Year 6 long term plan English Term 1 Vile Victorians! Term 2 The Balkans Vile Victorians! Term 3 The Blitzed Brits! Term 4 Life in the Indus Valley Biographies Charles Dickens – how did he show Victorian life? Diaries – Anne Frank’s Diary Description / Travel Writing (Bear Grylls Survival The History Detective Investigates: The Indus Valley by Claudia Martin Explanations of animals found in the Galapagos Street Child by Berlie Dohety (life of a Victorian child) Victorian Workhouse (My Story) by Pamela Oldfield Informal/formal letters – letters from evacuees / letters from British Govt (National Archives) Term 5 Term 6 All aboard……UK road trip! Bill Bryson – Notes From a Small Island Persuasive Writing Historical Fiction – Ian McEwan ‘Rose Blanche’,John Boyne ‘Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’, The Piano (Music). Goodnight Mister Tom Carrie’s War Machine Gunners Let the Celebrations Begin Maths Science (from Kent scheme) History Geography Evolution and Inheritance Darwin RE – Ideas about God / Creation Electricity What the Victorians did for us. Geog – trade routes Place knowledge Forces Animals including humans (air resistance, water resistance, friction) from yr 5 prog of study Ongoing revision where necessary Blitz babies The Indus Civilisation (childhood in wartime) WWII countries – Where did they come from? Living things and their habitats Animals including humans Carl Linnaeus How have the areas changed? Why? Which sources tell us what? Locational knowledge How have the areas changed? Why? Which sources tell us what? Comparison of 2 UK of a European region (including Eastern Europe/Russia) Map locations using compass points, 6 fig grid refs Knowledge of Asia (Trade routes and interdependence (Indus and Modern) (Counties and cities) OS Maps for Horton Kirby Visit Comparison of 2 UK locations – Darent and Thames Estuary compared with urban areas – London, Manchester, Newcastle, Liverpool). locations Comparison of 2 UK locations – Darent and Thames Estuary compared with urban areas – London, Manchester, Newcastle, Liverpool). Computing Music PE Old Time Music Hall (Marie Lloyd) Gym – Balance and flight (wall bars, vaulting) Rugby Art & Design Design Technology Impressionism Food technology MFL Numbers, days of week, months of year, birthdays. RE Unit 1 Ideas about God New Beginnings PSHE & SEAL WOW factor Victorian Day – visiting workshop Folk music? Balkan Beats! War time tunes Dance – comparing English folk dance and Balkan folk dance. Basketball Dance – Lindy Hop and Swing Football Obstacle/assault courses – Army training! Propaganda art Anderson shelters (structures) Pairs landmarks, directions, metro and maps. Bridges Classroom subjects, telling the time, French schools. Unit 2a Church/ Unit 2b Christmas Getting On and Falling Out Musical notation – tuned Musical notation – tuned instruments instruments (technology/keyboards/ipads (technology/keyboards/ipads) Dance – Traditional Pakistani Gym – Circuits and types of Dance and Bollywood fitness Sitting volleyball (Paralympic Badminton/tennis sports) Singing (using voices with control & expression) Cricket/rounders Athletics Swimming (for those not achieving 25m +) Indus Valley amulets Sculpture Textiles Family members and physical descriptions. Rooms in the house and objects in my bedroom. Hobbies, sports, likes and dislikes. Unit 3 Sikhism Unit 4 Easter Unit 5 Sikhism Unit 6 Church Going for Goals Good to be me Drugs and Alcohol Changes Relationships Living and growing WW2 day Science Fair Visit to Gurdwara Horton Kirby Leavers Service Gilwell Production