Mantle of the Expert*Conservation Team - Edulink

Mantle of the Expert–Marine Conservationists
Skills: Communication – speak effectively to different audiences, listen to and respond appropriately to
others, participate effectively in group discussions, read a range of literacy and non-fiction texts, write
fluently for a range of purposes. Information processing – locate and collect relevant information; sort,
classify, sequence, compare and contrast. Reasoning skills – work with other to meet a challenge, give
reasons for opinions + actions, draw inferences, make deductions, use precise language to explain what they
think, make judgements and decisions informed by reasons/ evidence , plan ways to solve a problem, monitor
progress and review solutions
Values: make responsible use of talents and opportunities, respect others and exercise goodwill in their
dealings with others, work co-operatively with others, earn loyalty, trust and confidence, understand our
responsibilities as citizens, promote opportunities for all, preserve areas of beauty for future generations,
repair habitats damaged by human development and other means , understand the place of human beings
within nature, accept our responsibility to maintain a sustainable environment for future generations,
preserve areas of beauty and interest for future generations
Year 1 Autumn 1 2012
Mapping the curriculum:
Science: SC2 1ab 2abe 5a
Geography: 1abc 2abde 3abc 5ab
First 2 weeks back – September
Generating Initial Interest – Making the children aware of the variety of marine life that exists
Share a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts about marine life
Main story focus - Tiddler by Julia Donaldson
Predicting (What have we found out so far? What might happen next?)
Speech bubbles -I wonder what Tiddler is thinking/saying?
Zone of relevance – how is Tiddler feeling when he’s trapped in the net?
We know that Tiddler is saved or escaped – Imagine you are Tiddler, what happens?
Shape – continuing repeating patterns
Counting up to 10 and beyond
Reading and writing numbers to 10
Ordinal numbers – who told Tiddler’s story
Science – Sc2
Identify differences between living things and things that have never been alive. 1a
Recognise and compare the external parts and bodies of humans and other animals. 2a
Identify similarities an d differences between different environments and ways in which these affect animals and plants that are found there. 5a
Year 1 PPA - Cover by NH and SB - Mondays 11.30-3.00
Science – PPA (Context – as marine conservations we monitor beaches and seas around the world. On one small island where we are currently monitoring the turtle population
and other marine life, there has been a lot of rubbish washed up on the shore following a tropical storm. We wonder whether some of the materials can be reused or
recycled. Can any be used to develop a boat for visitors that will allow them to go out and see under the water? )
Sc3 – Materials and Properties
1a - Explore and recognise the similarities and differences between materials
1b – Sort objects into groups on the basis of simple material properties – including ability to float
1c – Recognise and name common types of material
1d – Find out about the uses of a variety of materials
2a – find out how the shape of objects made from different materials can be changed by some processes including squashing, bending, twisting and stretching
See separate planning by NH and SB
ICT – PPA (Using ICT to inform a younger audience about our work)
1b - enter and store information in a variety of forms
1c - retrieve information that has been stored
2a – use text, images and sound to develop their ideas
3a - share their ideas by presenting information in a variety of forms
Teach the children to log on to the Worcestershire Learning Gateway using picture passwords
Introduce the children to JIT
On JIT use Paint to create and save an island scene with sea creatures – use different sized brushes and colour, select different creatures to stamp on the scene
On JIT use Write to record a diary update for the team using the Beach background – alter the font style, size and colour
On JIT use Animate to create a short animation of a sea scene.
See separate planning by NH and SB
What can the children do? How can we increase the challenge in each step?
What can we prepare as givens? What will the teacher do? What will the children do? What will we do together?
How will we publish what we know at each stage?
Step 2
Moving into the context
Step 3
Invent the creatures
Step 4
Scaffold the children's
Step 5
Build the aquarium.
Step 6
Extend the children’s
Steps Back
Step 1
Starting points
The Problem Free Question
 Question: I wonder, if you had a job caring for marine life…in an aquarium…what
kind of creature would you most like to care for?
