Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, (www


Rev. Dr. Steven Blackburn

Faculty Associate in Semitic Scriptures and Librarian



Ph.D. in Religion. University of St. Andrews (Scotland). Dissertation: “The Early Arabic Versions of Job (first millennium C.E.)"

1980 B.D. in Old Testament Language and Literature, University of St. Andrews.

1977 M.S. in Arabic, Georgetown University, Washington DC. Thesis: "Arab Autobiographical Literature"

1974 B.S.F.S. cum laude in International Affairs, Georgetown University.


Congregational Christian Churches Ecclesiastical Council of the Vicinage (June 27, 1982), held at Pilgrim

Congregational Church, Glen Ellyn, Illinois

Academic and Ecclesiastical Positions:

Hartford Seminary , Hartford, Connecticut (1989-97, 1999-present):

Library Director (2003-present) and Faculty Associate in Semitic Scriptures (2005-present)

Reference and Learning Resources Librarian (2001-2002)

Adjunct Professor of Arabic (1990-97, 1999-2005)

Inventory Preparation, Arabic Manuscript Collection (1989-1994)

First Congregational Church , South Egremont, Massachusetts (2012-present): Interim Co-Pastor with the Rev.

Susan E. Wyman

Colebrook Congregational Church , Colebrook, Connecticut (1999-2001): Pastor

Trinity College , Hartford, Connecticut:

Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion, 2003-2005, Fall 2011

Lecturer in Modern Languages (Arabic), Religion (Islam), and International Studies (Middle East), 1992-1999

Chair (pro tempore), Middle Eastern Studies, spring semester 1998

Fellowship of Connecticut Congregational Christian Churches , Hartford, Connecticut (1988-97): Executive

Secretary (head of denomination)

First Congregational Church of Barkhamsted , Barkhamsted, Connecticut (1981-1988): Pastor

Teaching Expertise:

Arabic : Classical and Modern Standard, Introductory and Intermediate Levels

Islamic Studies : Introductory; Sufism; Qur’an; Hadith

Information Literacy as related to Islamic Studies

French : Elementary; Conversational

Denominational and Ecumenical Service:

Board of Directors, American Congregational Association, Boston, Massachusetts (2000-2003); committee assignment: Personnel

Member, Piedmont College (Georgia) Presidential Advisory Committee (1992-95)

Chair (1989-90, 1991-92), World Christian Relations Commission, National Association of Congregational

Christian Churches (full term of service: 1987-1992)

Ecumenical Observer to the Council of Christian Churches within the Unitarian-Universalist Association

(1989-96) from the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches


Representative to the National Council of Churches of Christ’s Office on Christian-Muslim

Relations (Faith and Order Commission), New York, New York (1986-90)

Observer, World Alliance of Reformed Churches (Presbyterian and Congregational) Caribbean and North

American Area Council (1990-91)

Devotional Leader, International Congregational Fellowship (1985)

Member, Greater Winsted Area Ministerial Association (1981-88, 1999-2001)

Conference Leadership:

Institute for Pastors and Pastoral Workers on Islam/Christian-Muslim Relations, June 26-July 2, 2005, June 25-

30, 2007, June 15-21, 2008, and June 14-20, 2009, Georgetown University. I presented units on the Qur’an and Its

Interpretation, the Mosque, Pastoral Concerns in “mixed marriages”, etc., and led dozen of studies on Qur’anic passages for Christians as well as Bible studies for Muslim participants. The Institutes were co-sponsored by the

Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University, and the Duncan Black Macdonald Center for the

Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Hartford Seminary.

University of Hartford Presidents’ College November 7, 14, 21, 2013. “Modern Islam: Rumors and Realities”:

This course addressed three aspects of Islam as it is practiced today: the locus of religious authority in Islam (with special attention to Sunni and Shi`i views); Islamic attitudes towards persons of other faiths and their freedom to practice their religion (with a focus on possible roles of shari`a law); and the compatibility between various forms of democracy and Islamic approaches to questions of governance.”

On-Line Instruction:

In conjunction with, I was one of half a dozen scholars leading a nationwide two-month, non-credit course on Islam during October and November of 2001.

