Guidelines for Requesting Funds from Wednesday*s Child Benefit

Guidelines for Requesting Funds from Friends of Wednesday’s Child
There are always questions about how to go about asking for funding for the children on your caseload through
Friends of Wednesday’s Child so here are some guidelines for you to follow. Of course, there are always
exceptions to the rules with the group of children we are trying to help, so never hesitate to check with the
proper liaison or me if you have any questions.
We fund youth that are from CPS region 3 who are currently in foster care. This includes youth who are placed
in a licensed foster home and are still considered a foster placement. If a child remains in extended care while
working or going to school they still qualify for our services. Once a child ages out, returns to their home, is
adopted or goes to a kinship placement they no longer qualify for our services.
We have three main areas that we fund. They are: Stitched In (formerly clothing), Beyond the Classroom
(formerly education), and Memories and Milestones (formerly nurturance). With this said I will briefly explain
what we will fund in each category.
Stitched In has two main projects: Winter Hugs and Warm Souls and Dress for Success. We do not provide
everyday clothing. The only time we will provide clothing other than the two programs listed above is in an
emergency situation. A removal does not count as an emergency.
Beyond the Classroom: We fund camp, tutoring, extracurricular activities, driver’s education, summer school,
GED, College prep courses, public transportation, and scholarships for advanced education. There are often
things that can go in this category that I am not mentioning so if there is an educational need please ask.
Memories and Milestones: We will help with high school graduation expenses, adoption expenses, sibling
visits, and send foster children a birthday gift card on their birthday.
Please note because I have stated that we will fund these things listed above this is not an exhaustive list.
These are requests I know we will fund, however if you have a question please ask. Also, just because a
request is listed does NOT mean a request is guaranteed. We depend on donors to fund the programs and
can only fulfill requests with the money that is allotted in a given period of time. If the money is not there then
we cannot grant a request. Please understand there are times we cannot fund every request that come in
even though we would like to. Also, there are requirements and limits to each funding request.
If you find a need for one of the children on your caseload just follow these steps:
1. Fill out the newest Request for Funding form. Our form is now designed to be saved on your computer
and filled in by typing in the correct information or selecting from a drop down list. Only typed forms are
accepted. If you try and just print this form and fill it in by hand, it will not work because there is no space
for the information you are filling in. Please fill in all the information, including your email and phone
number. Most of the requests require some contact with you and if we cannot get in contact with you, the
process will take longer. Requests have to be completed by a worker. Foster families cannot make a
request directly.
2. If you are requesting monthly payments for something like gymnastics or tutoring, please make sure and
put the total you are requesting on the “amount requested” line then explain in the “what is needed”
section. For example, if you wish to request six months of gym at $40 per month, put $240 on the “amount
requested” line and then explain that you are asking for six months of gym at $40 per month on the “what is
needed line”.
3. If you are requesting a birthday gift card please note the child must be turning at least 4 years of age. The
hope for this program is for the child to utilize the gift card and pick out his/her own birthday gift. Also all
birthday requests are due by the 21st of the month prior to their birthday.
4. Attach any other information you might have concerning the request (i.e. documentation from driving
school, tutor’s certification, a cost list from a school for drill team equipment, etc.). The more info we have
to start with, the quicker we can consider your request. If you do not have back up documentation your
request cannot be approved.
5. Make sure you put down to whom the check needs to be made payable as well as where to send it.
Remember, we do not reimburse foster parents or pay them directly. We need to pay the school,
company, gymnastics coach, etc. directly. We can send these checks to the foster parent to turn in as
payment. An example, for a senior ring we might make the check out to Balfour, but mail it to the foster
parents to turn in with the form the child has filled out. When we mail checks like this directly to the
company or the school, sometimes it takes a great deal of time for the company or school to figure out who
the check is paying for since it’s from us and not the family. If a foster family needs to pay for
something and there is no time to do a formal request or if the provider does not accept a check
please contact Friends of Wednesday’s Child first and get prior approval if you expect to get
reimbursed for the expense.
6. When the request form is completed, please send it along with all the information you are attaching to the
proper liaison. They are listed at the bottom of each form. Forms are sent to liaisons based on the county
where the child originated, not necessarily where they live now. The reason the requests must go through
the liaisons is that we do not have a listing of all children in the care of the state and it is up to the liaisons
to make sure the child meets our mission. The liaison will then send the form on to us to process.
7. When we receive the form, it will go to the Director of Programs who will then discuss it with the committee.
Please make sure you make your requests with time to spare. If there is a deadline for a request, please
make sure you note that on the form and notify the liaison when you send it. We will try to get it done over
the phone or through email if there is a time limit.
8. As soon as a decision has been made on a request, you will be notified whether or not it was approved or
denied by the Director of Programs. Once again, if you have your email address on the form, this process
can go much faster. You will also be notified about the funds being sent and when the check will be
mailed. It is typical to take up to three weeks for the process.
9. Please request all funding needed. It is important to show our potential funders the unmet needs of foster
families. We may not be able to pay it all, but we will try. Due to multiple requests in some areas (i.e.
driver’s education, senior activities, senior rings, etc.) we have set limits on funding in these areas, but we
try to fulfill the entire request whenever possible. Also, if funding can be found at another agency we will
ask you to go through that agency first.
10. We only serve foster children. Once a child has left foster care either by reunification, kinship placement,
adoption, aged out, etc. our services end. Friends of Wednesday’s Child appreciates being notified when a
child leaves care if we are providing services for them.
11. We do not fund computers, cars or other major purchases that we cannot be sure will “follow the child” if
he/she changes placements. All purchases we make must follow the child.
12. If at all possible, please have the child or foster parent write us a note letting us know how we helped
or how much it was needed. We use these thank you notes (without their names) to show potential donors
how we are helping the children. It really makes a difference if they can see how we are helping. They can
be mailed to our office.
I hope these guidelines will be of some help. If you have any questions at any time, please check with Friends
of Wednesday’s Child at 972-231-1433.