Forward - Guide Dogs for the Blind

Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2013
From Bob Burke
Forward: it’s the command that guide dog users say to set their guides in motion. It’s much more than that though – it’s also a metaphor
for the positive momentum, empowerment, and independence that GDB students and graduates experience through their relationships
with their guides. I recently visited our Oregon campus and had the good fortune to shadow class OR 256, supervised by experienced and
beloved Class Training Manager, Keith Laber. I was impressed by the collaboration between instructors and dogs, students and instructors,
and ultimately between students and their new guides. As the day unfolded, I was inspired to watch one student bond with his fifth guide
dog from Guide Dogs for the Blind. It was equally amazing to watch a first-time guide dog user put his life in the hands of his dog on
only their second day together.
Forward is also a powerful metaphor for the progress that our organization has made over the past year. One of our most important
achievements was to identify a strategic roadmap for the next five years. Central to this plan is increasing our commitment to delivering
superior service. To this end, we launched the Support Center, which enables us to help graduates, potential students, and other members
of our community more seamlessly and effectively. With the addition of the Support Center, our field service managers can focus on doing
what they do best: helping our grads in person, dealing with emergent issues, and helping expedite the student application process via inhome visits. We also delivered on our commitment to superior service by introducing smaller, more customized classes.
There were a number of other highlights in the past year. We saw classes return to our California campus in our stunning new student
residence and we generated record-breaking fundraising results. We also increased our influence in the global guide dog community
through our International Clicker Symposium; our collaborations with guide dog organizations in Israel, Australia, Slovakia, the
Netherlands, and elsewhere; successful placements of career change dogs with a growing number of service dog organizations, and the
expansion of our puppy raising community into new territories.
We couldn’t possibly take on initiatives like these without the support of the GDB community. To our puppy raisers, our donors, our
volunteers, and our staff, I want to thank you for your commitment to GDB, your belief in our mission, and your dedication to our cause.
Your passion, expertise, and professionalism will help us continue to evolve and move forward successfully.
Bob Burke
Interim President | CEO
Photo: Interim President and CEO Bob Burke
Infographic: 201,000 pounds of dog food consumed annually
Mission + Vision
In order to continue to fulfill our life-changing mission, we felt it was essential to develop a clear roadmap for the future. As part of this
process we clarified and evolved our mission and vision to better reflect the world we live in.
Mission: Guide Dogs for the Blind empowers lives by creating exceptional partnerships between people, dogs, and communities.
Vision: Guide Dogs for the Blind envisions a world with greater inclusion, opportunity, and independence by optimizing the
unique capabilities of dogs and people.
Strategic Imperatives
We also felt it was critical to identify key strategic imperatives that could guide the organization going forward.
We chose to focus on the following five imperatives:
 Create an integrated client-driven organization
 Become/remain the organization of choice for clients, staff, volunteers, donors, and our communities of support
 Create a stronger GDB brand, awareness, and competitive advantage
 Expand and diversify communities of support
 Expand and diversify revenue sources
Thank you for your role in helping us achieve these important goals. Working together, we can all look forward to a very exciting future.
Dr. Kris Gonzales
All of our dogs, from the time they are born, receive top quality veterinary care. GDB’s dedicated staff includes some of the best
veterinarians in the field and they oversee everything from puppy wellness checkups to extreme life-saving surgeries. Because GDB breeds
all of its own dogs, we need someone who has a strong background in reproduction – this is where Dr. Kris Gonzales comes in.
In 2009, Kris fulfilled several years of specialized animal reproduction requirements, passed a certifying examination, and became a
Diplomate in the American College of Theriogenologists (ACT). The ACT is a specialty college within veterinary medicine with only 465
members worldwide. Members are dedicated to sharing and exchanging information, establishing guidelines, and promoting advancement
of knowledge in the field of animal reproduction.
“I have opportunities each day at GDB to use this specialized knowledge and promote health in the breeding colony,” said Kris. “I am able
to contribute to animal health and welfare, as well as support the human-animal bond. I am grateful that I have been given an opportunity
to contribute to the mission of Guide Dogs for the Blind for the past ten years.”
“Working at GDB is a very unique job,” she said. “I very much enjoy seeing how a neonate grows, becomes a puppy, and then as an adult
becomes a skillfully trained guide dog.” Kris also consults with other veterinarians caring for dogs at other domestic and international
guide dog schools, usually pertaining to questions about her clinical experience managing certain diseases or husbandry inquiries.
With vet clinics on both campuses, the entire GDB veterinary staff, including: client service representatives, veterinary technicians, and
veterinarians, work as a team to provide care for any patient (young or old) that walks through its doors. “The dedicated staff and
volunteers make GDB a very special place,” said Kris. “We all enjoy seeing our patients recover and feeling good again. In fact, I think the
veterinary clinic has highlights happen every day.”
Photo: Dr. Kris Gonzales holding a baby puppy.
Infographic: 3,138 - Over three thousand GDB volunteers and counting
Ted + Janie + Abel
Ted Hindes and Janie Hodges, DVM, know a thing or two about Guide Dogs for the Blind – together they have over 15 years of
experience working with GDB and a big place in their hearts for a guide dog named Abel. A sleek and sporty black Lab with a gentle soul,
Abel was the first guide dog puppy they raised. “Abel was a very well behaved puppy,” said Janie. “We routinely called him ‘Abel, The
Wonder Dog’! He’s a thinker; many times when confronted with a novel situation, he would sit back for a minute and observe and take in
the new information. Then, when he had processed the info, he would proceed.”
This personality trait would end up serving Abel well as he returned to Guide Dogs for the Blind for official training, where he was later
matched with his new partner, Vinay Billimoria. When asked what it was like to meet Vinay and see the pair together as team for the first
time, Janie said, “This was our first time to raise a puppy, so we had not been through the process and didn’t know what to expect.
Honestly, we were very nervous and thought ‘this is where we lose our dog.’ Then we met Vinay, this very personable and articulate young
man and we realized that we were not losing a dog, but gaining another member to the family. Once we saw Abel and Vinay interact and
how bonded they already were after only two weeks, we knew they were just meant for each other. Abel, instead of being crazy to see us,
seemed more interested in having us interact with Vinay. Like, ‘Hey Mom and Dad, meet my new human!’”
Ted and Janie have had the opportunity to interact with many GDB puppies through their puppy raising club Lonestar Guide Dog Puppy
Raisers. “GDB’s breeding program is producing phenomenal dogs,” said Janie. “All of the puppies we have handled have been very
intelligent, but they have each had their own unique personalities and ways of learning behaviors or solving problems. It is so enjoyable to
be able to educate people about Guide Dogs for the Blind wherever we go.”
Photo: Black Lab guide dog puppy Abel
 44% of puppy raisers surveyed have raised five or more puppies.
 20% of puppy raisers have raised ten or more pups.
 32% of California campus volunteers surveyed have volunteered for more than ten years.
Marley & Me
From Bruce Gilmour of Vancouver, BC
“Yesterday was the halfway point of my two-week training program at Guide Dogs for the Blind. The first week, spent reviewing guide
dog training principles and foundations, has been put into practice working routes in San Rafael. The six of us students that came together
a week ago use today to rest, continue to bond with our guide dogs, and look forward to the remaining days set aside for ‘customized
travel’ before returning home to lives that will continue to be enhanced and rewarded through a guide dog partnership.
Notwithstanding the five-star residence where I am lodged as a member of the first training class to utilize the new facility, I am really
feeling as positive as one can be for a number of reasons:
I requested and have been matched with a beautiful and talented Golden Retriever, Marley. If that is not enough, my class instructor
working directly with me is the same person that trained Marley over the past ten weeks!
Our class of six, two first-time students and four re-train students, have come together to support one another as well as anybody could
Guide Dogs for the Blind is clearly committed to the success of their dogs, the graduates, and the results of the team when they return
home. My experience with my primary instructor has been as inspiring, personalized, and gratifying as any of my previous four guide dog
training sessions.
One of my fellow classmates is here from Chicago to receive her sixth guide dog. Together, our final week of customized work will be
focused on aspects of traveling with our guide dogs that she and I both want to target: light rail, bus transit, congested sidewalks, busy
intersections, and those crossings that have complex traffic light controls. The opportunity for us to do routes with our dogs in downtown
San Francisco provides us with the circumstances to experience how our dogs work and evaluate a multitude of similar and demanding
day-to-day conditions we will encounter when returning home.