 Ask some follow up questions in a conversational way – not interrogational. (Ah a
fish. Any type of fish in particular? What about a sea horse, is there anyone who
would like to look after the sea horses?)
 Do you think we should have any larger marine creatures?
Start to use the term ‘WE’. Is anyone prepared to feed and care for sharks. Do
you think you’d need any special equipment? I’m guessing that not everyone is
keen on big creatures. Do you think we might look after smaller creatures like
terrapins or crabs?
 We have a lot of creatures here. I think it might help if we found out just how
many we’re dealing with.
 Can you draw the creature that you look after – you might find some of our books
 As they draw ask questions about their work. Give support as necessary.
 It’ll be helpful if you could just make a note of the kind of creature you’re caring
 Sorry everyone I wonder if you could also draw or write on your picture what it
 Team could I ask you to draw what it lives in/on (Bring in the concept of TEAM)
 Children to represent the aquarium using a variety of resources – encourage the
children to think about the happiness and welfare of the creatures – Does your
shark eat a lot of fish? I see well how do you keep them fresh? Do you have to
have them delivered every day?
 Look at the aquarium. Make comments but avoid unnecessary criticism or
insincere praise
 I wonder if you can help me decide where these places go. I’ve cut out the labels.
What do you think? (List of areas such as visitor information, toilets, lifts, hand
washing facilities, refrigeration etc )
 Our aquarium needs to be named. I wonder what would be an appropriate name?
Do you think we need to have signs up in our aquarium? When do you think people
can come to our aquarium? Create signs for the aquarium.
 We have such a lot of different creatures in our aquarium now. It's important we
don't forget what we have. do you think we could make a list of what we have perhaps it would be useful to put them in alphabetical order.
Assessment/ notes
Step 7
Explore the role of our
team further
Some of the creatures we look after in our aquarium are there because we are
trying to avoid them becoming extinct. I’m trying to think why some creatures
are endangered? What do you think?
How can we help our visitors to understand more about our work? I'm sure I've
seen adverts from other companies explaining which animals they protect. Have
you seen any? What do they show and tell you? I wonder if we can look out from
some. Maybe we should produce something for our team. What do you think?
Create displays/leaflets etc explaining which marine creatures we are helping and
why? (Sentence structure focus for labels and captions)
Establish client
Convention 22 - a letter read in the voice of
the writer
Convention 27 Team deliberately eavesdrops
on a conversation
Convention 4 - AIR as an effigy that can
bought to a life like state and then returned
to its original state
Set up the team
Convention 1 - Adults and children in role as
team busy with daily work
A bottle has washed up on a local beach. There appears to
be a message inside. Not all the message is there. Some
has been destroyed by the water. (Something about please
help them, beach needs to be left in peace, eggs ….. island
I wonder who sent the letter – develop the character that
wrote the letter AIR – see the character writing the note.
AIR to read out the letter as she writes. Do you get the
feeling that she is worried?
Where has the letter come from? If we could see the
island what would we see? Children to develop the island –
create a plan/model. Negotiate the main features on the
What is it like on the island? If we could visit the beach on
that island I wonder what we could find out. AIR – listen in
to conversations about the tourists on the beaches, turtles
eggs are being disturbed.
Things seem to have changed. Imagine if the palm trees
around the beach could talk, do you think they could tell us
more? Talk to a palm tree – What has the palm tree seen?
What has changed over the last few years?
Geography/Science opportunity - Habitats. What might we
expect to live on the island and in particular around the
We have our aquarium but we also need our office for our
research and conservation work. Set up the office.
"It's a busy day for our team. I wonder what you are
doing? Children in role as team.
Visit the island
Convention 8 - Children create a photo of the
beach and surrounding landscape.
Convention 1 - all in role as team. Adult in role
as the person who sent the message
Deepen the team's understanding of the
environmental issues
Convention 7 - a portrait or statue activated
to speak
Convention 6 - a portrait or statue activated
to hear what the children say
Does the team think that we know enough about the island?
