COMPLETION 1. Human activities, especially those leading to habitat loss and climate change, are likely to lead to the extinction of between _______________ and _______________ of the world’s plant and animal species. ANS: one-fourth; one-half PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate TOP: 9-0 Core Case Study 2. A 2005 report estimates the current annual rate of species extinction is at least ____________________ to ____________________ times the background rate that existed before modern humans appeared. ANS: 100; 1,000 PTS: 1 DIF: Easy TOP: 9-1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Extinction of Species? 3. During this century, with global climate change and other human activities, the current extinction rate could reach ____________________ times the background rate of extinction. ANS: 10,000 PTS: 1 DIF: Easy TOP: 9-1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Extinction of Species? 4. According to E. O. Wilson and Stuart Pimm, at an extinction rate of 1% per year ____________________ of all animal and plant species could be gone by 2050 and ____________________ by the end of the century. ANS: one-fourth; one-half PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate TOP: 9-1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Extinction of Species? 5. A(n) ____________________ species has so few individual survivors that the species could soon become extinct over all or most of its natural range. ANS: endangered PTS: 1 DIF: Easy TOP: 9-1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Extinction of Species? 6. The rate of species loss and the extent of biodiversity loss are likely to ____________________ during the next 50100 years as a result of the growth of the world's ____________________ and resource use per person. ANS: increase; human population PTS: 1 DIF: Difficult TOP: 9-1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Extinction of Species? 7. The species-area relationship suggests that, on average, a 90% loss of habitat causes the extinction of ____________________% of the species living in that habitat. ANS: 50 PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate TOP: Science Focus - Estimating Extinction Rates 8. It will take ____________________ generations for natural speciation to rebuild the biodiversity we are likely to destroy in this century. ANS: 200,000 PTS: 1 DIF: Easy TOP: 9-2 Why Should We Care about the Rising Rate of Species Extinction? 9. We should act to prevent premature extinction of species, in part because they contribute to ____________________, those services that support our economies. ANS: economic services PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate TOP: 9-2 Why Should We Care about Preventing Species Extinction? 10. One reason why we should work to prevent human activities from causing the extinction of other species is that they are a vital part of the earth’s ____________________ system. ANS: life support PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate TOP: 9-2 Why Should We Care about the Rising Rate of Species Extinction? 11. Burmese and African ____________________ along with several other similar species, have ended up in the Everglades in Florida, after being released by their owners because they did not make good pets. ANS: pythons PTS: 1 DIF: Easy TOP: 9-3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction? 12. Of the world's 10,000 bird species, approximately ____________________ (number) of them are threatened. ANS: 1,200 PTS: 1 DIF: Difficult TOP: 9-3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction? 13. According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, about __________ of the species listed as endangered in the US and __________ of those in Hawaii are on the list because of threats from invasive species. ANS: 40%; 95% PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate TOP: 9-3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction? 14. Biologists estimate there are now about 4 million ____________________ in Florida, Texas, and 22 other U.S. states. ANS: European wild boars PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate TOP: 9-3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction? 15. DDT can ____________________ by moving up the food chain and accumulating in the fat tissues of animals at high levels. ANS: bioaccumulate biomagnify PTS: 1 DIF: Easy TOP: 9-3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction? 16. One possible cause of the decline in honeybee colonies could be disruption of navigation systems of worker bees caused by ____________________ and _______________. ANS: cell phones; cell phone towers PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate TOP: 9-3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction? 17. The ____________________ has the responsibility for identifying and listing endangered and threatened oceans species under the ESA of 1973. ANS: National Marine Fisheries Service PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate TOP: 9-4 How Can We Protect Wild Species from Extinction? 18. The U.S. ____________________ has the responsibility for identifying and listing endangered and threatened species other than ocean species. ANS: Fish and Wildlife Service PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate TOP: 9-4 How Can We Protect Wild Species from Extinction? 19. The ____________________ suggests we should take measures to prevent or reduce harm to the environment and human health even if some of the cause-and-effect relationships have not been fully established scientifically. ANS: precautionary principle PTS: 1 DIF: Easy TOP: 9-4 How Can We Protect Wild Species from Extinction? 20. A new underground vault on a remote island in the Arctic is intended to preserve _______________ and endangered plant species by storing their seeds in refrigerated, low-humidity environments. ANS: genetic information PTS: 1 DIF: Difficult TOP: 9-4 How Can We Protect Wild Species from Extinction?