Abstract/Executive Summary Make sure to include the following in your abstract/summary: Problem statement Description of the model you chose/designed Final results and conclusions including numerical results Intro Make sure to include the following: Brief history Restatement of the problem Options of how to/How you approached the problem Materials and Methods (kinda outlined) Using the materials provided, we built … (describe the catapult and its mechanisms) Image In order to model the design, the catapult was simplified to the following diagram: Diagram/FBDs where … (describe any notation used on the diagrams). In order to determine the ODE equation describing the system, it was assumed … (some assumptions about the spoon’s inertia or spring forces or etc.) The result was: Starting ODE (likely somewhat complicated) Where… (define any constants used). Due to the complexity of this ODE, it was necessary to simplify it to obtain an equation of motion for the system. It was assumed … (list of assumptions that changed the complex ODE to the simplified one) These assumptions resulted in: Ending ODE used in calculations where… (again define any constants used). Solving this characteristic equation resulted in: Equation of motion for the catapult including all unknown constants probably in terms of theta and time (ALL math should be in appendices) Where… (define any constants used). To determine initial conditions, we performed a series of tests on the catapult. Table/graph of data relating relevant data only (Explain how the data collected is used as initial conditions - i.e. how the distance travelled by the ball is used kinematically to give us information about our catapult system). Using these as initial conditions, the equation of motion was solved to be: Equation of motion with constants solved (ALL the math for this should be in the appendices) After determining the equation of motion specific to our system, we were given the task of calculating… (restate the problem now that you are ready to explain how you get your results and what your results are). To do this… (explain the connections between your goal and your system). Using our equation of motion and (whatever goal), we determined… (state your specific results of the math; work used to solve stuff should be in the appendices). (If you also used an alternate means of calibration you should explain it and include any relevant tables or graphs) (Explain the results of the launch and include an analysis of what was good and what could be improved upon) Conclusion Recaps everything. Should be the third time a lot of this information is shown (Abstract, Body, Conclusion). Includes Restatement of the problem (yes, again) Your approach to the problem (yes, again) The results (yes, again – seeing a pattern? :p) Assessment of strengths and weaknesses