Human Body Quest

Human Body Quest
Directions: To complete each challenge box for each human body system.
Skeletal System
1. What are the four major functions of the
2. What is a skeletal joint? Give examples of
skeletal joints and explain how they function.
3. Create a diagram that shows the structure of a
bone. Label the parts of a bone and describe the
function of each part.
4. Identify relationships: Red bone marrow
produces blood cells. Children have red bone
marrow in their long bones, while adults have
yellow bone marrow, which stores fat. Why might
adults and children have different kinds of
Muscular System
1. Describe the three kinds of muscles, including 2. Compare and contrast voluntary and
where the muscle can be found and what it looks involuntary muscles. Give two examples of
like (include pictures for extra points).
voluntary muscles and two examples of
involuntary muscles and their functions.
3. Explain how muscles and bones work together 4. Describe some of the muscle action needed to
to make you move. Describe how muscles work in pick up a book. Include flexors and extensors in
your description. Create a diagram to show the
muscles in action.
Integumentary System
1. What are the functions of the skin?
2. Describe how the development of hair and nails
relate to the integumentary system. How do hair
and nails protect us.
3. Create a diagram that shows the structure of the 4. Why do you feel pain when you pull on your
skin. Label the parts of the skin and describe the hair and nails, but not when you cut them?
function of each part.
Human Body Quest
Directions: To complete each challenge box for each human body system.
Cardiovascular/Circulatory System
1. What parts make up the
2. Compare and contrast the functions of
cardiovascular/circulatory system? Describe the
capillaries, arteries, veins and how blood travels
function of the cardiovascular/circulatory system. through these blood vessels.
3. Give three examples of cardiovascular
problems. Describe each in detail.
4. Create a system or method of teaching students
how blood flows through the body. Explain how
you would show them; include your explanation
of how blood flows through the body.
Lymphatic System
1. What is the role or job of the lymphatic system 2. Expressing Opinions: Some people have
in protecting the body against disease?
frequent, severe tonsil infections. These infections
can be treated with medicine, and the infections
usually go away after a few days. Do you think
removing tonsils in such a case is a good idea?
3. Create a poster or model of the lymphatic
4. Identify relationships: Show the relationship
system, showing the parts of the lymphatic system between the lymphatic system and the
and how each part functions to help fight disease. cardiovascular/circulatory system by explaining
how they connect to each other and share organs.
Respiratory System
1. Explain the relationship between respiration
2. Describe the role or job of blood in respiration.
and the respiratory system.
3. Create a poster or model of the respiratory
system, showing the parts of the respiratory
system and how each part functions.
4. List several respiratory disorders or diseases.
Find a picture of healthy lungs and damaged
lungs. What differences do you notice? What
would cause the damaged lung to look the way it
Human Body Quest
Directions: To complete each challenge box for each human body system.
Digestive System
1. What is the digestive tract, and what organs
2. Name another body system that needs the
make up the digestive tract?
digestive system in order to do its job. Explain the
3. How would the inability to make saliva affect
4. Create a flow chart to show the series of events
that your body goes through to digest food,
beginning with the mouth and ending with the
anus. Give details for each step.
Urinary System
1. Explain how the kidneys filter blood and
2. Describe three disorders of the urinary system.
remove waste.
3. Predicting Consequences: When people have
one kidney removed, their other kidney can often
keep their blood clean. But the remaining kidney
often changes. Predict how the remaining kidney
may change to do the work of two kidneys.
4. What are diuretics, and how can they affect the
urinary system? A study has show that 75% of
teenage boys drink 34 oz of soda per day. How
many 12 oz cans of soda would a boy drink in a
week if he drank 34 oz per day?
Nervous System
1. Compare and contrast the two parts of the
2. How do we know when something is hot or
nervous system: central nervous system and the
when something hurts? Explain the process the
peripheral nervous system.
nervous system goes through to in order for us to
know those feelings.
3. What is the brain? Draw a diagram showing the 4. Choose one disease or disorder of the nervous
different areas of the brain at work. Describe in
system (ex. Alzheimer) and create an
detail the functions of the cerebrum, cerebellum, informational brochure on this disease or disorder.
and medulla.
Human Body Quest
Directions: To complete each challenge box for each human body system.
Endocrine System
1. Explain why the endocrine system is important 2. List the endocrine glands and their functions.
to the body.
3. What is diabetes and how does it relate to the
endocrine system?
4. Write a short story about a time that you were
suddenly frightened. Discuss how your pulse rate
and breathing rate were different before and after
being scared. Include the following terms: adrenal
glands, epinephrine, and adrenaline.
Immune System
1. What are white blood cells, and what are the
2. Compare and contrast the immune system and
two basic types of these cells?
the lymphatic system using a Venn diagram.
3. How does HIV (Human Immunodeficiency
Virus) affect the immune system? BE VERY
4. Create an informational Power Point or flip
chart about germs. You must include the
following: What are germs?, What do germs do?,
and How do we protect ourselves from germs?
Resource Citation: You must list at least three different sources that you used for research.