Week 10 Term 2 HOMEWORK

Year 3/4 homework is completed by students to establish a regular routine of home study. Year 3/4
homework is to take no more than 30 minutes per night of concentrated effort. If homework cannot be
completed, parents are to sign student’s work. Students are also expected to read nightly for 15
Year 3/4 Spelling
“ai” words
List One
List Two
List Three
1. rain
1. faith
1. quaint
1. failure
2. pain
2. again
2. aimless
2. ailment
3. nail
3. afraid
3. proclaim
3. proclamation
4. bait
4. plain
4. container
4. entertainment
5. saint
5. against
5. daily
5. braille
6. waist
6. sailor
6. Spain
6. acclaim
7. brain
7. contain
7. remain
7. maintenance
8. obtain
8. praise
8. faithful
8. appraisal
Personal Words:
___________ ___________ ___________ ____________
Day 1
Spelling: “ai” words
☐Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check your spelling words in your Homework Book.
☐ Create rhymes using 5 or more of your spelling words.
eg. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
Day 2
CLASS BLOG - Open Ended Thinking
Can you solve the problem of the “Priceless Diamond Ring”.
Read the Ring Problem on your Class Blog and write down how you would solve this tricky
Don’t worry, there are no wrong answers, you may want to read other students
solutions and they may give you some ideas. Don't forget to comment on what you
think about other students’ solutions.
Day 3
Mental Maths sheet
Aim to complete as much as you can in thirty minutes.
Remember you are trying to solve problems with mental strategies.
If you complete your Mental Maths sheet under thirty minutes please log onto Mathletics
www.mathletics.com with the user name and password that is in your diary.
Complete the activities in “Division” unit that your teacher has set for you.
It will be checked online by your teacher. (You may also like to have a go at playing some
“Live Maths”.)
Day 4 RE: The Holy Spirit in Our Lives - Heroes
On an A4 sheet of paper create a poster including the following information:
1. YOUR definition of a hero.
2. Choose someone you know personally OR a person you believe is a hero.
3. Include a photograph or draw a picture of that person.
4. Why are they a hero? (Think about their qualities and achievements)
Reading: 15 minutes nightly (record the title and chapters/page numbers in your diary each night)
Have your diary signed by your parent at the end of the week.
Times Tables:
Grade 3s – Practise your 2X, 5X, 10X and 11X tables
Grade 4s – Focus on learning 3X and 4X tables
Refer to your diary for the times tables chart
Spelling: Learn words every night for your spelling test on Friday (you may choose to have a parent give
you a written test each night, you might complete a look, say, cover, write, check or you may just spell the
words orally- you need to find a way that works for you!)
Homework is due in on Friday.
Don’t forget to bring your diary, Mental Maths sheet and homework book.