School Improvement plan Monageer National School Overview of 3 year plan Target(s) Improve Literacy and Numeracy throughout the school That following the plan we should see more children scoring over the 50th percentile in both English and Mathematics : An increase in 2% should be attainable A lowering of children scoring in 1-10th percentiles: That all targets set are Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant and Timed To promote better attitudes towards Mathematics and Reading and Writing in our school To introduce the idea of Free Writing into our English Writing Plan To introduce a Whole School Approach to Genres of Writing That following a trial of Literacy Lift off we will look at introducing it into other classes in the junior part of the school That following work in the Junior Part of the school our Drumcondra Spelling Results will improve To introduce the Drumcondra Literacy and Numeracy tests for Senior Infants and use these results to identify children for learning supports from start of 1st class For classes that have not worked with Jolly Phonics significant work will go into improving Spelling Results To develop a whole-school approach to the use of mathematical language To create a culture and practice of mathematical problem solving in our school To enable the pupils to develop a positive attitude towards maths, to develop the pupils logic and higher-order thinking skills and to enable the pupils to apply maths to everyday life. To increase parental participation in the literacy/numeracy process within our schoolday. Baseline data/evidence Drumcondra English, Maths and Spelling results 2011were analysed using PDST analysis tool. Staff discussion of results followed. It was shown that pupils performed least well in the area of problem solving and English spellings. Teacher observations and teacher designed tasks and tests highlighted problem solving, spellings and story writing as an area for School Improvement plan development. Evidence from English copies show that children’s results in Friday spelling tests are not carrying over to their normal work. The same can be noted in their Drumcondra spelling results. Most children are showing a difference in their English and Spellings results with the English higher than the spelling results( In over 95% of cases). 62% of children are scoring over the 50 th percentile in English 10% are scoring in the 3rd to 16th percentile in English 20.4% are scoring under the 20th percentile in Maths. 54% are scoring on or over the 50th percentile in English. Year 1 actions Year 2 actions Year 3 actions Literacy/ Numeracy Literacy/ Numeracy Literacy/ Numeracy Questionnaire to be administered to pupils from 2nd – 6th classes: This questionnaire will focus on their attitude towards maths, English reading, writing and spellings. Resources to be sourced from within the school and resources bought if necessary- Extra copies of the Oxford reading programme for literacy lift off. More novels for use in 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th and 5th/6th. Literacy That each child engage in Free writing at least twice during the week That children be given the chance to write in a large number of genres during the year. That children in Senior Infants engage in the Literacy Life off Programme. Parents will be engaged in reading with 1st& 2nd class Shared reading between 5th& 6th and Analysis of Drumcondra Maths, English and Spelling results from May 2012. Repeat questionnaire to be administered to pupils from 2nd – 6th classes: This questionnaire will focus on their attitude towards maths, English reading, writing and spellings. Continue to work on the bank of resources. Questionnaire this year to contain opinions on books children would like to see in class libraries. Literacy That each child engage in Free writing at least twice during the week That children be given the chance to write in a large number of genres during the year That the Literacy Lift off programme be used in all classes from Junior Infants up to 2nd class. This will depend on the amount of personal available. Analysis of Drumcondra Maths, English and Spelling results from May 2013. Repeat questionnaire to be administered to pupils from 2nd – 6th classes: This questionnaire will focus on their attitude towards maths, English reading, writing and spellings. Continue to work on the bank of resources. Literacy That each child engage in Free writing at least twice during the week That children be given the chance to write in a large number of genres during the year That the Literacy Lift off programme be used in all classes from Junior Infants up to 2nd class. This will depend on the amount of personal available. From September to December genres School Improvement plan 1st & 2nd will continue but a questionnaire after Easter will ascertain the views of the children towards it. Children will make more use of dictionaries in Senior classes to help with their spellings. A story writing competition will be held in tandem with our annual book club. That cursive script be introduced from 1st class up given its association with better spellings. That genres of writing be approached in a whole school way. From September to December genres such as story writing, account writing and lists will be attempted. From January to April Essay writing, letter writing and fact files will be attempted. May to June will recap an all genres covered during the year. That Jolly Phonics be used from Junior Infants up to Senior Infants with elements of the programme also used in 1st and 2nd class. Drumcondra Literacy and Numeracy tests for Senior Infants will be administered in June. These results will identify children for learning supports from start of 1st class. Children to be given the opportunity to read stories during assembly. Spelling Bees to be held in 5th and 6th class Numeracy Focus on mathematical language, specifically the language of operations. That whole school approach to simple operations such as carrying over be in operation. To adopt a whole school From September to December genres such as story writing, account writing and lists will be attempted. From January to April Essay writing, letter writing and fact files will be attempted. May to June will recap an all genres covered during the year. If the review proves favourably