Student Leadership Conference

Head Teacher: David Read
Our Ref: N/Excursions/EV/LS
21 January 2016
Dear Parent/Carer
Your child has been selected to take part in North Yorkshire County Council’s Student
Leadership Conference at County Hall, Northallerton, on Friday 12th February. The
conference is held once a year and is an excellent learning experience for students. Your
child will have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and share their experiences of
working within Student Voice at Scalby School with students from other schools. There will
also be an opportunity to meet and question two local MP’s about current affairs.
The conference starts at 9:15am, so it will require an early start for us. Your child will need to
be at Scarborough Train Station at 7:15am. They will travel by train to Northallerton and will
return at 4:30. This trip will be wholly funded by the school.
This is a rare learning opportunity for your child. Owing to the conference’s popularity, I am
only able to take four students on this trip. Your child being selected is testament to the hard
work that they have put into developing student leadership at Scalby School. We would like
reward them with this trip, giving them to opportunity to develop their valuable leadership
skills further.
For your child to be able to attend, please complete and return the permission slip below to
school. Students must also have completed a medical form in order to be able to go on this
We hope that your child will be able to join us on this educational trip.
Yours sincerely
Mrs E Vickers
Student Voice Co-ordinator
Please return to Mrs E Vickers
Re: Student Leadership Conference at County Hall, Northallerton, on Friday 12 th February 2016
Student Name: ………………………………………………………………… MG: ……………
I give permission for my child to attend the above event.
I understand I need to make arrangements to ensure my child is at Scarborough Railway
Station for 7:15 am and is collected upon their return at 4:30 pm.
Signed: ………………………………………….. Parent/Carer
Date: ……………………