p-and-c-minutes-09-2013 - Toogoolawah State School

Date: 9th September 2013
Chairperson: Jenny McDonnell
Meeting opened:7:15 pm
Barbara Cornford, Tanya McLachlan, Jenny McDonnell, Toni Reiser, Pauline Bulow, Julie
Wade, Matthew Phillips, Jonella Dargusch.
Apologies: Donita Bundy, Helen Brieshke, Nicci Seymour
Minutes of the previous meeting:
Amendment to previous minutes: Change of name Tracey to Tammy in fundraising – Trivia Night.
Motion: That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as a true and accurate record.
Moved: Toni Reiser Seconded: Tanya McLachlan
Business arising:
Thankyou/Appreciation Certificate presented to Tom and Margaret on parade. Jenny present the
certificate to them and have photos taken and an editorial put in the paper relating to their support to
our school.
2. Meal Deal – Estelle and Rusty Jones happy to take on in Term 4. However will need support throughout
this time. Also may have to change the date with ordering etc. due to business commitments- still
3. Toni to follow up on food service certification.
4. Jonella still chasing Dougie to check fridges.
5. Stamps for P & C have been received.
Correspondence: (as tabled)
Business arising:
Toni to investigate Non-profit correspondence.
Motion - That the inward correspondence tabled, be recorded as read.
Moved: Tanya McLachlan
Seconded: Toni Reiser carried
Treasurer’s Report: (as tabled)
Business arising:
Cheques to be ratified
As per Treasurers Report
Additional Cheques to be ratified
Cressbrook News $ 59
Esk Co Op $127.85
Coff n Co Bakery $TBA
Refunds to parents for return of stock from uniform shop.
$23.50, $13.50, $6.95
Motion - That the Treasurer’s Report is accepted as a true and accurate record of income and
expenditure and that the outstanding accounts are ratified.
Moved: Toni Reiser
Seconded: Tanya McLachlan
Principal Report: (Barbara Cornford) copies tabled and attached
Jump Rope for heart raised approximately $5000 still to be confirmed.
Unsure whether part will be used to subsidies Ropes and balance goes to Heart Foundation. Barbara will
confirm with Jo and Donita.
Response to Parents and P & C enquiry on the funding provided for the additional teacher support hours, has
it made an improvement?
School Reading improvements from 2012- 2013
Yes there have been improvements:
Tightening of expectations and benchmarks to enabling better tracking in
classrooms and whole school standards.
Whole school results in relation to students reading at their appropriate age
level 2012 34% now 2013 47%.
Identification of Socio Economic Index Rating is 953 in the lowest quartile
which impacts students greatly. Therefore expectations need to be linked to
Socio Economics of the area.
New ILP’s will be able to target those students who require additional support
who have been identified through the data collected.
Funding used to purchase PATR Version 3 Reading assessment is in paper format. One month later Version 4 on
computer/online was released. Barbara tried to exchange to no avail. Therefore in the future the updated
version will need to be purchased as it reduces teacher time in assessing, recording and tracking information.
Questions may have arisen over what benefits were being achieved due to misunderstandings between all
involved in what the funding was to be used for. Support was offered to all teachers to assist explicit
assistance and guidance for individual classes. However, not all took the opportunity, which allowed The Support
Teacher to investigate and develop a baseline for data to be collected and compared to.
Future Barbara will aim to improve data collection and recording from all teachers in both literacy and
Future Year 6 camp to be looked at – different location?
Family Planning require feedback on when to do day time or evening. Jenny to ask on Facebook what is the
preference for everyone. Get back to Barbara Friday.
Acknowledgement for Betty and Ian????? Still awaiting Clarification on Betty’s decision.
Uniform shop:
(Julie Wade)
LWReid are introducing new Skorts cost $10.
Option would be buy on order only
Sell $15.00
Old skorts not selling therefore, Motion requested to write off old stick and send to a charity.
Pauline take some to Bali
Jenny speak to Hilary Bensen Papua New Guinea.
Moved : Julie Wade
Second: Tanya McLachlan
Confirm phasing out dresses only use ones in circulation do not buy any more.
Shayne Thompson has provided 2nd hand clothing which is not selling. Julie requests permission to
return to Shayne or if she doesn’t want them give to Red Cross. Agreed.
Price List beginning October and add swimming bags and recorders.
Query Ipswich Sports Wear when they require their orders in before Christmas.
Advertise in price list in Term 4 Newsletter order by the end of October for guaranteed delivery.
Fundraising: (Jenny McDonnell)
Fathers Day Stall –done
Trivia Night
Sub committee meeting 12th September 12 noon.
Rodeo – chip stall.(Jonella)
Rocklea company has chip cookers ranging $2000 - $4000
Things to look at: warranty; dumping of oil; how mobile; strong enough on base.
Jenny and Jonella to reschedule to look at new fryers.
Can be used on Sports Day, Show, Rodeo and various school events.
Jonella will use PFD and Esk Co OP to purchase supplies. Will do a stocktake prior to ordering.
Jenny to discuss cleaning out freezer and organising keys for access to P & C rooms.
Jonella to check with Mary about the roster of helpers.
Motor cross dirt bike fundraiser Nicci recommends a partnership possibly with Toogoolawah
Show Society.
Nicci follow up with Scott to find out where they are up to.
Look at next meeting Nicci not here.
General Business:
Soft Fall in Prep playground.
Barbara to follow up $700 gaming grant provided for top up of soft fall.
Tanya questioned any other solutions other than the bark. Rubber matting etc very expenses would
need a funding grant to obtain that.
Maybe worth looking at in future.
Supporter Talker resources are being made currently will be run through the teacher aides.
IPads set up with Apps and a borrowing scheme set in place for ease of circulation throughout the
Volunteers appreciation will be finalised by Barbara with Thankyou cards and then put the incident to
Junior Secondary. Troy Harris will provide info session and the high school draft document.
Line up on Bitumen to go to classes.
Was questioned the reasoning behind and another solution as the bitumen is burning children’s
skin when made to sit for lengths of time.
Teachers and Barbara will address and sort out.
Permission from Rodeo organisation to:
display raffle art work
flyers for Trivia Night
Registration for Trivia Night.
Market Day at BGA (Tammy) Toni to check if we can sell Raffle Tickets.
Next meeting: 14th October 2013
Meeting closed at 9.26pm.