Could we find out more by visiting the island? What do we
know already about the island – climate, terrain, location.
Children work together to create an image of the beach
and the surrounding landscape. Then children add labels
What will we need to plan and take – transport, clothing,
medical, research equipment. Can we just pack what we
took to the Antarctic last time? Look at what we packed
for that trip. Create a kit list for the trip. Children could
work together to pack an actual kit bag.
Visit the island and set up a base. Opportunity for building
shelters outside.
Look at our photos of the beach and cove and compare with
older photos. How has the area changed and why? (The
cove had empty beach, local fishing boats, more palm trees
and vegetation around it, rock pools and turtles. Now it is a
crowded with lots of water sports in the bay.)
Meet with the writer of the message. The writer thinks
that the team will get rid of the tourists straight away. A
dialogue needs to be started to explain that we need to
carry out some investigations first and confer with local
Show the children a video we've collected from the beach
showing a turtle coming on land to lay its eggs. Pause the
clip. "Supposing we could hear the turtle" Adult in role as
the turtle voice. Children listen to the turtle speak about
its worries - there are less and less baby turtles surviving.
How does the team feel? If only we could pass on a
message to that turtle... The message must be well thought
out as it's our only chance to talk directly to the turtle.
Team to prepare their messages to the turtle.
The team have the opportunity to pass on their messages
to the turtle.
Meet with client
Convention 9- a drawing by an adult seen in
the making
Set up the commission
Convention 1 - adult in role as island
Wounded dolphin found by fishermen.
A family is trying to look after it but it really
needs specialist care. They are suspicious of
the team.
Convention 25 - over hear the voice of one
person talking to another in an informal way
A meeting has been arranged with the island leaders. In
preparation for the meeting they were all asked to give
their views on the state of the cove. Sort the views into
those for the development of the water sports activities
and tourism and those against.
Create a presentation for the meeting - it must explain
how marine creatures are being lost all around the world as
their habitat is destroyed. It must also try to encourage
the leaders to let us look into the marine that lives here
and to see if we can help them find ways to protect their
marine life and still encourage tourists. Adult to draw the
bay, talking about the lack of vegetation, the beach with
its litter etc and the cove, busy with jet skis and speed
boats. Children to create labels for the presentation
explaining the damage being done
Following our presentation the islanders would like us to
explore the marine life on and around the island. They will
restrict the numbers of people using the cove whist we do
that. We need to consider ways for the island to bring in
money without doing further damage. We must keep them
informed at all times.
AIR There was lots of whispering and activity in the local
market this morning . The people seemed worried but they
wouldn't talk to me. I used my phone to record some of the
conversation. If you listen perhaps you can help find out
what is going on.
Children listen to the conversation between 2 locals. The
young dolphin was found wounded and the family is trying
to look after it. They are worried that the strange team
will take it away and let it die. The conversation can be
replayed and paused.
What can we do to help? How can we make the people trust
us? We need to move quickly as the seal is weak.
AIR as locals children need to find a way to gain the trust
of the locals.
Are we ready to care for the dolphin if manage to get
access to it? Can we look after here or do we need to
consider sending it to somewhere else?
Possible life - green turtle (rare)
parrots dolphins black coral
Create a safe environment for the team to
work in
Extend the children's understanding of the
importance of protecting the marine life
Convention 1 - children in role as team divers
A large area of the beach needs to be protected and the
water sports needs to be stopped and moved elsewhere on
the island for the time being. The team need to inform the
locals and tourists with appropriate notices and signs.
The team explores the waters in and around the cove.
What kit is needed when exploring the rock pools at the
end of the cove? Create a rock pool habitat. Opportunities
for creating a rock pool counting poem and rock pool nonfiction fact sheet/poster)
What kit is necessary when diving? Prepare for the dive.
Can we bring back samples or even catch marine life?
Should we just use our special underwater imaging
The team divers have found new species of marine life.
Create a log of the new finds. Report back to the client on
our finds.
