World Languages and Cultures Spanish —Cover sheet 2014

World Languages and Cultures Spanish —Cover sheet 2014-2015
Class Title: Spanish 1
Instructor: Sra Tressel
Tel: 215-750-2800 x3607
Email: Website:
FALL 2014/SPRING 2015
Why Study Spanish?
Study Spanish...Study the World!
Did you know that more than 44 million people speak Spanish as their first language in the United
Did you know that Spanish is the third most spoken language in the world?
When you study Spanish you not only study one of the most commonly spoken languages in the
world but you study the cultures and civilizations of Europe, South and Central America, the
Caribbean, Mexico and the United States.
As our country becomes more multicultural, the acquisition of communicative ability in a second
language is beneficial for many students. All language courses are designed to provide the student
with a functional knowledge in all basic skill areas –listening, speaking, reading and writing with
special emphasis on spoken communications. In addition to developing linguistic skills, aspects of
everyday life in foreign cultures are also discussed. Students who have been successful in the
study of a modern language may elect to study two languages within the same school year.
All World Language classes:
Recognize that daily attendance and commitment to completing all assignments are the
fundamental elements for success. All language courses are designed for non-native speakers.
Those students who already speak another language should enroll in a class NOT related to their
linguistic background.
Spanish 1(4110)
Prerequisite: None
Spanish 1 introduces students to basic Spanish conversation and to the cultures of Spanishspeaking countries. Students will have the opportunity to use Spanish for the purpose of selfexpression.
Avancemos 1
1st MP= Unidad 1, 2 Vocab, Review, Chapter Exam or Project, QA, Cultural Project
2nd MP= Unidad 3, 4
3rd MP=Unidad 5, 6
4th MP= Stem-changers and Yo –go verbs
General Overview: Spanish1 is a full-year course that focuses on the development of students’
communicative competence and their understanding of the cultures of the Spanish
world. Communicative competence is divided into three modes: speaking and writing as an
interactive process in which students learn to communicate with other speakers of Spanish;
reading, listening and viewing as a receptive process in which comprehension is developed; and
speaking and writing in a presentational context in which students are focused on organization of
thoughts and awareness of their audience in delivering information. Students communicate in reallife contexts where grammar is integrated according to the vocabulary and structures needed in the
various situations in which they are required to function. Through the language learning process,
students develop an understanding of how their own language is structured and how their own
culture has unique aspects. An important component of language class is the use of the language
beyond the classroom in order to apply knowledge of the language in the real world, which in many
cases, is accomplished through the integration of technology into the classroom.
World Languages and Cultures Standards being met:
Communication: Communication in Languages Other Than English
Cultures: Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
Connections: Connections with Other Disciplines and Information Acquisition
Comparisons: Comparisons to Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
Communities: Participation in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World
General objectives of Level 1 class (know, understand and can do):
¨ Demonstrate skills, vocabulary and grammar necessary to initiate, engage in, negotiate
meaning, sustain and close brief oral and written exchanges on familiar topics in order to
exchange information, opinions and ideas in a variety of situations.
¨ Demonstrate a comprehension of simple spoken and written language based on familiar topics
that are presented through a variety of media.
¨ Use a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, idiomatic expressions, non-verbal behaviors and
grammar to present in oral and written form.
¨ Identify main ideas, key words and supporting ideas and make appropriate inferences when
reading, listening and viewing.
¨ Develop an awareness of the products, practices and their perspectives of the cultures studied.
¨ Use the language to obtain, reinforce, or expand knowledge of other content areas, as well as
begin to recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the study of the
language and its cultures.
¨ Develop a better understanding of one’s own native language and culture through the study of
another language and its cultures.
¨ Locate and use resources in the language accessible through the community or the Internet, to
reinforce basic cultural knowledge.
Communicative Functions: All functions learned in Intro plus:
meet and greet; recognize social register; order and shop for food and beverages; use numbers;
describe family; express likes and dislikes; give opinions; express needs and wants; describe
weather; identify nationalities and professions; agree and disagree; request information; write to
convey information using a variety of novice level formats; make plans; use 24 hour clock; read
schedules; compare Euros and dollars; compare and contrast school culture; identify places in a
city; identify parts of the body; identify rooms in a house; recognize clothing vocabulary; use
directions to get around a city; identify countries in the Spanish speaking world; identify famous
places in the Spanish speaking world; identify basic geography of the Spanish speaking world.