we will continue our shared reading programme. A questionnaire of parents involved in reading with children will be undertaken. It should then give more focus to parental reading sessions. A book of stories written in the school will be published as part of our school book week. A review of all aspects of our English policy will be carried out. An information evening will be held. This will be to focus on the shared reading programme at home. A handwriting competition will be held every term with winning entries put on display on our English writing/ story notice board. Learning support teaching will be used to provide single class literacy sessions from Senior Infants up to 2nd class. Extend spelling bees to all classes from 1st to 6th. Numeracy The Ballard/Westwood Timed Arithmetic Test will be used from 1st to 6th class to measure pupil attainment levels. This will be carried out three times during the year. Results of these tests to be given to parents. Term 1 for September 2012/2013 – such as story writing, account writing and lists will be attempted. From January to April Essay writing, letter writing and fact files will be attempted. May to June will recap an all genres covered during the year. A handwriting competition will be held every term with winning entries put on display on our English writing/ story notice board. Learning support teaching will be used to provide single class literacy sessions from Senior Infants up to 2nd class. Spelling Bees competition to continue. Numeracy The Ballard/Westwood Timed Arithmetic Test will be used from 1st to 6th class to measure pupil attainment levels. This will be carried out three times during the year. Results of these tests to be given to parents Oral and Word problems to be used in assembly at various points throughout the year Oral and Word problems to be used in assembly at various points throughout the year Oral maths at the beginning of each class for ten minutes Maths problem of the week to be introduced in each classroom Emphasise use of IT in problem solving activities To focus on language of measures specifically in relation to money and time To identify a wide number of opportunities to enable the pupils to gain experience in the application of School Improvement plan approach to table work. Review the mathematical language currently being used throughout the school. That we introduce the RUDE approach to problem solving from 3rd to 6th class THE RUDE WAY OF SOLVING A MATHS PROBLEM: Children from 3rd – 6th classes, throughout the school will be encouraged to use the following abbreviated model for solving a Maths problem – R ead, Underline the key words, Draw a diagram of the problem, Estimate your answer and then attempt to solve the problem. All children should be exposed to this model regularly and be very familiar with it by the time they reach 6th class. Posters on mathematical language and problem solving strategies to be displayed in each classroom Teacher modelling of problem solving strategy to whole class, small groups, peer groups and individual pupils Oral and Word problems to be used in assembly at various points throughout the year Oral maths at the beginning of each class for ten minutes Learning Support and Resource teachers to work with class teachers in implementing strategy The Ballard/Westwood Timed Arithmetic Test will be used from 1st to 6th class to measure pupil attainment levels. An evening meeting with parents to be held to give suggestions on how problem solving skills can be maths games and puzzles Term 2 – Continuation of all strategies put in place and creation of maths trails both within and outside the classroom Term 3 – Maths projects Creation of a shared maths programme where maths games are sent home over a 6 week period as part of homework Oral and Word problems to be used in assembly at various points throughout the year A review of the Maths policy in use will be carried out. Oral and Word problems to be used in assembly at various points throughout the year Oral maths at the beginning of each class for ten minutes their knowledge and skills in relation to money and time School Improvement plan developed and integrated into everyday life at home. This will also give an overall picture of literacy work in the school Year Plan to improve LITERACY LEVELS Target(s): State in specific terms how LITERACY LEVELS should improve as a result of actions in the school Presently we have 62% of our children scoring on or over the 50th percentile. This includes a class where nearly a 100% are scoring this high. When this class leaves the school I would see 55% of our children scoring on or over the 50th percentile. A 2% reduction in children scoring under the 16th percentile . By developing a whole-school approach to writing genres throughout the school, pupils will become very familiar with these genres, and be enabled to apply them to their free writing The gap between children’s Drumcondra English and Spelling results will be narrowed by 5%. Actions: State proposed actions (both existing and new) to improve LITERACY LEVELS. Actions should be sequenced and coordinated over the three years of the plan to achieve maximum effect Action Who? When? Resources? Teachers and Principal Questionnaire to be administered to pupils from 2 – 6 classes: This questionnaire will focus on their attitude towards maths, English reading, writing and spellings. nd th Teachers and Principal After February Mid term Made in school Throughout year Oxford reading tree Completed/ ongoing? Ongoing Completed School Improvement plan Resources to be sourced from within the school and resources bought if necessary- Extra copies of the Oxford reading programme for literacy lift off. More novels for use in 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th and 5th/6th. Cursive Script from 1st class up That Jolly Phonics be used from Junior Infants up to Senior Infants with elements of the programme also used in 1 st and 2nd class. Drumcondra Literacy and Numeracy tests for Senior Infants will be administered in June. These results will identify children for learning supports from start of 1st class. Children to be given the opportunity to read stories during assembly. Spelling Bees to be held in 5th and 6th class Novels Roald Dahl book sets Teacher Discussion All Staff Easter 2012 onwards