With the duration of the re-train session formally evolved to be a mere two weeks, the class size capped at six students, and the clever
utilization of information technology prior to and after arriving to the campus, these changes have truly enhanced efficiencies and
maximized my training goals. My experience has been professional, efficient, personalized, and I am very proud to be a GDB graduate.
My thoughts would not be complete without sharing how each day there has been personal time spent looking back at the contributions
my previous guides Kappa, Solomon, Arden, and most recently, Aurora, have made to my personal growth and quality of life. The journey
thus far has been golden. With promise and hope as my wind, the journey will continue to be golden and will take me to places where I
will continue to grow personally in partnership with my guide dogs. Thank you Aurora, Daddy loves you more than ever, and Mr. Marley,
welcome on board. Please get comfortable and enjoy the journey!”
Photo: Bruce Gilmour and Golden guide Marley
 97% of graduates surveyed are satisfied with the overall program at GDB.
 93% of graduates agree they will return for a successor guide
 96% would recommend our program to others
Unaudited figures. A copy of the audited financial statements for the years ending June 30, 2013 and 2012 are available at
Where Our Funding Comes From:
 Planned Gifts, 59%
 Contributions, 23%
 Investment Income, 14%
 Other, 4%
How It Is Used:
 Programs and Services, 81%
 Development, 12%
 Administration, 7%
Statement of Financial Position (in thousands)
2012 Total
Dividend and interest income, net
Net assets released from restrictions
Revenue and Support:
Bequests and trusts
Total revenues and support
Program services
Management and general
Net unrealized (loss) gain
Total other income (expenses)
Capital campaign
Total expenses
Change in net assets from operations
Other income (expenses):
Change in value of planned gifts
Net realized gain
Change in net assets
Net Assets, beginning of year
Net Assets, end of year
Statement of Financial Position (in thousands)
Cash and cash equivalents
Prepaid expenses and other assets
Note receivable
Obligations under annuity agreements
Loan payable
Unrestricted net assets
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Accounts receivable
Bequests and pledges receivable
Planned gifts
Deferred loan issuance costs, net
Property, plant, and equipment, net
Total assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Deferred revenue
Total liabilities
Net Assets:
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
FISCAL YEAR July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013
Your generosity allows us to continue to support our clients, our dogs, and our communities
Soul Mates ($100,000 PLUS)
Akin, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP
Combined Federal Campaign
The DeLong-Sweet Family Foundation
The William and Debra Gershen Foundation
Hind Foundation
Mrs. Vicki G. Jaffe
Mrs. Betty White Ludden
Petco Foundation
Lois Seigal
The ROMA Foundation
Lillyan Tremaroli
Heroes ($50,000 PLUS)
Vicky and Marshall Berol
Ruth Ann and Mark Dodson
Audrey E. Hargis
Hedinger Family Foundation
Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
Andy & Ann Mathieson
The McBeth Foundation
Melvin and Geraldine Hoven Foundation
Microsoft Employees, Family and
Friends Month of Giving
Natural Balance Pet Foods, Inc.
Mr. James Oliver
Mr. Terry Ray
Claire Collins Skall
Doug Unger
Linda Von Rhine
Partners ($25,000 PLUS)
Anonymous Donor
Mylo and Marion Charlston
The Danford Foundation
Pete Harman
Mr. Jeffrey I. Joseph
Len & Nancy Joseph
Wood-Claeyssens Foundation
COMPANIONS ($10,000+)
Alice Shaver Foundation
Ames-Fluhrer Charitable Fund
John and Erika Ammirati
Sarah and Steve Anderson
Anonymous Donor (2)
Bailey Family Foundation
Robert and Margaret Barbour
Mrs. Roland Barthelemy
Mr. William C. Benner
Bergen Foundation
Howard Boroughs
Boston Properties
Eloise Bouye
Joan and Stanley Boyd
Bruce and Barbara Boyles
Carolyn R. Buehner
Timothy Carver
Susan and Raymond Cherry
Gil and Lynne De Vincenzi
The Deaver Phoenix Foundation
David Elliott
Express Employment Professionals
Melvin Federlein
Kathy A. Friebel
Thomas J. Furlong & Elizabeth A. Gard
Karen Anne Gardner
Sally Gidaro
The Grainger Foundation
Noah and Raylene Groth
Hair of the Dog Brewing Co.
IBM Employee Services Center
Andrew Jensen
Warren and Cherie Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. James and Sara Jungroth
Emily G. Kahn
Larry & Jan Kelly
Monica Krick
Catherine M. Kruttschnitt
L. A. Southwest Guide Dog Raisers
Marmot Mountain, LLC
Charles N. Mathewson Charitable Lead Trust
Linda McLain
Tom and Maureen McMullen
Mercer Health & Benefits LLC
Dr. C. Larry Mitchell & Dr. Charlen S. Mitchell
Deborah J. Neff
Northern Nevada Foundation
Margaret H. Peters
Phoenix Guide Dog Raisers, Inc.
Phoenix Lubrication Services, Inc.
Poindexter Foundation, Inc.
Poznanski Family Foundation
Donald and Janice Provan
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Ramirez
Gregory and Linda Rice
Ron Richardson & Kathy Leathers
Richter Farms
Larissa Roesch & Jason Crethar
Mr. & Mrs. Koerner and Sandy Rombauer
Jim & Shirley Santiago
Dr. Scholl Foundation
The Seattle Foundation
Wallis Smith
Mrs. Carol M. Spivak
Suburban Chevrolet
The Edward and Romell Ackley Foundation
Bonnie B. Torres
Elaine Wilderman
Jean Ho Woo
Mrs. Barbara E. Yeager
Margaret Zivelonghi
Friends ($5,000 PLUS)
Ahnu Footwear
AJA Foundation
Alaska Airlines
Donna Alger
Anait Foundation
Ginger and Don Anderson
Ann Taylor
Anonymous Donor(3)
Arizona Community Foundation
The Bandai Foundation
Anita A. Blau
Boyd Family Vineyard
The Robert E. & Adele M. Boydston Foundation
Janet Brown
Ann Burchill
Julie Burnet
Ms. Maxine Busby
Callan Associates
Cameron Foundation
Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program
CloudStar Corporation
Cognex Corporation
Mr. Robert Cresta
Edgar and Judy Creswell
Delta Gamma Foundation
The Julia Sterns Dockweiler
Charitable Foundation
Dodge & Cox
Doug Maddox Family Fund
Eaton Vance Management
Elerding Family Foundation
Employee’s Community Fund of the Boeing Company
Donald and Katharine Epstein
Bee Fletcher
Fraternal Order of Eagles of Ogden Utah
Dave & Susan Gerke
Barbara J. Gicquel
Robert and Margie Giles
Godric Foundation
Gonsoulin Charitable Trust
Mr. Greg Goodwin
Margaret Greene
Karen and Robert Griffith
Grosvenor Capital Management LP
Guiding Eyes of Clark County
Fred and Gail Hardy
Connie Hawkins
Mrs. Diana Hirzel
Honey Pot Fund of The Oregon
Community Foundation
The Eleanor Hutchinson Parker Foundation, Inc.
Jake’s Out of Sight Faith Foundation Fund
Robbie and Renee Janosch
Kerby Family Foundation
Cal & Maureen Knight
Joanne Kok
Amy and Erik Lacy
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Walter M. Lewis Family Foundaton
The Robert and Grace Liming Charitable Fund
Marc Glassman, Inc.
The Margaret Thiele Petti Foundation
Rick J. Martellaro
Terri McCarthy
The McDonald Family Foundation
Mesirow Financial
Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Michelbacher
Dixie Monkhouse
Jim and Joyce Morris
Steve and Betsy Moulds
John and Helen Newton
Caron Ng
The Northern Trust Company
Northwest Natural Gas Company
Donna O’Connor
Sue & Chet Oliver
OnPoint Community Credit Union
Cathy Overmyer & John Moffitt
Pacific Office Automation, Inc.
Robert and Valerie Peebles
Bill & Barbara Peterson
Jean Phillips & Edward Zuk
Mrs. Matilda Price
William L. Price
Q&V Peterson Charitable Foundation
Tamah Roby
Rosalind Schwebel Trust
Michael Ryan
The Schultz Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Scott
Sewell Village Cadillac
Silicon Valley Bank
Amy Simmons
Frans and Fred Simson
Stephanie Sloan
Mr. Steve Smith
Southwest Florida Community Foundation
Blair and Gerald Stratford
Keith Sutton
The Cliffs Resort LLC
The Warren Foundation
Mrs. Katrin Theodoli
Mrs. Peri N. Urvek
US Bank Charitable Services Group
Beverly Graham Voelker
Wantful, Inc.