Connecticut Humanities Council:

I assisted in planning and executing, in the aftermath of 9/11, a series of book discussions in public libraries throughout Connecticut on Islam in the United States under the program “Time for Ideas in Libraries,” for which I personally led dozens of discussion groups. Since the end of that program, I have continued leading discussion groups on works by modern Middle Eastern authors such as Azar Nafisi and Orhan Pamuk.

Charter Oak State College (New Britain, CT):

For a number of years since the turn of the century I have served the College in the area of Portfolio Assessment for the field of Religion.

Public Lectures (selected):

For over two decades I have lectured extensively throughout the northeast on topics such as:

 Christianity and Islam: Two Abrahamic Faiths” – Presentation, intended for a Christian audience, concerning some unexpected points of contact between two of the world’s largest religious communities.

 “Family from a Christian Perspective” – Panel presentation on “The Family” sponsored by the Muslim

Student Association, University of Hartford.

 “Islam: the Arab Homeland” - “Islam: Central and South Asia” - “Islam: the Diaspora” – Three talks presented on a number of occasions, including the Fall School of Religion of the Second Church of Christ (“South

Church”), Hartford.

 “Islam and the Concept of Holy War” – prepared in the light of the events of September 11.

 “Islam in the 20th Century” – revised in the light of the events of September 11.

 “Jerusalem in Christian Thought” – Lecture given at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, as part of a course, “Jerusalem 3000”, offered by Prof. Levana Polate, Lecturer in Hebrew, spring semester 1997.

 “Middle East Peace” – Presentation made for a Hartford Gifted Middle School Students program.

 “The Place of Jerusalem in Islamic Thought” – Panelist presentation in a forum on the 3000th anniversary of

Jerusalem for The Friends of Israel, Yale University, April 19, 1998; revised and presented at an ecumenical

(Jewish-Christian) forum, First Congregational Church of Fairfield, CT (2002).

 “Primitive Religion: Animism” - “Primitive Religion: Shamanism” - “Primitive Religion: Totemism” – Three talks presented at the Fall School of Religion, Hartford.

"Religious Freedom in Islamic Thought" - First Church of Christ, Hartford (2011).


 “The Book of Khalid,” al-Arabiyya , 9, 1-2 (1976), 19-25. Publication of my remarks for a panel discussion on the works of Amin al-Rihani, a Lebanese-American author, at the Middle East Studies Association meeting of November 1976 in Los Angeles.

TESOL Placement Quarterly . Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1980-81 (Executive Editor)

The Congregational Ranger . Hartford: Fellowship of Connecticut Congregational Christian Churches, 1988-

97 (Executive Editor).

 “The Arabic Language Manuscript Collection in Hartford,” Muslim World , LXXX, 1 (1990), 56-7.

The Arabic Manuscript Collection: Interim Report . Hartford: Hartford Seminary, 1991. (Inventory of the

Seminary’s collection of over 1700 Arabic language manuscripts).

 “Mysteries of the Scribes,” in

The Illuminated Manuscripts of Hartford Seminary . Hartford: Hartford

Seminary, 1994.

 “How God Speaks”, The Congregationalist , 159, 3 (1999), 12-14.

 “‘Who Is My Neighbor?’ Reflections on the Anniversary of September 11”, The Congregationalist , 162, 3

(2002), 24-27.

 “Christianity and Islam in an Early Arabic Version of the Book of Job: The Interplay of Theology and

Translation,” Slovo , Vol. 3 (Fall 2000), pp. 1-10.

 “Islamic Perspectives on Jerusalem,” ZH Online (2006).

Forthcoming Publication:

Introduction from the Protestant Perspective, and Commentary as Footnotes to the English Translation of the

Sublime Quran (Laleh Bakhtiar, trans.) Chicago: Kazi Publications.

Book Reviews

Hamid Dabashi: Authority in Islam for The Muslim World , LXXXI, 2 (1991), 168-69.

Jorgen Nielsen: Towards a European Islam: Migration, Minorities, and Citizenship for The Muslim World , XCII, 3&4

(2002), 486-87

Malika Mokeddem: Of Dreams and Assassins for The Muslim World , XCII, 3&4 (2002), 492-94.

