having weekly fitness circuits. In dance, we will be learning a Bollywood dance to perform as a class at the end of the Topic.

Art – Sculpture

Pupils will be researching sculptures, looking at where they fit into our lives – what is the purpose? They will be examining different pieces in addition to creating their own work using many different forms.

As part of this, we will continue to look at Anthony Gormley’s work and create our own based on the human body. This will involve looking at proportions and materials.

Geography - India

We will be studying India. As part of this topic we will be comparing village life to city life, locating the country on maps, researching its terrain and also having a taste of Indian food and culture.

This is an exciting and vibrant topic in which the children will learn about one of the fastest developing countries in the world.

Religious Education – Hinduism

This half term we will be looking at Hinduism further as this links with our Geography topic. We will be examining the idea of ‘rebirth’ and karma, in addition to understanding that God is worshipped in many forms and where this worship takes place.

Science – States of Matter

This half term we are examining states of matter. As part of this unit, the Chemistry department from the University of Manchester will be coming to do some live demonstrations.

We will learn about how substances can change form, particles and the external factors which affect the states of matter.

We will be doing practical investigations to see these states of matter in action!

Computing - Email

Pupils will be creating a trailer for their own Bollywood film using

Imovie. In addition to this and research on the computers, we will be sending emails to a school in India to ask questions and share research. .


MFL – French

Listen and engage in conversations, expressing opinions.

Develop appropriate pronunciation and present ideas and information orally.

Show an understanding in reading and adapt known language to create new ideas.

Describe people, places and things.


In addition to learning a Brass Instrument, pupils will be learning about Bollywood music and the instruments used in India and how they may differ to instruments we see regularly in the UK.

Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural

Looking at shared times of celebration within communities.

Children will become aware of different cultures and communities within the local area.