Patricia and Edward Whitehead
Buddies ($1,000 PLUS)
55 Degrees - Premier Wine Storage & Concierge Svce
Alex Aal
Beth and Joe Aaron
Glenn E. Abbitt
AGA, Inc.
Joe and Ellen Aguirre
All-American Printing Services
Etta Allen
A-Log Inc.
Cynthia Alto
Jones Photography
American Century Investments
American Metals Corporatio
Amgen Fdn. Matching Gifts and Staff Volunteer Programs
Mrs. Marcia S. Anderson
Kathy Andre
Philippe Andre & Jill McAlpine
Anonymous Donor(5)
Antelope Valley Guide Dogs
Arbor Grove Farms, Inc.
Dolores Arias
Arizona Biltmore
Colette and Andrew Arvidson
Bob & Jeanne Atkinson
Tom Atwood
Mrs. Arlene G. Austinson
Avenue of the Giants Marathon
B&B Auto Services, Inc.
B&H Industries, Inc.
BAARK (Brea Area Adult Raisers Club)
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bailey
Bev Bain
Fred and Joan Baker
Bank of America Matching Gifts Program
Mr. Jack Barker
Mrs. Mary Barlow-Michele
John and Colleen Barnes
James Barta
Sandra A. Barton
Robert and Mary Basso
Michael and Susan Bates
Marikay Batina
Clifford & Loretta Baughman
Melinda Baum
Bay Hills Capital
David and Nora Beach
Beaver Creek Cooperative Telephone Company
Linda Bebault
Linda & James Becker
John and Camille Behrens
Wilford H. & Janice E. Belknap Fund
Julie and Marco Benassini
Howard and Ruth Benedict
Janet and Ron Benjamin
Mrs. Joan Benson
Stan and Joann Benson
Carl and Jeanette Bessent
Christopher Bias
Bette F. Bielefeldt
Marilyn and Donald Bilderback
Mark and Gayle Bittner
Mrs. Dawn Y. Black
Suzanne Blake & Michael Miller
Elizabeth Blank
Craig and Cathy Blankenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Bobb
Martha Boccalini & Heino Nitsche
Tim Bogan & Richard McCarthy
Walter and Carol Boice
Elaine G. Bonnington
Melinda F. Booth
Boston Market Co
Sarane T. Bowen
Mary Ann Bradbury
Mike & Deena Bragg
Meredith Bressie
Ms. Ingrid Brett
Linda and Rex Brittsan
Roberta Brookin
Betsy W. Brooks
Candace Brown
Charles and Jan Brown
Kathryn Brown
Marilynne Brown
Scott and Ana Cristina Brubaker
Ceci Brunner-Pierce
Mrs. Blake H. Bruun
Bernard and Sharon Buetow
Randy Builder
Mrs. Anne Buntin
Jerry and Marilyn Burke
Linda Burley
Butler Family Foundation
Sigrid and Robert Button
Cain Vineyard & Winery
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Callaghan
Cameron Park Lyon’s Club
The Campbell Foundation, Inc.
Karen Carbon
Jamie and Tony Carr
Maureen Casey & Marlin McKeever
Martha J. Cazenave
Ralph and Caryl Cechettini
The Cella Family Foundation
Elizabeth Cella
Cemex Foundation, Inc.
Kenneth and Carole Cerreta
Megan Chambers
Glenn Chaney
Mr. Sean Shih K. Chang
Dr. Gerald Chapman
Mr. Le-Land Chase-Meadows
Harry and April Chen
Mary Cheney
Craig and Kim Cherry
Dan & Carissa Cherry
Ruth Chesko
Dr. Laurie E. Christensen & Dr. Colin Ma
John and Kathleen Christiansen
Richard H. C. Chun & Nancy K. Peterson
Church of Religious Science
Thomas Civitello
Lanice Clark
Mike & Tracey Clark
Clementina Clemco Group Services, Inc.
Click and Pledge
CNI Puppies
Jed & Bobbie Cohen
Dr. M. David Cohen
Colorado Alumni Chapter
Ruth Conley
Mrs. Jacqueline R. Cook
Michael and Diane Cooper
Mrs. Marion Cope
Bob & Barbara Cosby
Kathleen Cotta & Nikki Justino
Anne Cotton
Craig Realty Group - Woodburn, LLC.
The Crary Foundation
Nancy Crawford
Katie Crocker
Donna J. Cromer
Mrs. Priscilla B. Cronin
John and Kathryn Cross
Shawn Crouse
Stan and Julie Culver
Dick & Betty Currie
Tamara and Gary Currier
Rodney and Gretta D’Acquisto
Ms. Janice I. Dailey
Anthony and Julie D’Amante
Harriet Dana
Don & Jeanne Dana
Caryl Dani
Charles and Roberta Daniel
William and Sonja Davidow
Cheryl and Bill Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Davis
Dwight and Glee Ann Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Dawley
Mildred Day
Elizabeth De Cuevas
James and Jean Deitz
Roland and Susan Dell
Mr. Stanley J. Devincenzi
Ann B. Dey
Jim and Marilyn Dickman
Craig and Stephanie Dietrich
Mary Dinday
Mrs. William H. Doheny
Peter and Linda Dooley
Robert and Dorothy Doss
The Douglas J. & Geneva H. Fife Foundation
Robert Dove
Tom & Donna Downham
Ms. Linda Doyle
Barbara Drake
Mr. Jeff Dresser
Rudy & Courtney Driscoll
Matt Durak
Jane Dury
Noel Dybdal & Paul Lutes
Ann Dyer
Susan H. Dylo
Joyce Dzincioloski
Hakan and Marie Edstrom
Pete & Mary Jo Egus
Greg and Stephanie Ehlers
Joseph K. & Inez Eichenbaum Foundation
Kathryn Jeanne Ekle
Elk Grove Puppies with a Vision
Rick and Betsy Ellingson
Rose A. Ellison
Employees Community Fund of Boeing Portland
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Enneking
Rich and Susan Eppendorfer
Salvador and Diane Escobar
Jeff & Becky Etten
Cindy and Jim Evers
The Eye Institute of Utah, Inc.
Eyes for Others
Ms. Shirley S. Fairchild
Susan Fenn
Ferndale Lions Club
Don & Odette Finn
Scott B. Fischer & Anne L. Touloukian
Bernard and Marsha Fisher
Suzanne Woods Fisher
Molly Fleischner
Alessandro Fonzi-Cruciani
Marty Forsmann
Kay and Joe Foster
Fountain Valley Women’s Club
Marcia L. Francis
Frank Frand
Mrs. Marlene A. Furniss
Wayne and Sarah Gabel
Brian and Alice Garcia
Janet Gardner
Susan Garlick
John Garofalos
GE & MF Goehring Charitable Trust
Ms. Kathryn Geduldig
Fred and Marice George
Marcel and Joanne George
Philip and Monique Gevas
Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School
Myrven and Beverly Gift
Give With Liberty
Linda and Dale Glasser
Anthony and Shannon Gleckler
Gold Rush Guides of Sacramento
Mrs. Jennifer Goldstein
Ms. Mary Elena Goodan
Goodrich/ Rohr Employees’ Will-Share Club
Grace Rapinchuk Charitable Foundation Inc.
Geoff Grace
Katherine Graham
Grand Chapter of Oregon, O.E.S.
Traci and Michael Graves
Phil & Subie Green
Evelyn Greene
Frances Greene
Henry Greenleaf & Andrea Molberg
Kent and Paulette Greenwald
Carl and Faye Gregory
Jean Gress-Gordon
Jeff and Jeannie Gretz
Greystone West Company
Julie Grialou
Bob Gribben
Gary and Linda Grice
Nancy Griffith
Carolyn M. Grimm
Verle and Carolyn Grove
Ardis Grunow
Carlo and Lori Guariento
Guggenheim Partners Asset Mgmt. Inc.
