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The following are subject to modification and are not official minutes until approved by the Governing


The regular meeting was called to order on Monday, May 14, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dennis

Bronson at the City Hall.

Council Members Joe Byer, Jo Duvall, Kim Hoffman, Allison Layne, and Bill Shaw were present.

City Staff present were City Attorney Knappenberger, City Sup’t Burgey, Police Chief Doug Brown, and City Clerk Engelbrecht. There were sixteen guests present.

Gary Volker led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance and a Prayer.

Council Member Layne moved and Council Member Shaw seconded the motion to approve the

Consent Agenda which included Minutes of April 23, 2012, and Appropriation Ordinance #09-12 as follows;


W&L Utility




Sewage Disposal

Ritz Theatre

Solid Waste Refuse

Community Education


Vote 5-0 Motion Carried







Phillip Schultz thanked the City crew for mowing the airport.

Duane Westfahl asked about the possibility to have tranquilizer guns in the P.D. Police Chief

Brown stated that the use of a tranquilizer gun needed to be signed off by a Veterinarian and the

City’s Veterinarian would not agree for the use of a tranquilizer gun.

Myra Morrison suggested the Council look into incentives for new businesses. Council Member

Hoffman stated that she would like to see the City look at doing something creative for business incentives. Council Member Duvall stated that she had planned on contacting Greensburg to get ideas on business incentives.


The Council discussed the City Clerk position wages with the new pay plan. It was the Consensus of the Council to wait until after City Clerk Engelbrecht finished her final year of certification in

November to discuss the City Clerk’s wages.


Fire Chief Sanders asked the Mayor to appoint Shawn Hayes to the Fire Department. Mayor

Bronson appointed Shawn Hayes to the Fire Department. Council Member Duvall moved and

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The following are subject to modification and are not official minutes until approved by the Governing


Council Member Layne seconded the motion to approve Mayor Bronson’s appointment of Shawn

Hayes to the Fire Department.


The Council discussed the position of Power Plant Foreman. Larry Sanders has been acting Power

Plant Foreman. Council Member Shaw moved and Council Member Duvall seconded the motion to place Larry Sanders in the position of Power Plant Foreman permanently. Vote 4-1


Council Member Hoffman moved and Council Member Duvall seconded the motion to go into

Executive Session at 7:21 p.m. for five minutes including Mayor, Council, City Attorney, and City

Sup’t Burgey for discussions of Non-Elected Personnel. Vote 5-0

Council Member Hoffman moved and Council Member Duvall seconded the motion to table the discussion of the water/waste-water operator position. Vote 5-0




Mayor Bronson stated that the Council needed to reschedule the May 28 th Council Meeting due to the Holiday. Council Member Duvall moved and Council Member Hoffman seconded the motion to reschedule the Council Meeting for June 4 th at 7:00 p.m. Vote 5-0

Resolution 02-12 GAAP WAIVER

Council Member Hoffman moved and Council Member Layne seconded the motion to approve

Resolution 02-12 GAAP Waiver. Vote 5-0

2012 – 2013 APPOINTMENTS

Council Member Hoffman moved and Council Member Shaw seconded the motion to accept the

Mayor’s appointments. Vote 5-0


Council Member Duvall moved and Council member Layne seconded the motion to go into

Executive Session at 7:33 for twenty minutes including Mayor, Council, City Attorney, City Sup’t

Burgey, and City Clerk Engelbrecht for discussion of Non-Elected Personnel. Vote 5-0

Council came out of Executive Session at 7:53 p.m.

Council Member Shaw moved and Council Member Duvall seconded the motion to offer positions to the Supervisors recommendations. Vote 5-0


Council Member Byer asked City Clerk Engelbrecht if there had been any money from the Bed Tax.

City Clerk Engelbrecht stated that the Bed Tax did not go into effect until April 1, 2012 because it was not filed by April 1, 2011 but she would check on the tax.

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Council Member Duvall asked when the City would unlock the Park bathrooms. Police Chief

Brown stated the bathrooms are not kept locked due to the damage the bathrooms incur every year. It was the Consensus that the bathrooms would be open during the day and locked at night.

Council Member Hoffman asked where the City was on the dumpsters. City Clerk Engelbrecht stated she stopped the dumpsters until receiving the April statement. City Clerk Engelbrecht stated that there was room for a couple more dumpsters before reaching the $5,000 limit set by the Council. City Clerk Engelbrecht asked if the Council would like to set aside more funds for the dumpster program. Council Member Hoffman moved and Council Member Shaw seconded the motion to designate another $5,000 to finance the dumpster program. Vote 5-0

Council Member Hoffman asked if the Council could see information on the financials at the next

Council Meeting. City Clerk Engelbrecht stated she would have the information available.

Council Member Layne stated the street she mentioned at a previous meeting, had gotten better.

Council Member Shaw stated that Mary Bunker may have information on ADA funds for the Girl

Scout Cabin. Ms. Bunker stated she would need information on the costs of updates. City Sup’t

Burgey stated that when he had the information, he would pass it on to her. Council Member

Shaw thanked City Clerk Engelbrecht for the financial reports included in the Council’s packets.


City Sup’t Burgey stated that an individual had inquired about removing the planters. City Sup’t

Burgey asked how much the City wished to be involved in the removal of the planters. It was the

Consensus of the Council to let the Centennial Committee use Centennial funds to remove the planters.

City Sup’t Burgey asked the Council permission to purchase a shut off valve for Well #4. City Sup’t

Burgey stated the valve would cost $4,600.00. Council Member Shaw moved and Council Member

Hoffman seconded the motion to approve the purchase. Vote 5-0

City Sup’t Burgey asked the Council permission to purchase an ADA compliant lift for the

Swimming Pool. City Sup’t Burgey stated the lift would cost $2,600.00. Council Member Shaw moved and Council Member Layne seconded the motion to approve the purchase. Vote 5-0


City Attorney Knappenberger stated that Greg Wright, himself, and City Sup’t Burgey would be meeting with Chris Naegel from Utility Help Net to negotiate a price with them on an engineering plan for the Power Plant. City Attorney Knappenberger asked the Council for permission to negotiate with Utility Help Net. Council Member Hoffman moved and Council Member Duvall seconded the motion to give City Attorney Knappenberger permission to negotiate a lower price with Utility Help Net. Vote 5-0

City Clerk Engelbrecht informed the Council that the City received a dividend check from EMC

Insurance for $3,300.00.

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Council Member Hoffman moved and Council Member Duvall seconded the motion to go into

Executive Session at 8:17 p.m. for ten minutes including Mayor, Council, City Attorney

Knappenberger, City Sup’t Burgey, and Police Chief Brown for acquisition of property. Vote 5-0

Council came out of Executive Session at 8:27 p.m.

Council Member Hoffman moved and Council Member Duvall seconded the motion to go into

Executive Session at 8:27 p.m. for ten minutes including Mayor, Council, City Attorney

Knappenberger, City Sup’t Burgey, and Police Chief Brown for acquisition of property. Vote 5-0

Council came out of Executive Session at 8:37 p.m.


With no further business before the Council, Council Member Layne moved and Council Member

Shaw seconded the motion to adjourn at 8:38 p.m. Vote 5-0


Dennis Bronson, Mayor



Jessica Engelbrecht, City Clerk
