Cemetery Regulations

Cemetery Regulations
(For all Cemeteries other than Wiscasset's Greenlawn Memorial Garden)
1. CHARGE: "Lot," as used herein, shall mean an area which Wiscasset designates for an individual burial
site. This area shall be at least 3 feet wide by 10 feet long. A lot must be at least 4 feet deep to accommodate a
vault interment. For such lots there shall be a charge of $325.00 per lot to a resident, and $525.00 per lot to a
non-resident. Lots which are not deep enough to accommodate a vault interment may be used for urn burials if
the lot is deep enough to accommodate the urn and at least 1 foot of soil over it. For such lots there shall be a
charge of $200.00 per lot to both residents and non-residents alike. The charges set forth in this paragraph shall
be for both the lot and for the lot's perpetual care. There shall be no charge for the use of Wiscasset's tombs.
2. MARKERS / MONUMENTS: Marker and monument size, construction (design and material) and
placement on a lot are subject to the approval of Wiscasset's Road Commissioner and Wiscasset's Board of
Selectmen. These persons must give their permission before a marker or monument is placed on a lot.
A. Construction: All markers and monuments shall be constructed of marble, granite or bronze.
Wiscasset's Road Commissioner and Wiscasset's Board of Selectmen must approve any exceptions
to this rule prior to the marker or monument being placed on a lot.
B. Size:
1. Markers are not to exceed 24 inches in length and 15 inches in width.
2. Two-lot and three-lot upright monuments are not to exceed 42 inches
in length, 15 inches in width, and 32 inches in height.
3. Four and more-lot upright monuments are not to exceed 60 inches
in length, 15 inches in width, and 60 inches in height.
C. Foundation:
1. A marker must be flush with the ground.
2. An upright monument must have a concrete foundation the dimensions of which have been
pre-approved by Wiscasset's Road Commissioner and Wiscasset's Board of Selectmen.
D. Placement:
1. Markers may be used to mark any individual lot. Single lots may only have markers. A
marker shall be placed at the west end of the lot which it is marking and run lengthwise north
and south.
2. Double and larger lots may have no more than one upright monument which must be centered
at the west end of the lot and run lengthwise north and south.
A. Location: Decorations may be placed on each lot in an area no more than 12 inches wide and only as
long as the length of the lot's marker or the base length of the lot's upright monument. This area
shall be on the east side of, and contiguous to, the lot's marker or upright monument. Subject to any
(Adopted 19 October 1999)
limitations set out elsewhere in these Regulations, flower beds, artificial flowers, artificial
decorations and flags may only be placed on a lot in this specific area.
B. Artificial flowers and artificial decorations other than flags: Artificial flowers and artificial
decorations other than flags are permitted only during the period from the Monday before Memorial
Day to the Monday following Labor Day.
C. Flags: Flags may be no higher than 36 inches from the ground.
D. Prohibited: Shrubs, trees, glass containers and glass objects are never permitted on a lot. Also, no
decorations which extend beyond the Location area as defined above may be placed or allowed on a
4. INTERNMENT PERIOD: Notwithstanding any other provision of these Regulations, flowers and artificial
decorations may be placed upon any portion of a lot for a period not exceeding 20 days from an interment in the
lot. If the lot owners do not remove such flowers and decorations after 20 days from the date of interment,
Wiscasset's highway crew shall do so without prior notification to the lot owner.
5. OPEN TIME: Because of weather conditions, the cemetery land is susceptible to damage from vehicles. In
order to minimize damage to cemetery roadways, walkways and lots, Wiscasset's Road Commissioner shall
determine when the cemetery roadways shall be open to vehicular traffic, when the cemetery shall be open for
burials, and what restrictions (if any) shall apply to any particular burial.
6. URN BURIALS: Human and animal ashes must be buried in urns. Urns may be of any size and made of
any materials. No more than two urns may be buried on a lot and they must be buried deep enough so that the
urn is covered by at least 1 foot of soil at the existing grade level of the ground. Any person may bury an urn;
however, no person may bury an urn in a Wiscasset cemetery until he has first obtained the Wiscasset Road
Commissioner's approval.
7. PET BURIALS: Only pets which have been cremated may be buried in Wiscasset's cemeteries.
A. No ATV, snowmobile or horse is allowed within a Wiscasset cemetery. No vehicle within a
cemetery may leave the cemetery's roadways except with the prior approval of Wiscasset's Road
B. No grave may be dug and no burial may take place in a Wiscasset cemetery without the prior
permission of Wiscasset's Road Commissioner and Wiscasset's Board of Selectmen. The permission
shall specify the day the grave may be dug and the day the burial may take place. Except in unusual
circumstances permission will not be given to dig the grave more than one day in advance of the
C. No use may be made of Wiscasset's tombs without the prior permission of Wiscasset's Road
Commissioner and Wiscasset's Board of Selectmen.