Leslie R. Guggenheim
Dr. Vicki J. Gutgesell
Donna Gwin
Dr. Tricia V. Hall
Jerry and Judy Hamilton
Mary G. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Hamilton
Marian E. Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. Allan G. Hanson
Patricia Harden
Greg Hardy
Ms. Dorothy Harkness
Diane Harper
Gena Harper
Harrah’s Harvey’s Lake Tahoe
Matthew Hart
Gregory and Kathy Harwell
Sally Hathaway
Mark Hayter
Mrs. Louise Hearne
Nicole & Bart Heater
The Heathman Hotel
Laura and William Heckathorn
Corinne Hedrick
Mr. & Mrs. John Heim
Michelle Helling
Heather Henderson
John E. Henion
Herman Charitable Foundation
Bonnie & Tom Herman
Hewlett-Packard Company Foundation
Scott and Nancy Highton
Laura Hill
Mr. Richard N. Hill
Hilton Los Cabos Beach & Golf Resort
Carolyn C. Hindes
Rachel Hinerman
Mr. Wulf Hirschfield
Kristin Hite
Shannon Hodges
Mr. Holly
Hollywood Dog Obedience Club
Ms. J. Marilyn Holstad
Ken Holstein & Marge Jones
Steve Holwell
Hood & Strong LLP
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Horton Jr.
Pam & Jim Howard
Dr. and Mrs. Maynard Howe
Ms. Vera Jane Howley
Melissa and David Hudson
Mr. James V. Huhn
Humboldt Roller Derby
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Hunt
Hunter Fund
Ned and Mary Anne Hutchins
I.O.O.F. Sequoia Lodge No. 14
Lori Ingrum
Ipsos Loyalty
Gary Irwin
Katharine Irwin
Larry and Cindy Iser
Ms. Cheryl Ivill
Mr. & Mrs. Ravi Jacob
Ann W. Jamison & Joy E. McBride
Mrs. Heather H. Jansen Esq.
Camille and David Jassny
Virginia Jenkins
Judy Johnson
Karen Johnson
Brenda Jue
Mr. Norman Justman
Bob Kaliski & Linda Nelson
Mr. Raymond Kaliski
Mr. Arthur Kane
Donna Karnofsky
Paul J. Kasparian
Bert & Alice Katzung
IsAbelle Keller
Edmund Kelly
Robert & Maria Kelly
Vickie and James Kennedy
Bob Kenny
George and Gail Kerscher
Heather Killough
King County Employee Giving Program
Gail and Thomas Kingsley
Kiva Tea Spa
Terry Klarich
Betty Ann Kniesche
William V. Knight & Ann Nance
Gerald A. & Karen A. Kolschowsky Foundation Inc.
Glenn and Susan Kral
Merle and Pearl Krantzman
Ron and Deborah Krantzman
Ann and Daniel Kreyche
Catherine Krupka
Mr. Richard Kulik
Allison Kvikstad
Leonard and Sara Lafrance
James and Elizabeth Laible
Lakeside Foundation
Velaga Lakshmisubrahmanyam
Paul Lamphere
Chet and Laurie Lane
Larry Lane
Stuart and Barbara Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Tom and Barbara LaTour
Mary Jane and Rich Laufenberg
Mary Lavine
The Leavitt Family Trust
Bonnie Lechner
Lee H. & Marion B. Thompson Foundation
Do Lee
Judith Lee
Aaron & Karen Lee
Ann M. Lehman
Leslie Family Foundation
Mair Lewis
Stephen Lewis
Judith Primm Lewy
Mr. & Mrs. Wolfgan Linnenbach
Gary and Leslie Little
Thomas W. Little
Littler Mendelson Foundation, Inc.
Peter & Tina Locke
Jim Logerquist and Nancy Nevins
Loomis Sayles & Co.
Denise Loomis
Mr. Stephen T. Lopes
Mary Kay Lopez
Warren & Susan Lortie
Robert and Judy Lucas
Lucky Limo & Towncar Service, L.L.C.
Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel
Mr. Patrick Maas
Tom Mackey
Ms. Patricia A. MacLaren
Kathy MacVarish
Macy’s Northwest
Dr. Robert Magoon
Debra Mailman
Major Creek Cellars
Susan Mangis
Marquis George MacDonald Foundation, Inc.
Marsh Inc.
Richard Marsolais & Christopher Julien
Mr. James Martin
Patrick J. Mascarella
Karen Mason
Pat and Victor Massagli
Ruth Harriet Mathebat Memorial Fund
Jennifer Mayol
Dr. Timothy McCarthy
Sue McClelland
Christine McConnaughay
Don and Judy McCubbin
Sue and Dave McDonald
Joan McFadden
Linda McKenzie
Cheryl P. McLemore
Joanne Mechling & Scott Lee
Richard Meese & Liz Christensen
Sarah A. Meier
Meiklejohn Elementary School
Carole Mendoza
David Mercer
Mae D. Mercereau
Lauretta Merchant
Carrie Mesches
Dr. Jeremy C. Mesches
Denise Miller
Dolly Miller
Peter and Janet Miller
Rudi and Jean Milpacher
Megan and Alex Minkiewicz
Mr. Wayne R. Mitchell
Nolan and Trudy Miura
Mr. Sidney F. Mobell
Jack and Carol Mohalley
Ms. Jaime Mollas
Monterey County Guide Dogs
Steve Moore
Gerry and Norma Ann Morrell
Mr. Alistair D. Morrison
Stephen Moskowitz
Thomas and Karolyn Moyer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mueller
Mrs. Justine J. Nathan
Mrs. R. Katherine Nathan
Peggy Neal
Irva H. Neff
Janet Neff
Margaret J. Neff
Neiman Marcus Union Square
Jack & Tee Nelson
Lyn Nelson
Peggy A. Nelson
New Leash on Life
Nexen Petroleum U.S.A. Inc.
Elizabeth Nickerson
Mr. John S. Niendorff
Tammy Nishimura
Nissenson Family Fund
Kris and Robin Nordberg
Lou Nordyke USMC Ret.
Norfolk Lions Club
North Forty 4-H Club
North Hollywood Church of Religious Science
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Nowell Esq.
Tom Nutter
Oakville Ranch Vineyards
Edna O’Connor
Kevin and Rita O’Connor
Kerry Ann Odell
Stuart Odell
Andy Oksner
Omega Nu Charity Account
Orchards Evergreen Lions
Jeff & Valerie Ormont
Mr. Edward O. O’Rourke, IV
Rick and Cathy Osgood
Abe and Christine Ostrovsky
P & C Construction
P.G. Molinari and Sons Inc.
Marci Palatella
Ms. Marla Palish
June Palmer
Panera Bread
Bob & Deb Pangrazi
Sam & Mandy Parke
Bill & Patricia Parker
Mrs. Michele Parsons
Christopher Pascale
Patz & Hall Winery
Larry and Ann Payne
Bill Pearson
Carolyn Pedone & John Rose
Herta Peju
Paul and Elaine Pennington
Jennifer Perez
Pet Emergency & Specialty Center of Marin
Daniel and Lisa Peterson
Heather Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Pettis
Frank Phillips
Phoenix Suns Charities, Inc.
