SATS 2015 AN OVERVIEW TIMETABLE READING 1 hour Children work through at their pace 3 different pieces of text/genres Least demanding 1 st Question and Answer booklet WRITING Teacher assessed Use of level descriptors All work used-latter most important Usually assessed in June External moderation Randomly selected children SPAG Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation 45 minutes Consists of between 40 and 50 short -answer questions. Each question is worth one or two marks, and the paper is worth 50 marks. Mixture of multiple choice, one word answers, Cloze tasks Spelling approx 20 minutes-read out by the administrator Each sentence has a word missing, which the child must add. The task is worth 20 marks. MATHS Paper 1 & 2 45 minutes each Both non-calculator Mental Maths approx. 20 minutes-disk LEVEL 6 Children selected Test administered on the same day in the afternoon Need to have achieved level 5 Papers SPAG Spelling Extended Task Maths Paper 1& 2 THRESHOLDS Results usually arrive at school around 7th July THE WEEK Children will be placed into smaller groups Tests will usually start by 9.00/9.20 2 administrators to each group Prompts/readers/scribes-if needed. However, this needs to be normal practice Longer break given with snacks, fruit and drinks Level 6 will be administered in the afternoon -2 administrators. Hope to have a treat on Friday -Town Park USEFUL WEBSITES English -programmes-ofstudy-for-key-stage-1-and-2-until-july-2015 37/Example+sentences+with+levels.doc Maths -programmes -ofstudy-for-key-stage-1-and-2-until-july-2015 For SATs Papers http://www.sats -sats-dates/ Revision -£10 subscription General for-education http://resources.woodlands