Context: All vocabulary learned in Intro plus:
greetings and leave-takings; days, months and dates; food and beverages; food stores and
markets; family vocabulary; animal vocabulary; professions and nationalities; pastimes, leisure
activities and sports; buildings in a city; directions; weather; question words; describing location;
geography terms; currency conversion; rooms in a house; clothing; school items and classes; daily
life; time; numbers and personal information.
Grammatical Structures: All structure learned in Intro plus:
use subject pronouns; use articles; use demonstrative and possessive adjectives; know and use
regular ar, er, and ir verbs and irregular verbs; describe events in present, past (using acabar de +
infinitive) and immediate future; ask and answer simple questions; use negatives; identify adverbs
of quantity; quality and frequency; use adjectives; use prepositions of location; use comparative
and superlative forms; form plurals; use cardinal and ordinal numbers; use idioms.
Culture: All culture learned in Intro plus:
demonstrate knowledge of products, practices and perspectives of Spanish cultures; compare and
contrast cultural similarities and differences among Spanish countries in all unit topics and other
authentic materials in Level 4.
Materials needed daily:
¨Avancemos 1 (textbook) Texts are to remain covered ALL year. You are personally
responsible for the use and care of all materials checked out to you.
¨ notebook/folder exclusively for Spanish class/handouts and pens/pencils
Methods of assessment
Grading will be based on speaking and participation points, quizzes, exams, speaking and writing
prompts, individual and group projects, assignments, worksheets and other activities. Students will
be evaluated for the proficiency level expected in the skills of listening, speaking, reading and
writing. All assignments are due on time. Late work loses 10% for first day. Not accepted after first
day late. It is the responsibility of each student to consult the teacher for make-up work. Make-up
work allowed according to school policy.
Major Assessments and/or Major Projects
Minor Assessments and/or Minor Projects
Quarterly Assessment
Grading Table:
Low Num
High Num
Classroom policies:
1. At all times please respect your teacher, your classmates and the cultures studied.
2. Be in your seat ready to work when the bell rings. Have materials out ready to go.
3. NO electronics food or drinks (no soda, no coffee, etc.) in class. Water bottles are the only
exception. It helps keep our room clean and welcoming.
4. NO cheating. Honor Code: For all GRADED WORK do not use online translators or any
other form of electronic translators and do not get help from anyone, including native
speakers, tutors or relatives. Failure to follow this honor code will result in a “0” for the task
without a make-up opportunity. With teacher approval, you may use a dictionary or or other online dictionary for help
5. Respect what you can do.
6. Use the pass whenever you leave the room. Do not use the pass when instruction is taking
place. Any abuse or overuse (i.e. going to the cafeteria, leaving to use your cell phone, or
using it too often etc.) will result in suspension of privileges. No passes the first/last 10
minutes of class.
Attendance/tardiness/excessive absences:
Many activities are done in class. Therefore, regular class attendance is necessary for success in
a World Languages and Cultures class. Class begins on time. Using flashcards provides critical
review and practice during the beginning of the period. Unexcused absence and tardy follow school
policy. Check student handbook for details.
Harassment of any form will not be tolerated. It is against the law. Please tell your teacher if you
are the victim of harassment. Consequences will follow student handbook.
Guidelines for our classroom community:
1. You are responsible for all make-up work, including the practice activity. Ask another
student what we did in class on the day you were absent.
2. Bring text, materials and other supplies everyday. Books must be covered, please.
3. Come to class everyday prepared to learn actively and participate. Everyday participation in
class has the following benefits: maximum exposure to and participation in the language;
personal growth, skill and confidence in a second language; developed communication and
literacy skills; diversity awareness and multicultural perspectives important to be an effective,
contributing global citizen in a 21st century world.
4. Do flashcards everyday. It is a class participation grade and counts as your grade. Listen
for signal to start and stop activities.
5. Work and create with integrity and respect for yourself, the teacher and your peers.
6. Respect the property of others.
7. Demonstrate stewardship for our classroom environment and the school by keeping it clean.
8. Work cooperatively in groups/teams in our diverse learning situations.
9. Demonstrate intellectual curiosity, creativity and independence. Demonstrate a willingness to
experience unfamiliar materials and situations with an open mind.
10. Be on time. Follow attendance policy.
Class discipline:
¨ Documented conference with student
¨ Home Contact
¨ Parent conference/Referral.
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!
Signature sheet for Course Syllabus, Policies, Guidelines and Assessment
Student Name_______________________________________
Student signature_____________________________________ Date_______________________
Parent Name_________________________________________
Parent signature______________________________________ Date_______________________
Email contact_________________________________ Cell phone #________________________