Edmond and Mary Pierczynski
Placer 4for2 Guides
Peter & Martha Plante
Mary L. Polo
Port Madison Enterprises
Roger and Joan Porter
Barbara Potts
Catherine Potts
Nancy V. Powell
Cheryl E. Pozzi
The Prescott Hotel
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Prewitt
The Princess Cruises Community Foundation
Gillian Printon
Dennis Pritchard
Carol Pukli
Jeanne Pyne
Michael D. Quinton
Gopalan Raman
Dr. Amy Randall
Renee Rasmussen & Michael Broadhead
Hadas Rave
John Rawlings
Mel & Linda Ray
The Reichert Foundation
Mrs. Ilka Reilly
Ronald and Barbara Reinhardt
Kelli and Don Reiter
Patrick Remolacio
Michael Remsing
Robert & Jean Rex
Alan Riordan
Linda Robertson
Florence Rocks
Kevin Rolland-Thompson
Rombauer Vineyards
Patricia Roth
RP Diamond & Gold Imports
Delores Rudd
Donna and Ken Russell
Mrs. Mary C. Sandage
Harleigh and Barbara Sandler
Susan L. Sandlin & Richard Johnsen
Nancy Sangster
Marius Sapkus
Mrs. Joan G. Sargen
Bille Sarzin
Kathy Saterdahl
Terry Ann Saurmann
Charlene Savage
Ted & Susie Schaefer
Dick and Marsha Schalk
Margaret Schauer
Judy Schector
Gerald A. Schetter
Mr. Eberhard Scheuing
Harold and Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation
Michael and Margaret Schroeder
Ira and Beverly Schulman
Paul and Joanne Schweibinz
Judy Seaman
Second Opinion Administrators
Craig and Stephanie Sedmak
Lt. Daniel M. & Mrs. Carrie M. Seigenthaler
Pollie Sengstake
The Shamrock Foundation
Kevin and Connie Shanahan
Timothy Shapiro
Shasta Eyes For Freedom
JoAnn Shaw
Elaine Shay
Joseph J. Shea & Beverly Z. Krikorian
Sue and Doug Sheehan
Jeanne L. Sheehy
Siena Restaurant at The Meritage Resort & Spa
Ed & Denise Silicani
Elaine Simmons
John and Suzy Simmons
Lucille Ellis Simon Foundation
Marilyn Singleterry
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Sjoberg
Susan Sjordal
Geoffrey Skidmore
The Sloan Foundation
Mr. James N. Smith
Nellie M. Smith
Tony Smith & Dayna Salter
Victor and Kathleen Smith
Sniff Dog Hotel LLC
Susan Snow
Solid Gold Foundation
Cari Sommer
Bob & Cindy Sonnenberg
South Bay Guide Dog Puppy Raisers
Southern States Educational Foundation Inc
Sam Spagnolo
Spicola Family Foundation
Mrs. Ingrid Spies
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Spratling
Colleen Spurgeon
Anna St. John
Standish Mellon Asset Management Company
Howard M. Standish
State Street Corporation
State Street Global Advisors
State Street
Stellar Solutions Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Norval Stephens
Dr. Lawrence H. Stern
Elisa Stevens
Tim Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Norm Steyaert
The Stocker Foundation
Stoel Rives LLP
Bob & Carolyn Stone
Stramager Trust
Karen L. Strand
Karl and Marie Strandfeldt
Eric and Emily Strong
Rob Stuart
Surgical Care Affiliates
SVB Foundation
Kevin Syvrud
Sheldon A. Taft
Ken Taguchi
Mr. Donald Tapia
Tom & Dayna Taylor
Tee Off For Dogs
Marty A. Terzakis
The Resort Group, Inc. Cabo San Luca Country Club
Phil Theophilou
Mr. Greg Thomas
Porter E. & Helenmae Thompson Foundation
George and Margot Thompson
Thoren Family Charitable Trust
Mary Tilden
Annie Torres
Judith Torrez
Training Paws
Trinitas Cellars
Mary Trotter
Michael Trujillo & Terri Binnell
Bill & Joan Truncali
Loraine Turner
UMB Bank
Umpqua Bank
Unicom Consulting Inc.
USI Northwest
Paul and Lory Utz
Theresa Valcalda
Andrena Van Doren
Marian VanSteenvoort
Mrs. Jane Vilas
Visalia Host Lions
Nancy Visenberg
Dr. Cecilia von Beroldingen and
Mr. Linton von Beroldingen
Roger F. Vorce
Ira Wagner
Alexander and Margaret Walker
Mr. George Walker
June Wallace
Patricia Walsh
Lily Wang
Weldon and Marilyn Wankier
Jonathan, Maggi and Alexis Ward
Washington Women’s Foundation
Nanako & Mitsutoshi Watanabe
Cindy and David Watkin
The Webb Foundation
Robin & Leland Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Weiner
Ms. Joanne Weir
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Robert and Barbara Wells
Wentworth Subaru
Kathy Wentworth
West Cafe
West Charleston Lions Clubs Foundation
Bob Westbury
Mr. Russell D. White
The Suzi Whitehead Memorial
Yvonne D. Wiesen
Cmdr. & Mrs. Randy L. Wight
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Wiley
John Borja & Cynthia Wilford-Borja
Judy Wilkins
Willakenzie Estate Inc.
Sally Williams
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Williams
Marguerite F. Willis
Mark D. Wilson
Wine Veil, LLC
Richard Winter
Warren and Claudia Wish
Stan & Lois Wolfberg
Allyson Wolfe
Woodburn Area Chamber of Commerce
Woodruff Sawyer & Co.
Susan Woods
Paul and Debra Worden
Thomas Wyne
Xerox Corporation
Yakima Lions Club
Louise Yale
Gloria C. Yee
Kenneth Young
Zalec Familian & Lilian Levinson Foundation
Julie and Joe Zamboldi
Betsy Zern
John Zervakos
Dennis and Edlynn Zimmerman
Family ($500 PLUS)
Lynn Ackerson
David R. Adler
Agilent Technologies
Alameda County 4-H Guide Dogs Puppy Raisers
Alameda County Firefighters Association
Mr. Gene Alexander
Sandi Alsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Ames
Dave and Lori Anderson
Grace R. Anderson
Jeff and Jill Anderson
Jeff & Linda Anderson
Morry Angell & Randall Dunn
Anonymous Donor(4)
Zetta Ansbaw
Art Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh P. Armstrong
Karen Arnold & Roberta Lopez
Phoebe Ash
Atherton Lane Advisers, LLC
Autodesk Matching Gifts Program
Al AuYeung
Virginia Avakian
Michael and Marilyn Avenali
Kay Bacheller
Allison Bacialli
Jim Back
Irmgard E. Bagshaw
Baird Foundation, Inc.
Leigh Ballard
Mr. James H. Balsdon
Barbara B. Grant Fund
Mr. Joseph Barkofski
Jim and Joyce Barnes
John and Anna Barnes
Paul and Patricia Barnier
Ms. Janette Barroca
Laura B. Baruch
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Baus
Veronica Bayduza & Greg Losito
Donald and Lori Bazinet
Jennifer Bazylinski
Mr. William R. Bazzetta, Jr.
Mr. Peter Beavins
Ginna Beharry & Norman Mains
Benbow Historic Inn
Mr. Thomas C. Benet
Deb and Brad Benhart
Vicki Beninga
Mr. Stewart Bennetts
Cindy and Bernie Benson
Richard and Daphne Bertero
Caroline H. Bidelman
Bishop Pine Fund
Mr. William H. Bishop
Jerri Bitler
Albert and Joyce Bjorgum
Dawn Black
Robert and Brenda Blackwell
Ed and Arla Blakemore
Mr. Robert Bleckman
Terry & Marina Blosser
Don Bloyer
Bob Mathews Painting Company
Mr. Robert H. Boemer
Dennis Bolen
James Borowski
Harold and Judith Borushok
Marilyn J. Boster
Roger and Kathleen Bowley
Dr. Ben B. Braat D.V.M.
Carol Bradley
James and Marina Bradley
Mr. John Bradshaw
Sharon Bragg
Jane and Lutz Braum
Teri Breschini
Mrs. Leslie B. Bressie
Anita Brewer
BridgeBuilders Foundation
Jan Brooks & Dieter Jundt
Susan Brooks
Susan Brown & Patricia Griggs
Sue & Lee Brown
William E. Brown
Leslie Brueckner
Robin Brulotte
Emmitt Wayne Brumley
Paul and Mary Brunner
Ms. Jacqueline Bryant
Claudia Budro
Thuy Hong Thi Bui
Bob & Kathleen Burke
Mel & Joan Burman
Roger Burnell
Rose B. Burton
Barbara R. Butler
Cabrillo Host Lions Club
Corrina Campbell & Robert L. Sack
Starr and Bill Campbell
Dion and Linda Campisi
Canadia Women’s Club of the
San Francisco Bay Area
Capital Group Institutional Investment Services
Capitol Hill Suites
Carmel Host Lions Club
Carmichael Salon and Color Bar
Christine Carrington
Irene Carroll
John and Judith Carter
Marco and Jan Casazza
Sharon Casey
Keets Cassar
Bill & Lynn Casto
Richard and Katherine Cavalli
Mr. Al Ceresa
Ron & Shirley Chrisman
Spencer Christian
Chula Vista Community Church
Mary H. Clark
Stan and Barbara Clark
Jeff and Gail Clarke
Ms. Mary E. Clarke
Norman Cohen
Holly and Bill Coit
Carole M. Cole
Robert Conklin
Robert J. Conley, Jr.
Dorothy Conner
Wanda Cookloth
David Cooper
Mr. Frederick J. Cooper
Troy A. Cooper
Michael and Linda Corino
Graham and Lori Covington
Tom and Deb Cox
Tim & Ronda Coyle
Charlotte M. Cranmer
Linda Thomas
Mrs. Patti Crisafi
Mr. Michael Cronan
Nancy M. Crumley
Linda K. Curtis
Terry and Vicky Curtis
Daly City Gateway Lions Club
Deirdre Dame
Gayle and Jack Daniels
Mr. Paul L. Davies, Jr.
