2015-16 - The University of Texas at Tyler

Office of Research & Technology Transfer
Faculty Internal Research Support Program
Call for Proposals
The University of Texas at Tyler Internal Research Support Program (ISRP) was created to provide funds
to faculty to build research capacity. The goal is to build UT Tyler research infrastructure and long-term
fundable research areas. The ISRP program provides seed funding and it is expected that
colleges/departments will leverage the award to broaden the impact.
Faculty may apply in one of four categories:
Category 1:
The Office of Sponsored Research seeks proposals from UT Tyler faculty for up to $9,500 for innovative
preliminary research in an area that is funded by federal and state agencies. Of particular interest are
research activities that lead to proposal submission to the following agencies and their subsidiaries:
 National Science Foundation
 Food and Drug Administration
 National Institutes of Health
 National Oceanic and Atmospheric
 Health and Human Services
 Department of Agriculture
 Department of Homeland Security
 Department of the Interior
 Department of Defense
 Department of Education
 Environmental Protection Agency
 US Department of State
 National Aeronautics and Space
 State Agencies
Category 2:
Proposals will also be accepted that lead to submissions to private funding sources. Many private grants
require an invitation of institutional approval. Please check with ORTT before approaching a private
Category 3:
Proposals will also be accepted to develop research with industry. Of particular interest is the
development of Intellectual Property that can lead to commercialization.
Category 4:
Collaborative proposals (multiple proposals in a research area) will be considered to establish Research
Centers in the following areas:
 Biomedical & Bioinformatics
 Health-care
 TxAIRE and Energy Management
 Evaluation of External STEM Education Programs
Please meet with Dr. Odell and/or Dr. Bextine if you are interested in a collaborative proposal prior to
preparing a Category 4 proposal.
Category 5:
Proposals will be considered for a paid Internship to a Department of Defense Laboratory. Partial summer
salary, living stipend, and travel will be allowed. Researchers considering submitting a Category 5
proposal should have a well-defined idea and specific location chosen for internship before submitting a
proposal. Please meet with Dr. Bextine if you are interested developing in a Category 5 proposal. If you
are interested in this program, contact Dr. Bextine (bbextine@uttyler.edu) before March 1, 2014.
Anticipated Number of Awards:
Category 5: (1-2 awards)
Categories 1-3: (5-10 awards) Category 4: (1-2 awards)
Deadline: March 18, 2015.
Submission Instructions: Proposals should be submitted via email to modell@uttyler.edu
Review of proposals will occur in March 2015.
Faculty who receive funding will be notified by May 1, 2015. This will allow Deans and Chairs adequate
time to find adjuncts.
Grant Period
Research should be conducted September 1, 2015- April 30, 2016.
Award Amounts:
Funded grants will vary by amount. In an effort to maximize research capacity the maximum award is
Budget Breakdown:
Faculty Salary
Up to $3,000 may be requested for a faculty member for released time. This will pay for
an adjunct to teach the released course for one semester.
 Fringe is calculated at 28%. ($840)
 Salary + Fringe =$3840
Up to $1,460 may be requested for supplies and consumables to complete the research.
OSR will not fund computers, IPADS, etc.
Research Support
Up to $1,000 may be requested for travel. Travel to professional society conferences will
NOT be supported. Travel to support the research project or meet with potential funders
will be considered. International travel will not be supported.
Up to $3200 may be requested to fund a UT Tyler student research assistant(s)
to work on the research project with the faculty applicant.
10% fringe to be added to base salary; maximum is 3520.00 including fringe.
Students may not work more than 19.5 hours per week
The total request for a single faculty member, if it includes student help, is $9,500.
All continuing, full-time faculty members are eligible to apply for funding. Preference will be given to:
1. Tenure-track faculty in their first 3 years
2. New faculty
3. Tenured faculty
4. Non tenure Track Research Faculty
Restrictions: Adjunct and other part-time faculty are not eligible for this funding. Any faculty member
with current external funding over $10,000 is not eligible to apply for this program. Eligible faculty may
only receive this funding once every 3 years.
Accountability: All funded projects must be completed. All funded PI’s MUST submit an application for
external funding. In the event a proposal is not submitted for external funding the faculty members
department will be ineligible for future awards until a proposal is submitted.
Application Template: See Attached Document
Cover Sheet
Budget Spreadsheet
Budget Explanation
Project Description
References Cited .