Marc Gopin: Holy War, Holy Peace: How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East for Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries , ( Vol. 40, No. 3 (November 2002), 40-1484.

Richard G. Hovanessian and Georges Sabagh, Eds. The Persian Presence in the Islamic World for The Muslim

World , XCIII, 1 (2003), 145-48.

George Mattawa and Munir Akash, Eds. Post-Gibran Anthology of New Arab American Writing for The Muslim World ,

XCIII, 1 (2003), 144-45.

Lewis V. Baldwin and Amiri Yasin al-Hadid: Between Cross and Crescent: Christian and Muslim Perspectives on

Malcolm and Martin for Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries , (

) Vol. 40, No. 8 (April

2003), 40-4548.

George C. DeCasa: The Qur’anic Concept of Umma and its Function in Philippine Muslim Society for The Muslim

World , XCIII, 2(2003), 343-44.

Linda S. Walbridge, Ed. The Most Learned of the Shi`a: the institution of the marja` taqlid for The Muslim World ,

XCIII, 2(2003), 323-25.

Seyyed Hossein Nasr: Islam: Religion, History, and Civilization for Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries ,


) Vol. 41, No. 1 (September 2003), 41-0252.

Lamia Rustum Shehadeh: The Idea of Women in Fundamentalist Islam for Choice: Current Reviews for Academic

Libraries , (

) Vol. 41, No. 4 (December 2003), 41-2134.

Vartan Gregorian: Islam: A Mosaic, Not a Monolith for Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries ,


) Vol. 41, No. 8 (April 2004), 41-4594.

Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad and John L. Esposito: Daughters of Abraham: Feminist Thought in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam for The Muslim World , XCIV, 3(2004), 408-10.

S. A. Nigosian: Islam: Its History, Teaching, and Practices for Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries ,


) Vol. 42, No. 3 (November 2004), 42-1504.

Robert R. Bianchi: Guests of God: Pilgrimage and Politics in the Islamic World for Choice: Current Reviews for

Academic Libraries , (

) Vol. 42, No. 8 (April 2005), 42-4585.

Mamdouh N. Mohamed: Salaat: The Islamic Prayer from A to Z for Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries ,


) Vol. 43, No. 1 (September 2005), 43-0263.

Peter Adamson and Richard C. Taylor, Eds. The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy for Choice: Current

Reviews for Academic Libraries , (

) Vol. 43, No. 2 (October 2005), 43-0860.

Farid Esack:

The Qur’an: a user’s guide

for Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries , (


Vol. 43, No. 7 (March 2006), 43-3983.

Kenneth Cragg: Faith at Suicide: lives forfeit: violent religion - human despair for Choice: Current Reviews for

Academic Libraries , (

) Vol. 43, No. 8 (April 2006), 43-4604.

Kees Versteegh et al , Eds. Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics: Volume1: A-Ed for Choice: Current

Reviews for Academic Libraries , (

) Vol. 43, No. 11 (July 2006), 43-6237.

Samir Amin and Ali El Kenz: Europe and the Arab World: Patterns and Prospects for the New

Relationship for Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries , (

) Vol. 43, No. 11 (July 2006),


Said Bakhtaoui and Mohammad Ballour: Shi`ism: waiting for the hidden Imam (film) for The Muslim World , XCVI,

3(2006), 535-36.

Liyakat N. Takim: The Heirs of the Prophet: Charisma and Religious Authority in Shi`ite Islam for Choice: Current

Reviews for Academic Libraries , (

) Vol. 44, No. 8 (March 2007), 44-3824.

Kabir Helminski: The Book of Language: Exploring the Spiritual Vocabulary of Islam for Choice: Current Reviews for

Academic Libraries , (

) Vol. 44, No. 9 (April 2007), 44-4408.

Wolfdietrich Fischer: A Grammar of Classical Arabic , translated from the German by Jonathan Rodgers, for The

Muslim World XCIII, 3 (July 2007), 537-39.

Seyyed Hossein Nasr: Islamic Philosophy from Its Origin to the Present: Philosophy in the Land of

Prophecy for Reviews in Religion and Theology Vol. 14, 3 (July 2007), 436-40.