Lois Davis
Barbara Dayan
Rosalie De Marco
Ann Green de Toth
Dealey, Renton & Associates
Michelle Deaton
Bonnie DeMaestri
Bill Denty
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Derr
Emily Dibert
Marilyn Dickey
Elaine Dine
Julie Divola & Lisa Smith
Jay Doherty
Gene and Denise Dolan
Damien A. Doss
Dennis and Patricia Dougherty
Joseph Drazdowski
Linda Dundon
Mr. Craig Dupper
Thomas D. Dyches
Early Ford V-8 Club of America
Mary Eastment
Ms. Jeanne Ebner
Col. Carol Edgington
James Edwards
Donna and Tim Egan
Ed & Grace Ehrman
Francelia Eldridge
Barry and Kathleen Elkins
Robert and Barbara Ellis
Ann and Ron Emmerson
Entre Nous Wines
Envision Capital Management, Inc.
Michael Epstein
Heidi & Dave Evans
Evergreen Fund
Barbara A. Everman
Pam Ewart
Far Niente, Dolce & Nickel and Nickel
Beverly and Tim Farmer
Dan and Diane Farthing
David and Heidi Fastabend
Richard Faubion
Deena Fawcett
Arnold and Joan Feener
Mr. & Mrs. Hank Feenstra
Stephanie Fein
Ms. Louise Felix
Richard and Maria Fetherstonhaugh
Mr. Patrick O. Fiegenbaum
Linda J. Finco
Scott Fink
Jackie and Gerald Finley
Jennifer Flickinger
Chris and Janet Ford
Ray Ford
Ms. Dorothea Ford-Albero
Clyde and Muriel Fox
Joanne P. Frago
Nik Franchini
The Frank and Margaret Bitar Foundation
Fratellanza Women’s Social Club
Freeman Winery
Max and Sandi Freeman
Kristen French
Allan H. Friedman
Ms. Patricia Fuzesy
Marie L. Gaillard
Carol Gallivan
Mrs. Roberta A. Galvan
John R. Gann
Mr. John D. Gannett Jr.
Chris Gaspard
Thomas R. Gatins
Cindy Gentry
Geocon Consultants
Sandra L. Gerling
Sheldon and Rosemaree Ginsburg
Anna and Terri Gizzi
Michelle Glasgow
Betsy F. Glikbarg
Ms. Roberta E. Goldstein
Goleta Lions Charities Foundation
Tonya M. Gonzalez
Dr. David Goodkin
Ms. Laurel M. Goodman
Linda Gore
Kathleen Gorman
Helen and Gerald Grady
Gregory Graham
Marie Graham
Mr. Gregory L. Gray
Don Grayson
Mary Jo Greenberg
Tara and Taylor Greenleaf
Marsha Grieco
George & Kate Griffin
Mary Griffith
Kenneth and Blanche Grimes
Mr. Edwyn Groote
Leo & Dodie Gross
Hans and Marilyn Grunbaum
Catherine Gunther
Beth Gwin
Haden Fig Winery
Blanca L. Haendler
Mr. Gary Hahn
Halsey East Animal Clinic
Fred and Marie Halverson
Christine Hamilton
Michael Hamlin & Kimberly Windstar
Ms. Kimberly M. Hamling
Margaret D. Hannan
Norma Hansson
Tracy J. Harcourt
Jeannette M. Hardesty
Terry Hardy
Karen A. Hargrove
Scott Harkovich
Harrah’s Harvey’s Lake Tahoe
Arthur G. Harris
Jay Harris
Noah A. Harris
Vera Harris
Nora and Jon Harrison
Hart Crowser, Inc.
Kim & Brion Hart
Gerry & Sue Hartman
Have Paws Will Travel
Courtney Haynes
David and Meg Heinz
Anne Hellmann
Margie Hemphill
Henry Estate Winery
Ms. Betty Herdt
Wayne and JoAnne Herman
Linda and Russell Herwig
Russell & Marsha Heskett
Jonathan and Laura Hesse
Wayne Hetzel
Karen and Emanuel Hirsch
Historical Automobile Club of Oregon
Suzanne Honeyman DDS
Ms. Laura Hoover
J. Hopper
Diana and Doug Horner
Jennifer Horvath
Bonnie House
Cynthia Rylant Howard
Gregory and Teresa Hughes
Humboldt Dog Obedience Group
Theodore Humphrey
Hurley’s Restaurant & Bar
Paul Hutsko
Steven Hynes
IBM Retiree Charitable Campaign
Marcelene Ide
Patricia Imbesi
The Jack Schenker Charitable Trust
William Jack
Tammy Jackson & Marilyn Richen
Cathi Java
Jewish Federation of Cleveland
Mr. Al Jochim
John Garber Construction Inc.
Beth Johns
Katie Johnson
Kerry Johnson
Dave & Kathy Jones
Jerald and Patricia Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Jones
Denise Julian
Kaiser Permanente Community
Giving Campaign
KaiserAir, Inc
Molly Kalomeris
Merzin Kapadia
Harold and Maryln Kelley
Diane Kelso
Pat Kennedy
Tracy M. Kennedy
King City Lions Club
Mr. Jonathan G. King
Martha M. Kinkaid
Philip and Tihua Kinney
Kinyon Culinary Services
Suzi & Rick Kisselburg
Charles and Mariann Kitzman
Peggy Kivel
Mr. J. S. Kiyota
Ann Klee
Mr. & Mrs. Roald Klepps
Lavonne Knapp
Mr. Albert F. Knorp, Jr.
Wendy and Mark Knudsen
Ron and Carol Koehl
Paula Kornell
Ms. Katherine Kozol
Marcia and Karl Kuhlmann
Mr. David R. Kuhn
John and Carolyn Kuykendall
Mrs. Carol A. Kyle
L. J. Morganti Co.
La Saison
Daniel L’Abbe
Ed Lacy
Julie LaFramboise & Lyle Mindlin
Lake Oswego Lions Club
John and Stephany LaLonde
Bobbi and Milt Lampros
Mr. Samuel J. Lasalandra
Burt and Caryl Lasko
Tom Lasley
Mr. Matt Lavine
Mr. R. B. LeConche
Herman Lee
Joanne Lee
Patricia Lee
Chris and Robin Leinen
Russell and Victoria Lemle
“Lenthe Investment, Inc.”
Susan Lenthe
Debra Lessin
Dennis and Linda Leuthauser
Darlene Lew
Kristin M. Lewis
Serge and Alla Lightman
Asheley Linnenbach
Al Linton & Fae Horowitz
Lippman Company
Alan & Joan Lippman
Sandy & Chuck Lissman
Susan & Pat Little
Mr. & Mrs. George Lizer
Christina Lockwood
Mike & Mary Logan
Lucky Brand
Elizabeth and Noel Lumpkin
Denise M. Lytle
Linda Ma
Lorraine Machacek
Honorable Ronni B. MacLaren
Marge Colyear MacLaughlin
Randa MacMillan
MacPhail Wines
Elizabeth P. MacPherson
Magnolia Photo Booth Co.
Hans & Trudy Maier
Mark and Pamela Maier
Mrs. Jeanette Malin
Michelle Mallin
Shirley Manning
Mike and Gwen Marelli
Thomas and Elaine Markovich
Marriott Anaheim
Mr. & Mrs. David Massey
Ms. Dana J. Massuk
Deborah Matthies
Kevin Maude
The MAve NYC
Natalie and Matthew McCarthy
Albert and Jamie McClenaghan
Mike McClesky
Chad and Amy McCormick
Bette McCue
Susan K. McGill
Susan McIlroy
Mr. Mario M. McKinley
Mechanics Bank
Dianne Meier
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Meislin
Richard Melcher
Mike and Kristi Mercer
Merck Partnership for Giving
Paul and Amy Meyer
Rick and Sharon Meyer
Mrs. Beverly Meyers
Ms. Cora N. Miller
Mr. Robert Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Jean Pierre Millon
Mission Brewery, Inc.