Handwriting Scheme Infant Teachers & 1st and 2nd class teacher Throughout year Jolly Phonics Programme End Of year Learning Support teacher & Senior Infant teacher Principal Throughout year 5th and 6th Class teacher Throughout year Drumcondra Infant testing material Monitoring/Review: State how progress will be monitored and at what intervals (monthly/ termly/annually...) over the three years Teacher observation is a key tool which will be used in monitoring the progress of this literacy strategy. Key observations will be noted and discussed at whole staff level Professional reflection section on cuntas míosúil’s will be used to gauge feedback also Discussion at staff meetings and Croke Park Hour meetings re: feedback and the identification of new strategies and approaches Specific time will be allocated to the discussion and progress of the literacy programme during our planning time and staff meeting Continuing professional development will be sought and staff encouraged to attend, to further develop teacher knowledge and skills and to keep abreast of best practice Pupil feedback will be sought at regular intervals throughout the year. Questionnaires, trend graphs will be used to gauge pupil opinions at the end of each year Parental Feedback will be sought through questionnaires, information evenings and at parent/teacher meetings Standardised Drumcondra English and Spelling results will be given at end of each year and results will be discussed to further develop our 3 year plan. School Improvement plan Success criteria / Evaluation: State how impact of actions on LITERACY LEVELS will be evaluated at the end of the three years State how progress will be measured, using baseline and targets as guide Teacher observations will be noted and collated Class conferencing between teacher and pupils, pupils and pupils to gauge feedback Standardised testing at end of each year – data will be analysed over the three years to track performance of pupils’ problem solving Pupil questionnaires will be analysed to gauge how pupil feedback altered over the three year period Review of children’s work samples, projects and free writing copies . Year Plan to improve Numeracy LEVELS Target(s): State in specific terms how NUMERACY LEVELS should improve as a result of actions in the school By developing a whole-school approach to the use of mathematical language throughout the school, pupils will become very familiar with the language of operations, and be enabled to apply their knowledge to mathematical problems Through teacher modelling of RUDE problem solving strategy, pupils will be enabled to discuss mathematical problems and understand the reasons behind each step in the process Through focussing on oral maths problems and word problems, pupils will develop higher order thinking and logic skills Pupils will develop strategies aimed at solving mathematical problems Pupils will be provided with regular opportunities to problem solve, enabling them to acquire proficiency in this area To increase the number of children scoring on or over the 50th percentile by 2%. That 90% of children score on or over their Mean Score in their Ballard Westwood Timed Tables Test. Actions: State proposed actions (both existing and new) to improve NUMERACY LEVELS. Action Review the mathematical language currently being used throughout the school, focusing on mathematical operations. Posters to be placed in all classrooms That we introduce the RUDE approach to problem solving from 3rd to 6th class Source resources within the school suitable for use as Who? When? Resources? All Staff December 2011-May 2012 Teachers in 3rd to 6th April 2012 onwards Teacher discussion Maths books being used in school PDST website Notes from courses attended on numeracy Posters to be created for each classroom All Staff February 2012 onwards Completed / ongoing? part of problem solving programme, particularly oral maths problems and word problems Oral and Word problems to be used in assembly at various points throughout the year Oral maths at the beginning of each class for ten minutes All staff Ongoing An evening meeting with parents to be held to give suggestions on how problem solving skills can be developed and integrated into everyday life at home. This will also give an overall picture of literacy work in the school Principal April 2012 The Ballard/Westwood Timed Arithmetic Test will be used from 1st to 6th class to measure pupil attainment levels. 1st-6th class teachers December 2011 onwards Ballard/Westwoo d Timed Arithmetic Test( Available online) Monitoring/Review: State how progress will be monitored and at what intervals (monthly/ termly/annually...) over the three years Teacher observation is a key tool which will be used in monitoring the progress of this numeracy strategy. Key observations will be noted and discussed at whole staff level Professional reflection section on cuntas míosúil’s will be used to gauge feedback also Discussion at staff meetings and Croke Park Hour meetings re: feedback and the identification of new strategies and approaches Specific time will be allocated to the discussion and progress of the numeracy programme during our planning time and staff meeting Continuing professional development will be sought and staff encouraged to attend, to further develop teacher knowledge and skills and to keep abreast of best practice Pupil feedback will be sought at regular intervals throughout the year. Questionnaires, trend graphs will be used to gauge pupil opinions at the end of each year Parental Feedback will be sought through questionnaires, information evenings and at parent/teacher meetings Standardised Drumcondra results will be given at end of each year and results will be discussed to further develop our 3 year plan. Ballard Westwood tables results will be sent home. Success criteria / Evaluation: Teacher observations will be noted and collated Class conferencing between teacher and pupils, pupils and pupils to gauge feedback Standardised testing at end of each year – data will be analysed over the three years to track performance of pupils’ problem solving Pupil questionnaires will be analysed to gauge how pupil feedback altered over the three year period Review of children’s work samples, maths projects etc. Monageer National School Literacy & Numeracy Overview of 3 year plan