Tariq Ramadan: In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad for Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries , (

) Vol. 45, No. 3 (November 2007), 45-1422.

Carol Bakhos: Ishmael on the Border: Rabbinic Portrayals of the First Arab for Reviews in Religion and Theology Vol.

15, 1 (January 2008), 66-67.

Antoine Sfeir and John King, Eds. The Columbia World Dictionary of Islamism for Choice: Current Reviews for

Academic Libraries , (

) (May 2008), 45-4722

Jon McGinnis and David C. Reisman, Trans: Classical Arab Philosophy, an anthology of sources for Choice: Current

Reviews for Academic Libraries , (

) (May 2008), 45-4900.

Elsaid M. Badawy and Muhammad Abdel Haleem: Arabic-English Dictionary of Qur'anic Usage for Choice: Current

Reviews for Academic Libraries , (

) (July 2008), 45-5899.

Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World for Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries , (


Vol. 47, No. 1 (September 2009), 47-0052.

Adam Gacek: Arabic Manuscripts, a vademecum for readers for Choice: Current Review for Academic Libraries ,


) (February 2010), 47-2908.

Miroslav Volf et al., Eds. A Common Word: Muslims and Christians on loving God and neighbor for Choice: Current

Reviews for Academic Libraries , (

), (July 2010), 47-6181.

Oxford Essential Arabic Dictionary for Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries , (


(August 2010), 47-6598.

David L. Johnston: Earth, Empire, and Sacred Text : Muslims and Christians as Trustees of Creation for International

Bulletin for Missionary Research , (October 2010).

Thomas F. Michel, with Irfan A. Omar, Ed. A Christian View of Islam : Essays on Dialogue for International Bulletin for

Missionary Research , (April 2011).

Roger Allen and Shawkat M. Toorawa, Eds. Islam: a short guide to the faith for Choice: Current Reviews for

Academic Libraries , (

) (October 2011), 49-0800

Carl W. Ernst: How to Read the Qur'an - a new guide, with select translations for Choice: Current Reviews for

Academic Libraries , (

) (May 2012), 49-4996.

John Bowker: The Message and the Book: sacred texts of the world's religions for Choice: Current Reviews for

Academic Libraries , (

) (August 2012), 49-6603.

Miroslav Volf, ed. Do We Worship the Same God? Jews, Christians and Muslims in Dialogue for Choice: Current

Review in Academic Libraries , (

) (May 2013), 50-4940.

Forthcoming Book Reviews:

Abulhab, Saad D. DeArabizing Arabia: Tracing Western Scholarship on the HIstory of the Arabs and Arabic

Language and Script for the Middle Eastern Librarians Association.

Middle Eastern Study, Travel and Residencies:

Cairo, Egypt (summer student at AUC)

Kibbutz Nachshulim, Israel (summer archeological expedition)

Nahariyya, Israel (summer archeological expedition)

Beirut, Lebanon (months before the outbreak of the civil war of January 1975)

Valetta, Malta (visit with a linguistic scholar of Maltese Arabic)

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (literacy program for Bedouin of the Saudi National Guard, 1975-1977)

Tunis, Tunisia (summer student at the Bourguiba School)

Taybeh (near Ramallah), West Bank (personal assistant to Prof. Emile Sahliyeh of Bir Zeit University, summer 1979)

Public Service:

Board of Directors, New England Chamber Choir, 1996-present

Board of Directors, Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, 2005-09

Honors and Recognitions:

Phi Beta Kappa

– elected 1974

Alpha Sigma Nu (National Jesuit Honors Society) – elected 1974

Phi Alpha Theta (National Honors Society in History)

– elected 1973

Yeaman and Moncreiffe Award in Theology, University of St. Andrews – 1977

William A. Darling Award in Hebrew, University of St. Andrews

– 1978

Initial listings in “Who’s Who in the East” 22 nd ed., “Who’s Who in Religion” 4 th ed., “Men of Achievement” 16 th ed.,

“Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America” 3 rd ed., “Who’s Who Among Young American Professionals 1992-93”