Alan Mitchell & Lynn Davis
Carol Mohalley
Montecito Inn
Moraga Lions Club
Tommy Moreno
Suzette J. Morettini
Stephanie Morgan
Mrs. Harriet Moses
Kathy A. Mosher
Pat & Carol Mulrooney
Larry Murakami
Mr. Harry Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. B. H. Musgrave
Mr. Donald N. Myres
Rajeshwari Nair
David H. Nelson
Nevada County 4-H Council
Nancy Newcomb
Kwan and Sarah Ng
Craig Nicol
Jillian Niederstadt
Anne Nishinaga
Noel C. Nelson & Children Foundation
Elizabeth Noronha
Gary Norris
NU Hotel
Nugget Markets
Oasis Studio LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Owen O’Brien
John and Christy Occhipinti
Ocean Partners USA, Inc.
Dennis O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory O’Connor
Mary O’Connor
Jerry and Ruth Offer
Michael and Christa Ognissanti
Dee O’Hara
Susan Okum
Brian and Teresa Olmsted
Shirley Olson
Omni Hotels & Resorts
Oregon Golf Club
Susan Owen
Alan Palash
Sharon M. Panasuk
Thera Papa
Paradise Host Lions Club
Richard and Sanae Pardoe
Daniel J. Partington
Roberta L. Paskos
Rob and Trish Patch
Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC
John Paulson
Mr. Richard Paulson
Peter and Louise Pay
Ruth and Scott Pearsons
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Peecook
Peju Province
Betsy Pelkan
John R. Pershing
Martie & Gregg Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Max Peterson
Cynthia Pett Dante
Karen Pettingill
Mrs. Anne H. Phillips
Mr. Jack Phillips
Ms. Michelle L. Phillips
Matt Pingatore
Mr. William Piper
Roddie Pistilli
Planetz/Echelon, Inc.
Miss Lisa Platt
James Porter
Portland Golf Club
Mr. Kurt Potter
Sandra Powers
Dorothy Mae Praegner
Mr. & Mrs. Lyman B. Pressey
Alma Prideaux
Jim & Judy Prince
Juanita Provo
Gary Pudvan
Mr. John Purlee
Karen Raisanen
Jim Ramnaraine
Richard and Sandy Raschke
Roger and Jan Rasmusen
Dorothy Rawlison
The Redwoods
Reedley Lions Club
Emily Regalia
Bill Reilly
James Rez
Terry and JoAnn Richardson
William Richardson
Mr. Kent Rickabaugh
Rio Verde Country Club Golf Shop
Dan Riviera
John Robb
Mrs. Alice K. Roberts
Mr. Harold Roberts
Robert and Winnie Roloson
Paul and Nanette Romanick
Dave Rose
Roseburg Lions Club
Kent & Kathy Rosenblum
Marlene & Ronald Ross
Bellinda Rossmiller
Nancy B. Roth
Richard and Claudette Rousseau
James and Gwendolyn Routh
Ralph and Dione Rubio
Nancy Rudolph
Paul T. Rudolph
Juli Russell-Kiykioglu
Mr. Gary Rydstrom
Nora Salet
San Diego Peninsula Lions Club
Rebecca Sanchez
John Sanders
Santa Cruz Rotary Foundation
Harry J. Savage
Elaine Schaffer
Dan Schieffelin
Kelly Schrader
Orva L. Schultis
Kenneth Schulz
Craig and Mary Schwartz
Mildred Schwartz
Mrs. Sylvia M. Schwartz
Wanda J. Scott
Michael and Jennifer Sedmak
Kent and Susan Seelig
Phyllis and Ralph Seifert
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Seipp, Jr.
Laurie Sells
Hayley and Sevilla
Ms. Marilynn Shaw
Richard Shaw
Jen Shepherd
Woody & Mary Shiflett
Mr. Brian Shoemaker
Alexander and Janel Shultz
Gretchen Sibley
Sidekicks For Sight
Sharon Sides
Peter and Veronique Siggins
Chris Sigler
Siltronic Corporation
Silver Oak Cellars
Holly Silver
Carrie and Bernie Silvernail
Roy and Joanna Simmons
Branden Simpson
Carol Sisco-Fletcher
Linda J. Skeele
Barry Smith
Kim Smith
Robert & Todd Smith
Jimmy Snow
Maria Sohnlein
Solid Ground Washington
Colleen Sorensen
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sorich
Mr. & Mrs. Rodrigo Soto
Eugene M. Spear M.D.
Greg & Jaima Spencer
Fred A. Sprague
St. Helena Lions Club
The Stanford Inn by the Sea
Barbara Starr
Martha J. Steele
Fern Steiner
John and Kathy Stephens
Frances Stieper
Kandy Stigers
Mindy Stomner
Mr. Thomas C. Stone
Tim & Cherie Stueve
Steven and Claire Stull
Alfred and Patricia Sturr
Ms. Norma J. Sulzberger
Sunset Porsche Audi
Karen and Henry Sutter
Mary Sutter
Ken & Debbie Swanson
Lisa Tarter & Sean Carroll
Dave Tavel
Don & Norma Taylor
Ms. Meredith M. Taylor
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Temianka
Templeton Lions Club
The Young Philanthropists
Margaret Thomson
Mr. Dayton Thorne
Thrivent Funds
Geoff Tichenor
Lynn C. Tiemeyer
Judy & Bill Timken
Title Security Agency of Arizona
Jerry and Janet Titus
Janet and Louis Tomimatsu
Joyce Tomlinson
Judy Toole
Ms. Helen Toth
Transcribing Mariners
Lou Travis
Mr. John B. Treganowen
Mr. Alex Tribe
Susan Tripp
Tri-Valley Guide Dogs Puppy Raisers
Duane Tucker
US Bank - Private Client Group
Whitney Vail
Mr. Richard Valeriani
Lois Valichnac
Ron & Noreta Van Buskirk
Virginia Van Koll
Mr. William N. Vaughan
Dawn and Steven Vaughn
Danne Ventura
Mr. Felix J. Vescio
Judy Vieira
Evie Viera
Emily Villavicencio & Heather Villavicencio
Ms. Janis Vogel
Bobbie Wagner
Ms. Linda R. Wagner
Susan Wagner
The Walker Foundation
Darby Walker
Debbie and Ian Walker
Dennis Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Walsh
Morgan and DD Watkins
Ms. Katrine Watson
Marjorie J. Watson
Mr. Wayne P. Webster Jr.
