MINUTES OF THE GENERAL MEETING OF TOOGOOLAWAH STATE PRIMARY SCHOOL P&C ASS. Date: 8th December 2014 Chairperson: Jenny McDonnell Meeting opened: 7.15 pm Present: Jenny McDonnell, Tanya McLachlan, Sue Seymour, Barbara Cornford, Toni Reiser, Shannon Walker, Donita Bundy, Nicci Seymour, Sabrina Pearson, Bianca Delaforce, Ross Jardine. Apologies: Helen Brieshke Nikita Pearson Minutes of the previous meeting: Motion 48 Motion: That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as a true and accurate record. Moved: Barbara Cornford Seconded: Tanya McLachlan Business arising: 1. Class sets of PE equipment – Tanya emailed Jo awaiting reply 2. Fundraising thermometer – Toni to email information to Nicci for thermometer - put in newsletter this week. 3. Barbara to source photos for newsletter - of music and camp photos to show parents what their fundraising has achieved. 4. Air Conditioner units – Jenny still awaiting notification from Mary for which units need replacement or maintenance before can organise quotes. 5. Lay-by for uniform shop is not allowed through the P& C, however we will continue with the current practise. Toni to follow through with Nikki. Correspondence: (as tabled) Additional Inward correspondence email from Smart Audit, ANZ Statements, Cressbrook News Account and IGA account, Community Management Solutions and LWR Reid. Motion 49 Motion - That the inward correspondence tabled, be recorded as read. Moved: Tanya McLachlan Seconded: Toni Reiser carried Business arising: Nil Treasurer’s Report: (as tabled) As per Treasurers Report Business arising: Still awaiting Lowien bill- need to follow through. Chq no 2399 Cancelled for Scholastic and will be repaid online. Organise Show Society to invoice P & C for graduation dinner. Invoice for Ham from Esk Co-Op belongs to High School. Shelving – need to follow through with Hilary in the Library. Once the takings for the graduation are received and the invoice the balance is to be ratified. Unsure about the cost of the cake – Jenny to follow though. Motion 50 Motion - That the Treasurer’s Report is accepted as a true and accurate record of income and expenditure and that the outstanding accounts are ratified. Moved: Toni Reiser Seconded: Tanya McLachlan carried Principal Report: (Barbara Cornford) As per Principals report. New KLA’s for next year. The current SOSE curriculum will be continued for P – 2 as it is a preparation for the Civic and Citizenship KLA starting in Year 3. New excursion policy to be drafted. P & C agree with Barbara’s solutions of aged debtors. The School has officially received notification that the Chaplaincy Program (and Donita) are permitted to continue at our school. In support for this program to continue the P & C:Motion 51 Motion That we the P & C of Toogoolawah State Primary School strongly endorse the continuance of the Chaplaincy Program in its entirety at our school, Toogoolawah State Primary. Moved: Jenny McDonnell Seconded: Sue Seymour carried Parents are in appreciation of the Rock and Water program that Donita runs which has dramatically improved their children’s confidence. Donita would also like to thank the Police for their donation of $1059 for the Holiday Program and the Lioness Group for their donation of $250 which will also be used for the holiday program. Obviously showing how the community supports this program in our schools. Jenny to write a letter of support in relation to the Chaplaincy Program at our school on behalf of the P & C. Uniform shop: (Nikita Pearson) Toni to follow through with Nikki concerning No Lay – By and our current practise. Fundraising: Trivia Night date set Saturday 7th November 2015. Tanya to speak to John Burrows about Christmas party dates next year for IGA. Will continue supporting the Family Planning programme next year. Barbara would like to do Read a thon in 2015. WE need to relook how we do the Christmas raffle perhaps $5 a ticket winning $500. We also have District Sports here in 2015 – canteen. Agreed to continue the current fundraising programme created this year in 2014. Refer Treasurers Report with the Breakup of fundraising expenses, receipts and profit/loss. General Business: Proposed Budget Plan Year Money allocated in 2013 2014 2015 Particulars $ Amount Air Conditioner repairs/replacements Music Reading Eggs Subscription Camps Library Shelving Sport Vests – Music Band Family Planning Graduation Dinner Term 4 Camps Graduation Dinner Term 3 Family Planning Gymnastics Ongoing maintenance and repairs $10 000.00 $ 1 200.00 $ 2 000.00 $ 2 000.00 $ 1 000.00 $ 2 000.00 $ 1 500.00 $ 2 500.00 $ 900.00 $ 2 000.00 $ 1 000.00 $ 2 500.00 $ 2 720.00 $ 2 000.00 (P) Paid (NP) Not yet paid NP P P NP NP NP NP ? NP AOB: School Rules do not seem to be on website, Barbara to follow through. Parent concern about the impression Prep’s have that there is no school on Friday. Parent also concerned about DVD being shown on break up party day. Parent also concerned about Baptist Church sign being attached to a government department school fence when the school has no religious connection to this church, should be taken down. Parent recommended to take concerns through to the Principal. Next meeting: 9th February 2015. Meeting closed at 9.27pm. President __________________________ Secretary _________________ Principal: __________________________ Date: ___________