“FAQS on Quality Ranking Proforma”
Time Period:
For Finances: Last financial year (1 st July 2009 – 30 th June 2010)
For Publications/ Citations: Last five calendar years
For academic and others: Last academic year (according to your University/Institution criteria)
Section No. 1: Profile
Local Name: Local name of University is not necessary, as it is for International Universities.
Control: It means that whether the University is public or private.
Contact: Fax number and Email address of focal person.
Section 2: Faculty Level Staff (Last academic year)
Headcount: Headcount is a sum of full time faculty and part time faculty.
(Headcount = fulltime faculty + part time faculty)
Full time Equivalent: fulltime equivalent is equal to the sum of full time faculty and one 3 rd of part time faculty. (FTE = Full time faculty + 1/3 of Part time Faculty)
Inbound Faculty Staff: Visiting faculty staff from international Universities contributing to teach or research at your Institution/University for a minimum period of at least 3 months.
Attach the detailed list with name of international faculty members along with the name of their parent institution and country.
Outbound Faculty Staff: Faculty members of your institution contributing in teaching or research at international institutions for a minimum period of at least 3 months.
Attach the detailed list with name of faculty members who contribute at international institutions along with the serving institution name and country.
Prolific experts: Number of internationally recognized academic faculty members for work (e.g.
Nobel Prizes, Fields Medals, equivalent arts-based awards…).
It is not necessary, as at national level in most cases it will be zero.
Section 3: Students – Graduates / Postgraduates
Note (Last academic year) provide the information of main campus, sub campuses and constituent colleges only . (i.e. not include the information of private candidates and students of affiliated colleges).
Graduate/Postgraduate fees-International: take only tuition fee of two semesters (i.e. fall and spring) and ignore that of summer semester.
1$ = 85 Rs. e.g. Number of student in engineering = a, fee of engineering = b
Number of students in medical = c, fee of medical = d
(A*b + c*d)/(a + c)
Similar is for domestic and undergraduate students.
Exchange students inbound: Number of graduate / postgraduate students from international universities attending your university for at least 1 semester during the last academic year.
Attach the list of name of students along with their parent, institution and country name.
Exchange students outbound: Number of graduate / postgraduate students registered at your institution who has attended foreign Institutions for at least 1 semester during the last academic year.
Attach the list of name of students along with the name of their foreign attended institution and country name.
Part time students: at national level, it will be zero.
Section 4: Students - Undergraduate
Undergraduate students- First year:
Number of students pursuing a Bachelor’s level or equivalent degree in their first year of study. This excludes certificates/diplomas and associate’s degrees.
Section 5: Students - Overall
Students fee (international):
(Avg undergrad fee * FTE Undergrad students + Avg Grad fee * FTE Grad Stds)/(FTE Undergrad + FTE Grad).
Same formula is use for domestic students.
Full Time students: Total number of Undergraduate & graduate students (Male and female).
Number of Male Students: Total number of male undergraduate and graduate students out of full time students studying at your institution.
Number of Female students: Total number of female undergraduate and graduate students out of full time students studying at your institution.
Exchange Students – Inbound: Total number of undergraduate & graduate/postgraduate students from international institutions attending your university for at least 1 semester during the last academic year.
Exchange Students – Outbound: Total number of undergrad& graduate/postgraduate students registered at your institution who has attended international institution for at least 1 semester during the last academic year.
Section 6: Financial (last financial year)
Annual Library spending: Library expenditure for the last financial year. Please focus on acquisitions and exclude operating costs.
Alumni Donations: Provide the total figure for alumni donations in last financial year e.g. exgraduates helped university by giving the scholarships or student funds or any other.
Research funding Government: Provide a total figure for government funding allocated specifically for research for the last financial year.
Research funding industry: The total amount of income from industry or bank or any other either for use of facilities, commissioning of research or licensing of intellectual property referring to the last financial year.
Facilities Investment: Total amount spent in the last financial year on infrastructure and facilities investment excluding library expenses (e.g. new buildings, refurbishments and upgrades, communications infrastructure, sports facilities, laboratory equipment etc…)
Attach the detail of investments.
Community / Cultural investment: Total amount spent on community projects or cultural preservation within 200km of any campus of affiliated facility in last financial year.