Valerie Weirauch
Mr. Lawrence J. Weisgal & Ms. Debra S. Tully
Welch Consulting Corp
Wells Fargo Foundation
Georgia M. Wells
Patricia Wells
Vickie Westfall
The Westin Monache Resort Mammoth
Arleen L. Wetmore
Wheel of Fortune
Patricia Wheeler
Mary Whetstone
Dayl and Darlene White
Jean and Jeff Wieler
Dale L. Wierman
Carmen Wilberg
Rick Wilcox
Ms. Betty J. Wilkinson
Willamette Dental Group
Willamette Valley Vineyards
Stephen and Keri Williams
Tess Williams
Ms. Jane A. Williamson
Mrs. Janice S. Willis
Ms. Katherine M. Wilson
Mary Lou Wilson
Ms. Karen Winnefeld
Kim F. Wiseman
Deanne L. Witt
Mr. Mark J. Wittmann
Estelle Wolf
Ms. Emily S. Wolpert
Larry and Elizabeth Wonnacott
Harlan Wood
Ms. Pamela Yeh
Mrs. Elizabeth H. York
Gerald and Nancy Youker
Barbara Young
Timothy Young
Michelle Youngman
Yuma Kennel Club
Alexandra Zell
New Legacy Society Members
Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Abbott
Mrs. Arlene G. Austinson
Diane Ayala
Mrs. Cathryn Baccanti
Paul Bakken
Sue Becraft
Barbara Bowen
Ms. Melissa Brown
Mr. Peter Buck
Susan and Eric Carlson
Ms. Edna M. Coutts
Mr. & Mrs. Gibson L. Crawford, II
Ms. Denise De La Houssaye
Mr. Daniel Dicillo
Dan and Diane Farthing
Helen Field
Ms. Kay M. Flynn
Charlotte French
Robert Garbacz
Sandy & John Gaylord
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Gentino
Ms. J. L. Gough
Mrs. Deborah Grant
Phil & Subie Green
Mr. & Mrs. George C. Hanna
Fred and Gail Hardy
Ms. Rosemarie Hari
Mr. & Mrs. Jed Harris
Mrs. Elizabeth Hay
Willamae M. Heitman
Mr. Michael Hemingway
Terry Ignatovich
David Keeton
Connie Ketchum
Beth L. Koehler
Ron Lome
Diane Long
Donna J. Long
Lillian Love
Gladys Manfredi
Mr. & Ms. Alan Marcum
Dennis Marino
Allane Martin
Barbara R. Mauk
Nancy Moore
Ms. Frances Mullane
Patricia Novarra
Ms. Jonete M. Ogonowski
Ruth Payne
Armelle Penta
Janice Phillips
Marc Proulx
Katherine Reuter-Goetzke
Ms. Kathy Rising
Ms. Earlyne Risinger
Barbara Rogers
Mr. Larry Rundle
Judy Schector
D. L. Smiley
Donald and Ann St Pierre
Sidney Stearns
Florence D. Steffensen
Mr. Stuart Stein
Karl and Marie Strandfeldt
David Thomas
Kay and Donald Thoreson
Ms. Maisie A. Tierk
Mr. Thomas L. Tobin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Turk
Nique and Jan Waluk
Weldon and Marilyn Wankier
Mr. Ron C. Winterlin
Barbara Wolberg
Mrs. Asta Young
E. Jean & Arnold J. Alexander Estate
Josephine E. Allen Estate
Edward W. Allison Estate
Gilbert David Ayron Estate
Clarence E. and Catherine L. Bailey Estate
Richard J. Barbero Estate
P.M. and Oreon H. Barceloux Estate
Sasha Lyn Barris Estate
Barbara Q. Basso Estate
Vera J. Beck Estate
Lina V. Beck Estate
Richard and Julia Becker Estate
Esther Bendahan Estate
Francis W. Benedict Estate
Robina W. Beveridge Estate
Harold and Mollie Bihn Estate
Agnes Maxine Boehle Estate
James Gerrard Boghosian Estate
Rolan Bohde Estate
Dorothy E. Bond Estate
Robert Bruce Bowers Estate
George and Georgiana Bowman Estate
Edward Bragaline Estate
Sharon D. Brandt Estate
Ira E. Brink Estate
Adolph O. Broda Estate
Mabel Brown Estate
Dionigi Brunetti Estate
Mary Alice Brunner Estate
Dolores Burnett Estate
Mary R. Casserly Estate
Eugene Cattolica Estate
Ted and Beth Chanock Estate
Isabel K. Chissar Estate
Evelyn Marie Chitwood Estate
Jean E. Christensen Estate
George and Dorothy Clegg Estate
Reva Mae Cline Estate
Xantha J. and Donald James Cockeram Estate
Dolores May Coffey Estate
Ruth Ellen Collier Estate
Elfie Connor Estate
Nancy Ann Curran Estate
Michael S. Czerny Estate
Douglas I. Daniels Estate
Charles J. and Ann Elizabeth Davis Estate
Yvonne L. Deschenes Estate
Agnes Devine Estate
Floyd J. and JoAnn Dillon Estate
Layton Michael Duffy Estate
Shirley T. Dundas Estate
Florence M. Durrett Estate
Jean Mahaffey and Solomon Wilton Eason Estate
Philip M. Eisenberg Estate
Charles F. Elgasser Estate
Cyril Fels Estate
Mary Jo Fike Estate
Marion L. Fitchett Estate
Beverly Jane Frame Estate
Eugene A. Fuller, Jr. Estate
Anna M. Fyfe Estate
Allan D. and Beverly J. Gale Estate
Garnet Gorin Estate
Esther H. Gorman Estate
Richard and Mary-Lu Gouze Estate
Shirley M. Greiner Estate
Letha Mae Hair Estate
Grace K. Hart Estate
L. Marion Hawe Estate
Helen Healy Estate
Mabel Henry Estate
Lewis A. and Muriel V. Hess Estate
Mary Hitchings Estate
Catherine Ella Hoh Estate
Donna Jean Holloway Estate
Catherine M. Hoover Estate
Gladys Horsfield Estate
Thomas G. Ramey and Peggy Huff Harris Fund of
the Community Foundation of Greater Jackson
Audrey C. Huron Estate
Joann May Ingalsbe Estate
Kathryn E. Jensen Estate
Ada and Everett Johnson Estate
Carol D. Johnson Estate
Jean and Arthur Johnson Estate
Marlene I. Jones Estate
John H and Dorothy A Kerek Estate
Glenn Klein Estate
Gladys Q. Knapp Estate
Robert Granville and Grace L. Knox Estate
Frank P. La Salle Estate
Marguerite Lachs Estate
Carmelo J. LaFrano Estate
Elizabeth Lancaster Estate
D. Audrey Lane Estate
Marceil Larkin Estate
Anita Z. Lawrence Estate
Robert Eugene Lee Estate
Araminta A. Little Estate
Clifton F. and Rosita D. Loewe Estate
Elma A. Long Estate
Janet J. Lutz Estate
Rachel Lyman Estate
Dorothy Susanne Madden Estate
Malkason Estate
Edgar F. Marbourg Estate
Alyce M. Mariotti Estate
Thomas E. Maze Estate
Donald A. and Bette D. McArthur Estate
Jean McCraith Estate
Patsy Lee McMurtrie Estate
Arvin C. Miller Estate
Ann K. Mitchell Estate
Dixie Scales Monkhouse Estate
May M. Moore Estate
Laurence Lusk Moore Estate
Anne Moore Estate
Dianna L. Murphy Estate
Valere M. Murray Estate
Harlan Lee and Jacquelyn H. Musch Estate
Elfriede Nelson Estate
Dorothy G. Neugebauer Estate
Marion Obenauer Estate
Thomas J. and Margaret A. O’Connor Estate
Juanita N. Orr Estate
Edith Mary Palmer Estate
Eugene and Edna Palmuth Estate
Penelope Pappas Estate
Nancy Parr Estate
William John Pearce Estate
Shirley Perry Estate
Richard A. and Christine Peterfy Estate
Melvin and Gladys Peterson Estate
Suzi Powell Estate
Kathleen M. Price Estate
Therisa E. Prongos Estate
Anthony C. Purbrick Estate
Leffie Mae Ramsey Estate
James Wilbur Ray Estate
John Ricchebono Estate
Frances L. Rich Estate
Anne Rifenrath Estate
F.C. Ripley Estate
Ruth F. Rowell Estate
Mary Rupp Estate
William and Audrey E. Samson Estate
Daniel A. and Edna J. Sattler Estate
Joseph and Hazel Scangarello Estate
Jane Clark Schinkel Estate
Lucretia M. Schlueter Estate
Adele Selldorff Estate
Bette A. Shea Estate
Helen F. Sheahan Estate
Rosemary Sheiner Estate
Frank M. and Agnes M. Shotts Estate
Martin and Pauline Silver Estate
Jane Burnet Smith Estate
Bobby R. Smith Estate
Jack L and Clara M. Smith Estate
Helen C. Snelling Estate
David L. Spurgeon Estate
Max & Cardella Stanger Foundation Estate
Harriet Louise Starlof Estate
Lionel Steiner Estate
Edna G. Stewart Estate
Howard A. and Mary A. Stine Estate
Henry A. Sutro Estate
Alice D. Taylor Estate
Edna Thomson Estate
Leslie M. and Frances J. Valentine Estate
David J. Vallery Estate
Anita Wein Estate
Evelyn Hearst Weinfield Estate
Carol A. Wheatley Estate
Erwin A. and Emma-Jane P. White Estate
Harry J. and Anna Belle Whitehead Estate
Frances G. Cary Whyte Estate
Sarah Jane Lehr Wiant Estate
George J. and Elizabeth Wild Estate
Billy and Audrey Wilder Estate
E.H. Wilson Estate
Lillie and Harry Wissman Estate
SenaWold Estate
Audrey M. Woods Estate
Frederick William Woodworth Estate
Estelle J. Woolson Estate
Lillian O. Wyer Estate
Board of Directors
George Kerscher, Interim Chair
Sigrid Button, Vice Chair, PNW
Stuart Odell, Vice Chair, Finance
Joan Boyd, Secretary
Bob Burke, Interim President & CEO
Ruth Ann Dodson
Debra Gershen
Jay Harris
Stephen Mansfield
Andrew Mathieson
Jack Scott
Morgan Watkins
Lyle L. Hoover, Director Emeritus
Norah Hamilton, Director Emeritus
National Headquarters Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 151200
San Rafael, California 94915-1200
California Campus:
350 Los Ranchitos Road
San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 499-4000
Fax (415) 499-4035
Oregon Campus:
32901 S.E. Kelso Road
Boring, OR 97009
(503) 668-2100
Fax (503) 668-2141
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