The team's discoveries are exciting. Create a freeze frame
of a group of the divers. Bring the frame to life and listen
in as they talk about their discoveries. We need to have a
press release.
The world's press is keen to find out all about the team's
work. Generate questions that press have sent to the team.
The team need to respond to the questions.
Opportunities for fictional writing - writing the adventures
of a fish or fish shape poems
Art/DT activities - 3D sculptures of fish/crabs, wavy pop
pictures with moving part, printing seahorse designs
The team make an important new discovery
A group of deep sea divers from our team is sending back a
video direct from their boat. They said that it shows an
important find. Watch the clip or the wreck discovered on
the sea bed just out of the cove. (You Tube - Whydah
discovery)The wreck is very old and has obviously been
there for many years. Who might the boat have belonged
to? Why did it sink?
Convention 33 - a secret sign is found carved
on the ship
The dive team noticed a sign carved on to the ships wheel.
Show the team a picture of the sign. Does it help us?
Links to Guided reading rock pool
and fantastic fish books
Pirates around the Caribbean
around 1700 (Black beard - 1716)
Main treasure - gold, silver, coins,
emeralds, pearls, cannons,
cutlasses, pistols, food, barrels,
Develop the team's understanding of the
history of the area
Convention 9 - a drawing being made by an
Convention 10 Create an identikit picture of
the pirate leader
Convention 13 - dress a life sized model of the
pirate leader
Convention 19 - an account written about the
pirate leader by someone else and then read
to the team by a third person
It looks as though the treasure may be lost
Developing a future for the island and its
marine life
Who were pirates? What did they do? Why is the wreck
The bell from the ship has been discovered. Adult to draw
the bell. It has the name of the ship carved on it. Adult to
record on the drawing the name of the ship. The team
begins to create an image of the pirate ship and of the
main pirate leader.
Create an identikit image of the pirate leader and turn it
into a ransom poster. The team can create a life sized
model/picture of the pirate leader (Use images from the
Whydah pirate ship discovery)
Report to the client.
Begin to log the finds - opportunity for designing and
making artefacts from the find.
The team has been sent 2 accounts about the pirate
leader. One was written by a member of the crew giving a
positive account of seafaring skills. The other is an account
of a sailor worried about being attacked. How did
different people view the pirate leader?
Opportunity for chronological writing - diary record for
the recovery of the pirate artefacts or as a pirate onboard
the ship.
The client wants to sell the treasure/artefacts as soon as
possible to raise money for the island. How can the team
make them see the importance the artefacts have for the
The team plans the new pirate cove diving and information
centre and the adjoining sea-life centre. It will need to
display the treasures, give information about the area's
pirate history, inform visitors about the marine life in and
around the cove and give organised boat, diving and
snorkelling trips. Agreement will be needed from the client.
(Opportunities for timetables and time, plans and maps
and nonfiction reporting)
An agreement needs to be drawn up that commits the
islanders to preserving the island's marine life and allow
the turtle population to survive. (Opportunities for
newspaper reports to written to mark this new step for
the island.)
You Tube clips
Pirate ship wreck uncovered
Cannons from Whydah unearthed
Use photos from the Whydah find
Launching the new Pirate Cove's Information
and Sea-Life Centre
The launch of the new Pirate Cove centre and marine
conservation area. (Opportunity for planning a Pirate
themed party - invitations, shopping lists)
RE (Standing outside the Mantle but linked in context of the sea) - on going
 Identify how we use symbols in our everyday life
 Identify special Christian symbols including the fish
 The Bible - Share some of the teachings of Jesus – why did many focus on the sea or fishermen?
 Look at the importance and significance of special occasions for Christians - baptism. How and why does water play a special part in this occasion?
Gymnastics Val Sabin Year 1 Unit G Wide, Narrow and Curled
Swimming – water confidence
Art (Colour mixing/sea scapes/multimedia - exploring artists and styles)
DT (3D sculpture of marine life and designing a boat for the tourists)