Section 7: Research productivity & Quality:
Number of papers: Total number of papers published in the past 5 calendar years. (From ISI web of knowledge or Scopus)
Number of citations: Total number of citations in the past 5 calendar years for papers published in the past 5 years. (From ISI web of knowledge or Scopus)
Note: Enclose the name variance of your institution.
Section 8: Student satisfaction
Student satisfaction - teaching: Percentage of all students expressing satisfaction with the quality of their program. This data can be sourced from an existing survey completed by your students, e.g student teacher evaluation forms.
Student satisfaction – Overall: Percentage of all students expressing satisfaction with their overall university experience.
This data can be sourced from an existing survey completed by your students, e.g. student teacher evaluation forms.
Section 9: Innovation & Knowledge Transfer:
Patents: Number of patents registered with national and/or international patent offices during last five calendar years. (Claim only accepted patents).
Attach the list with title of patent, name of inventor and applicant, publication date, publication number or applicant number, country of application.
Spin-off companies: Number of spin-off companies established in the last 5 years still operating and no longer requiring support from the university.
Attach the detailed list. It should include: name of company, date of establishment of company, name of individual/ group/organization that established the company, name of individual/ group/organization that is running the company now, if it is still funded by the university then do not count.
Industrial projects: Number of distinct corporations (non-university and non-government) that have had joint-research projects with yielding publications in Scopus in the last 5 years.
Please provide a list of corporation names, published joint-research project names, country of the corporation and year.
Section 10: Infrastructure
Wireless Network Coverage
Medical Facilities
Student Societies
Student Accommodation
On-campus Computers
Student Rooms with Internet Access
Number of on campus medical centers with basic medical equipment or one nurse providing medical assistance to students.
Total number of rooms for students in university hostel.
Total number of student rooms (hostel) that have internet access
(either wireless or wired)
Library Acquisitions
Sporting Facilities
Section 11: Graduate output:
Graduate pursuing further study: You can contact with ex-students for good guess.
Percentage of graduates (from undergraduate programs in the academic year ending prior to the last academic year) pursuing further study at your own institution or any other within 12 months after graduation.
Graduate Employment: Proportion of graduates (excluding those opting to pursue further study) in permanent employment within 12 months of graduation.
Most of the universities do not maintain the alumni record so your contact with ex-graduates be a good guess.
PhD Awarded: Total number of PhD awarded in last academic year.
Section 12: Career Support
Full Time Career services: Total number of staff employed by your institution on a fulltime basis who are exclusively responsible for career support for your students
(undergraduate and/or postgraduate). The faculty members who support the students other than their academic job responsibilities for choose their better career will be included in part time
Section 13: Internationalization
Outbound students exchange: Number of outbound exchange student study agreements with international universities during last academic year.
Inbound students exchange: Number of inbound exchange student study agreements with international universities.
International Research collaboration: Number of international universities, your institution has research collaborations or partnership agreements with.
This includes collaborations at either a university or faculty level.
Section 14: Third Mission
Need based scholarships and bursaries: Number of need based or financial support scholarships awarded by the university in the last academic year.
Attach the list with number of students, type of scholarship (need-based, sport-based…), reporting period, amount of the scholarship and percentage covered by the scholarship.
Section 15: Admission & Entry
Average Entry Requirements: Admission eligibility criteria for undergrads and grads e.g
NTS/GRE or any other.
Total applicants: Number of applicants for admission.
Section 16: Contacts
Contact detail:
Detail of Rector/Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Rector/Pro Vice-Chancellor
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Rector/Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Rector/Pro Vice-Chancellor
Ignore these two highlighted rows
Allow this user to login
Detail of Registrar / Director QEC (Focal Person)
Registrar/Director QEC (Focal person)
Ignore two highlighted rows
Office phone no. and Cell no.
Section 17: Undergraduate school profile:
Profile Text Profile of university
Public admissions contact Name of undergraduate registration officer
Main claims to international (achievements, collaborations/linkages) academic or non-academic excellence
Range of Tuition Fees Range of fees (if fees are different for different undergraduate programs.
Basic TOEFL/IELTS requirements If IELTS and TOFEL is required for admission
Non English
English Language Support
If some extra measures are taken to improve the English proficiency of students e.g. zero semester
Distance Learning
Price Range of Accommodation
Finance and Scholarships
Give detail if DL component is available
Hostel for students
USD----- to USD-----
Merit, need-based, merit based and any other
Entry Requirements
Subjects offered at undergraduate List of UG programs offered by the university (taught in which language) level
Graduate school profile: same as above.