tim roof

NOVEMBER 18, 2014
Tape recorded meeting
Bill Barnes, Chair Pam Dunning, Tim Merry, Vice Chair Ben Rines, Jr., Jeff Slack and Town
Manager Marian Anderson
1. Call to order
Chair Pam Dunning called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Minutes: November 4, 2014
Ben Rines, Jr., moved to approve the minutes. Vote 4-0-1.
4. Approval of Treasurer’s warrant: October 31, November 14, and November 18, 2014
Jeff Slack moved to approve the Treasurer’s warrants. Vote 5-0-0.
5. Approval of Abatements and Supplementals
Tim Merry moved to approve the abatements and supplementals. Vote 5-0-0.
6. Special Presentations or Awards
Chair Pam Dunning said Sue Varney has resigned and her last day will be December 19. She said it will
be a sad day in Wiscasset when Sue Leaves. Ben Rines, Jr., moved to accept the resignation of Sue
Varney with regret. Vote 5-0-0
7. Public Hearing – none
8. Appointments – none
9. Public Comment
Norm Guidoboni thanked Jeff Slack for changing his position on the open town meeting and voting
against it. He also corrected a statement he made at the last meeting: According to the pastor of the
Church of the Nazarene, 106 people had received food, 70% of whom were Wiscasset residents.
George Green related how easy it was for his wife to vote with an absentee ballot. He added that over
600 or 23% of Wiscasset voters had voted with absentee ballots.
Cliff Hendricks announced the Budget Committee members had cancelled their meeting on Thursday,
so they can attend the school meeting.
Todd Souza announced that on December 6, from 2 to 4 Santa will be at the waterfront and the tree
lighting will take place at 4:30. The community breakfast will take place on December 13.
Steve Mehrl referred to articles in the Times Record and Wiscasset Newspaper regarding the school
situation. He asked what the Town Manager and selectmen knew about the $2 million exiting cost from
RSU 12. Marian Anderson said the School Committee had not overspent at this point and she will bring
details at the next meeting. He also asked if someone was following the EPA’s ruling on coal ash ponds.
Anderson said she would follow up.
10. Department Head or Committee Chair Report
A. Town Clerk: December 9 election location reconsideration: Pam Dunning said in considering where
voting would take place there were two factors: size of venue and the amount of money spent on
lighting in the voting room and having phone and fax lines installed at the Community Center. Ben
Rines, Jr., moved to reconsider the board’s action on October 21 when the board voted to hold the
election at the Town Office. Vote 4-1-0 (Barnes opposed) Ben Rines, Jr., moved to hold the
December 9 election regarding the schools at the Community Center. Vote 4-1-0 (Barnes opposed).
Discussion on new election booths: Ben Rines, Jr., moved to postpone discussion on the election
booths to a later date. Vote 5-0-0.
11. Unfinished Business
A. Stan Waltz, CEO- Presentation on Home Occupation Permits: Waltz pointed out the changes to the
Home Occupation Permit and explained the need for the recommended $25 fee. The permits will be
computerized, making it easier to track them, and the fee will pay for the CEO’s time spent on the
permits. Ben Rines, Jr. moved to approve the one-time $25 fee. Vote 5-0-0. Jeff Slack moved to
approve the permit as amended. Vote 5-0-0.
12. New Business
A. William McIntire: Easement on Birch Point Road – not present
B. Consideration of discount for early payment of taxes for 2015-2016: The discount would be ½ of 1%
of the entire bill if paid on time. Tim Merry moved to add Article 6 (to see if the town will vote to allow
an abatement of ½ of one percent on taxes paid within 30 days from commitment of the tax list to the
Collector) to the next June warrant. Vote 5-0-0.
C. Approve July 4th Fireworks Agreement with Central Maine Pyrotechnics: Ben Rines, Jr. moved to
approve the contract. Vote 5-0-0.
D. Finance: H. M. Payson Financial Statements: These were distributed for information only.
E. Susan van Alsenoy – Containers for compositing presentation: Ms. van Alsenoy demonstrated a
scrap pail to be used for composting. She suggested that they be made available at Town Hall or at the
Transfer Station. Ron Lear will be contacted regarding sale of the $7 pails at the Transfer Station.
Ben Rines, Jr., moved to add Item 12F to the agenda. Vote 5-0-0.
F. Replacement of Public Works truck: Doug Fowler, Road Commissioner, presented several
alternatives for replacing the plow truck that was totaled when a tree fell on it. After discussion on the
need for the truck and possible alternatives, it was the consensus of the board to purchase a new truck.
Funding for the truck could come from the insurance proceeds, money saved on the town hall roofing,
the Public Works budget and contingency. The board discussed the various financing plans available.
The board will meet on November 25 to discuss funding and Fowler will look into other used trucks for
sale. Bob Blagden said that in an emergency the State will help out with a spare truck.
13. Town Manager’s Report
A. Update of Wiscasset Community Center roof – Wright Pierce memo: Todd Souza discussed the
alternatives in the memo for dealing with the roof leaks: Rebuild the roof (at $240,000 to $280,000) or
reroof over the existing roof (at $150,000). Souza said a third option would be to rebuild the lower roof
over the office and pool and delay the work on the roof over the gym, which is in better shape. He will
obtain the cost of the third option for the November 25 or December 2 meeting.
B. Budget update: Distributed for information only.
14. Adjournment
Tim Merry moved to adjourn the meeting. Vote 5-0-0.