1 Page
1 Page
1 Page
3 Pages
1 Page
2 Pages
9 Pages
The proposal must contain the following sections in the specific order listed above. Page limits will be
enforced. Failure to follow these guidelines will cause the proposal to be returned without review.
Use Arial 11 Point Font. Narrative can be single or double spaced.
Submit ONLY what is required. DO NOT submit any other documents unless requested by the Office of
Research & Technology Transfer (ORTT).
University of Texas at Tyler
Office of Sponsored Research
2013-14 Faculty Research Grant Application
Project Title:
Grant Category:
Category 1 ____
Category 2 ____
Category 3____
Name of Industry Partner ___________________________________
Category 4____
o Indicate Research Area
 Bioinformatics
 Cyber Security
 Energy Efficiency
 Health Care
EXTERNAL GRANT – List the name of the agency or sponsor along with the due date for the external
funding which this support is intended to provide the necessary preliminary research.
 Agency or Sponsor Type
o Federal
o State
o Private
o Industry
o Other
Explain: ______________________________________
Name of Agency or Sponsor: ________________________________________________
Grant Program Name ______________________________________________________
Due Date _______________
Certification: I understand that if I am funded I must submit to the agency listed in this application. OSR
must approve any changes to the scope of work and timeline for this project. I understand that if I do not
submit a proposal to an external entity for funding that my Department will not be eligible for Internal
Grant Funds for 3 years.
Faculty Investigator:
Department Chair:
____________________________________________ Date: ____________
____________________________________________ Date: ____________
____________________________________________ Date: ____________
II. BUDGET (Double Click on the Table to Enter Amounts)
Fringe @ 28%
(Incl udes 10%
Fri nge)
NOTE: There will be NO EXTENSIONS on unspent funds.
Proceed to the Next Page and Complete the Budget Justification:
III. Budget Explanation: Narrative justifying EVERY LINE ITEM on the Budget in terms of its
relation to the proposed research and the basis for determining the requested amount
Salary and Fringe: $3840.00
Choose Semester for Course Release:
Fall 2014
Spring 2015
Supplies: Describe use and costs.
Travel: Indicate destination and purpose of the travel. See guidelines for restrictions.
Student wages: Describe the work the student will contribute to the proposed project and the propose
pay. Keep in mind student fringe is 10%. Undergraduates typically earn about $10/hr. and graduate
students $12/hr.
NOTE: Please give the budget justification serious thought before submission. Budget transfers will not
be allowed without justification and approval from ORTT.
IV. Project Description:
1. SPECIFIC AIMS – Briefly outline realistic list of goals that can be completed within the allocated timeframe.
2. BACKGROUND AND SIGNIFICANCE – Briefly sketch the background relevant to the proposed research,
critically evaluate existing knowledge, and identify the gaps in the existing knowledge for which the project is
intended to fill. State concisely the importance of the proposed research. If the proposed research is related to
previous work the applicant has conducted, briefly describe the aims and findings of the prior research, funding
opportunities applied for, publications, presentations resulting from the prior work, and how the proposed project
differs from the prior work.
3. DESIGN AND METHODS – Describe the research design and methods to be used to accomplish the specific
aims of the project. Criteria for evaluating the results of the project should also be carefully documented.
4. TIMELINE: Include a timeline of major milestones.
V. References Cited – (as needed).
1. All support program recipients must agree to provide a public presentation on the funded research
during the AY following the support completion at the Annual Faculty Research Day.
2. The proposal must be complete and readable in order for the reviewers to evaluate it properly. The
language of the proposal should be understandable by faculty members not familiar with your particular
discipline or research area, yet must be technically detailed enough to describe the proposed work.
3. Incomplete or late proposals, proposals not responsive to this announcement, and proposals that
do not follow these guidelines will be returned to the investigator(s) without being reviewed.
4. Faculty who have not submitted the required reports and other documents from previous funding will
be deemed ineligible for future funding until those reports are submitted.
5. Only one proposal may be considered from an individual faculty member per funding period.
6. Only one faculty member may be identified as the Principal Investigator for a proposed project.
7. Faculty selected for funding support must submit one hard and one electronic copy of a one-page Final
Report of the results and benefits of the funded research to the ORTT by 30 September following the
support completion. Include in the report all major findings, grant applications, publications, and
presentations derived from the funded work.
8. Faculty MUST submit a proposal to an external agency.
The UT Tyler Research Council will make recommendations for the funding of this internal support. All
support decisions are final.