(Adopted 19 October 1999)
A. Decorations: If a decoration is placed on a lot in violation of these Regulations and Wiscasset's
Road Commissioner estimates that the cost of the decoration does not exceed $25.00, then
Wiscasset's highway crew may remove the decoration and dispose of it without prior notice to the lot
owner. If Wiscasset's Road Commissioner estimates that the cost of the decoration exceeds $25.00,
then Wiscasset shall send a notice of the violation by first class U.S. mail to the lot owner, if known,
advising him or her of the violation and giving him or her 10 days from the date the letter is sent to
remove the object. If the owner does not remove the decoration within the 10-day period, then
Wiscasset's highway crew may remove the decoration and dispose of it.
B. Markers / Monuments: If a marker or a monument is placed on a lot in violation of these
Regulations, then Wiscasset shall send a notice of the violation by first class U.S. mail to the lot
owner, if known, advising him or her of the violation and giving him or her a fixed period of time
not less than 10 days from the date the letter is sent to correct the violation. If the owner does not
correct the violation within the stated time, then Wiscasset may correct the violation and charge the
cost of the correction to the lot owner, to the person or entity which originally installed the marker or
monument, or to both.
C. Unauthorized Digging: In addition to any other applicable penalty, the Selectmen reserve the right
to bar any person or entity that digs, or causes to be dug, a grave without the prior permission of
Wiscasset’s Road Commissioner and Board of Selectmen, from using Wiscasset’s cemeteries.
The Selectmen shall, on a case by case basis, set the period of time that such suspension shall last.
Regulations Pertaining to
Greenlawn Memorial Garden
Greenlawn Memorial Garden is an area within Greenlawn Cemetery which the Town has set aside exclusively
for the interment of ashes in urns. The regulations pertaining to this area are the following:
1. CHARGE: "Lot," as used herein, shall mean an area in Greenlawn Memorial Garden which Wiscasset
designates for urn burials. This area shall be at least 3 feet wide by 3 feet long and shall be deep enough to
accommodate a burial urn and at least 1 foot of soil over it. There shall be a charge of $100.00 per lot to both
residents and non-residents alike. This charge shall be for both the lot and for the lot's perpetual care. There
shall be no charge for the use of Wiscasset's tombs.
2. URN BURIALS: Human and animal ashes must be buried in urns. Urns may be of any size and made of
any materials. No more than two urns may be buried on a lot and they must be buried deep enough so that the
urn is covered by at least 1 foot of soil. Any person may bury an urn; however, no person may bury an urn until
he has obtained the Wiscasset Road Commissioner's approval.
3. PET BURIALS: Only pets which have been cremated may be buried in Wiscasset's Greenlawn Memorial
4. MARKERS: Only markers are allowed on lots. Marker size, construction (design and material) and
placement on a lot are subject to the approval of Wiscasset's Road Commissioner and Wiscasset's Board of
Selectmen. These persons must give their permission before a marker is placed on a lot.
(Adopted 19 October 1999)
A. Construction: All markers shall be constructed of marble, granite or bronze. Wiscasset's Road
Commissioner and Wiscasset's Board of Selectmen must approve any exceptions to this rule prior to
the marker being placed on a lot.
B. Size: Markers are not to exceed 24 inches in length and 15 inches in width.
C. Foundation: A marker must be flush with the existing ground level.
D. Placement: No more than two markers may be used to mark an individual lot. Markers shall be
placed at the west end of the lot which they are marking and run lengthwise north and south.
5. OPEN TIME: Because of weather conditions, the cemetery land is susceptible to damage from vehicles. In
order to minimize damage to cemetery roadways, walkways and lots, Wiscasset's Road Commissioner shall
determine when the cemetery roadways shall be open to vehicular traffic, when the cemetery shall be open for
burials, and what restrictions (if any) shall apply to any particular burial.
A. No ATV, snowmobile or horse is allowed within a Wiscasset cemetery. No vehicle within a
cemetery may leave the cemetery's roadways except with the prior approval of Wiscasset's Road
B. No grave may be dug and no burial may take place in Greenlawn Memorial Garden without the prior
permission of Wiscasset's Road Commissioner and Wiscasset's Board of Selectmen.
C. No use may be made of Wiscasset's tombs without the prior permission of Wiscasset's Road
Commissioner and Wiscasset's Board of Selectmen.
A. Objects other than markers: If an object other than a marker is placed on a lot in violation of these
Regulations, then Wiscasset's highway crew may remove the object and dispose of it without prior
notice to the lot owner.
B. Markers: If a marker is placed on a lot in violation of these Regulations, then Wiscasset shall send a
notice of the violation by first class U.S. mail to the lot owner, if known, advising him or her of the
violation and giving him or her a fixed period of time not less than 10 days from the date the letter is
sent to correct the violation. If the owner does not correct the violation within the stated time, then
Wiscasset may correct the violation and charge the cost of the correction to the lot owner, to the
person or entity which originally installed the marker, or to both.
(Adopted 19 October 1999)