Jamesville-DeWitt All Sports Booster Club Meeting November 3, 2015 In Attendance: Eric Moskow, Jamie Frank, Mandy King, Tim Wilcox, Tammy DiDoMenico, Kelly Mueller, Diane Schulman, Sue Smith, Angela Tyson and Jodi Schwedes Meeting called to order at 7:02p.m. Minutes approved by Jamie Frank and then Mandy King. All members approved the minutes Old Business: Fall Season concession went very well. A huge thank you to Sue Smith for all of her time and effort this fall. Treasurer Report: Jamie Frank -Cash on hand is $22, 472 -October was an excellent month concession stand wise! Middle School Pep Rally/Football game was a huge success! -All day volleyball events were helpful as well -Jamie will be getting vouchers for all of the Fall Sports parties and events that the booster club pays for. -Motion was made by Diane Schulman and then Sue Smith to accept the report. All members approved the minutes Logo Report: Mandy King -Mandy has a logo bill that needs to be paid -She may order T-shirts and umbrellas -Will look into scraves Membership Report Tim Wilcox: -He is working on gaining membership at the modified level and younger events -Winter Sports Meeting is Saturday, November 14, 2015 at the JDHS at 9:00a.m. -Coorporate Sponsorship: we need finalize what the sponsors will be getting -Idea is maybe to give them a card to get into certain events Athletic Director Report: -John Goodson was at the Varsity Girls Soccer Game in Burnt Hills, N.Y., so no report given Concession Sue Smith: -Price change will happen for winter sport season -2 cash boxes are now being used at both concession stands -Vinyl signs for 50/50, not bought but were laminated -Thank you notes did get sent out for our football season donations -Team parent reps did not always fall into place, not all teams actually had them -Team Parent Rep meeting for Winter sports will be Nov 16 at the JDHS indoor concession stand -Jodi has figured out that this winter there are about 29 games that need to be covered for the indoor stand with basketball and wrestling, -Jodi is going to assign ALL the sports teams to different concession events, so the same volunteers are not always being called -We need to look into new equipment for the stands like: hot cocoa machine, another pizza warmer, toaster, George Foreman, Warming oven and a Cheese Maker/warmer -We need to shut down outdoor stand before Thanksgiving -Tim Wilcox needs a key for the concession -Express Mart is still working on pricing for the booster club End of Season Awards: -Booster club just has to be aware of all of the end of the year parties and clothing that booster club buys for the end of the season events/sectional titles Senior Banquet: Jodi Schwedes -It is going to be held June 12, 2016 at Drumlins -Need to send Drumlins at $250.00 deposit -Motion was made to accept this date and send a deposit, Jodi made the motion and Kelly was second and all members approved -We need to come up with ideas on how not to lose money on this event -Is there any way that this can become a community event? Football Sled Fundraiser: Eric Moskow -Football Families are trying to raise $8,400 for a new Riddell football sled that the football teams need -Families have raised over $5,3000 to date -End date for money is about 11/30/2015 -JDYAA and Booster club may partner to help donate the difference -Booster Club feels comfortable donating $1,000 -Mandy made a motion to have booster club donate $1,000 and Jodi was second, all members were in favor 5 year Plan: Eric Moskow -Booster Club needs to think about where we are now and where to we want to be in 5 years New Business: -Mandy needs “stuff” for the Facebook page -Eric will let Goodson know to put information on athletic page about this -Kelly Mueller mentioned the Opening Day of ULA Lacrosse that can happen at JDHS fields if Booster Club is interested -Eric will set up a meeting with Alice and /or John to see if this is possible -The event is June 17th and June 18th, 2016 _ SUNY Cortland usually hosts this event, but they are unable to host in June of 2016 so lets see if we can host it Meeting Adjourned at 9:15p.m. Next meeting is Tuesday December 1, 2015 Motion was made to end the meeting by Jodi then Mandy