What do we do with our garbage? We recycle some, but the rest?.... Incineration Incineration (burning) (burning) Positives Negatives Doesn’t take up Pollution. When you space—nothing is left burn you can create pollution (incomplete combustion). You can use the heat to create steam, run a turbine and produce energy. Filters and “scrubbers” can create cleaner smoke. Carbon dioxide is produced which causes climate change/global warming and increased greenhouse gases. Landfill (burying) Positives Landfill (burying) Negatives Decomposing garbage can produce methane which can have a huge impact on global warming (much more than Carbon dioxide). Garbage gets put in one place—not in every neighborhood. This reduces pests— rats, flies, etc. and prevents diseases. Takes up too much space. Regulations—at the landfill they can sort out things and recycle things before throwing them out. Pollution of ground water Releases methane gas which can have a huge impact on global warming (much more than Carbon dioxide). For the test: Be Able to explain why one is better than the other (take a side/debate). Use Google for more information and/or try http://greenliving.nationalgeographic.com/recyclingvs-landfills-incinerators-3266.html