T.G.T Inc. 24 Roosevelt Ave Ajax, Ontario L1S 2L2 REGISTRATION FORM Child’s Last Name: _________________________________ First Name: ________________________________________ Date of birth Year __________Month __________ Day __________ Home Phone number ________________________ Home address: _________________________________________ City: __________________ Postal code: ____________ Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________ Work number: _____________________________________ Cell number: ___________________________ Email address: _________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________ Work number: ____________________________________ Cell number: ___________________________ Email address: _________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Information: Name: ____________________ Number:_______________________ Relationship to Child: ______________________ Name of person making payments if last name is different than child’s ___________________________________________ Pick up address (if different from home): _______________________________________________________________ Drop off address (if different from home): _______________________________________________________________ Babysitter/Daycare Name (if applicable):______________________________________ Phone:______________________ Name of school child will attend: ______________________________________________________ GRADE: ____________ Pick up Required: (Please check one or both) Before School: ______________ After School: _______________ Which Day is bus service required: (Check required) Mon _____ Tues _____Wed ____ Thurs _____ Fri ____ Start date required for bussing: Month ___________ Day ____________ MEDICAL INFORMATION (IF NECESSARY ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET) Does the student have any history of allergic reaction? Yes _____ No _____ if yes please explain: ____________________ Does the student carry an Epi-Pen? Yes ________ No__________ Where is it located?: _____________________ Does the student have any medical illness or injury or suffer from any of the following: Diabetes Yes _______ No _______ Asthma Yes _______ No _______ Vision difficulty Yes _______ No ________ Heart disease Yes ______ No ______ Epilepsy / Seizures Yes _______ No _______ Deafness Yes ______ No ______ Language / Communication difficulty Yes ______ No ______ Emotional/Behavioral problems Yes _____ No ______ Other please explain: __________________________________________________________________________________ In case of emergency, permission is hereby given to the T.G.T. Inc to release the above information to a medical practitioner. The student is to be taken to the nearest hospital for examination and if necessary, X-rays where the parent/guardian will be contacted. Date: ______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________ Bus: 905-428-9208 Fax: 905-428-3060 www.tgtschoolbus.com tgtschoolbus@hotmail.com Twitter: @TGTSchoolBus T.G.T Inc. 24 Roosevelt Ave Ajax, Ontario L1S 2L2 Terms of Agreement I Please Read Carefully Post-dated cheques dated for the first of each month (September 1, 2015 – June 1, 2016) to be provided with completed registration. Payments other than post-dated cheques are to be received in a sealed envelope with the child’s full name on it on 1st of every month. These payments WILL require First and Last month’s payment and must be given with registration forms before service can begin. These arrangements must be made in advance. Payments 15 days past due for any reason will result in discontinuation of service without notice. Late payment or will result in a fee of $25 per account will apply before service is continued. There will be a $25.00 service charge for any returned cheques. Parents must contact Judy or Lyndsay Tully at 905-428-9208 or email us if either your child misses the bus in the morning and still requires afternoon bussing or your child leaves school early due to illness or any other reason. Children must follow the “Rules of the Bus” outlined in the attached form. We require notification by telephone before 7:00am if bussing is not required that day. There will be a 5 minute wait time at the school from the bell. Please talk to your child and teacher about getting to the bus promptly. In case of poor weather conditions or if area school buses are cancelled. Please contact the office 905-4289208 for any changes or cancellations. This is your responsibility as T.G.T. Inc. does not call our parents. 30 days written notice is required for cancellation of service for any reason. Parents/Guardian or caregivers are asked to clearly show the bus driver that you are the child’s destination. (Please wave to your driver). Payment is still due even if your child/children does not use the bus service due to illness, school holidays, professional activity day, poor weather or for any other absences. Schools don’t always tell us about school activities or trips that may involve changed school times or late pickup. Please give us notice before the change and if possible we will try to accommodate you. T.G.T. Inc reserves the right to cancel or discontinue service for any reason if service can no longer be made available, and if applicable, a refund may be provided. Fuel surcharge may apply if necessary We reserve the right to cancel or suspend service without notice or refund for any reason including but not limited to, defacing and destruction of property, and or for mischievous or disruptive conduct. _____________________________________ HAVE READ AND AGREE TO ALL THE (PARENT FULL NAME) FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Student’s Name: ______________________________________ Date:_____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________ Bus: 905-428-9208 Fax: 905-428-3060 www.tgtschoolbus.com tgtschoolbus@hotmail.com Twitter: @TGTSchoolBus T.G.T Inc. 24 Roosevelt Ave Ajax, Ontario L1S 2L2 RULES of the T.G.T Inc. School-Bus Dear Parents / Guardians, Nothing is more important to T.G.T Inc. than the safety of your child while in our care. We are always continuing to strive to create a safe and enjoyable ride for all the children, as well as our drivers. As a result we have come up with some rules on the bus that if followed, allow the children to have the best bus experience they can: Children must remain in their chosen or provided seat at all times. At no point during the ride is the child permitted to leave the seat unless instructed by the driver and done at a safe and proper time. No Cell Phones or Game Electronics are allowed to be used on the bus. This includes I-pods, I-pads or anything related with or without headphones. Any electronics caught being used will be taken and kept with the driver for the duration of the bus ride and returned to the child at their disembarking location. This is for the safety of your child’s property as well as the safety of the other children around who may be viewing the device. No large objects to be allowed on bus. This includes large school projects, snow sleds, skateboards, Etc. If your child needs something for school it will be your responsibility to get it to and from your child's location. The driver has the right to refuse any item they deem to large or unsafe. Any questions contact office before sending it with your child. No bullying on the bus. Physical or verbal bullying will not be tolerated on the bus. T.G.T. Inc. has a HANDS-OFF policy on the bus, so any touching of another child will not be permitted. In regards to verbal bullying, no teasing, name calling or hurtful words/phrases are to be used on the bus. Bus suspensions will be enforced if necessary. Children are to use “indoor voices” on the bus. Any screaming or inappropriate loud noises will not be tolerated. No spitting on or at anyone or anything. This includes “spit balls” or any saliva exchanging. No throwing of objects on the bus. This includes hats, mittens, scarf's, backpacks, toys or any other loose objects that may be on/with a child. There will be a 5 minute wait time at the school from the bell. If your child has not reached the bus in that time and is left behind, it will be your responsibility to get them from the school. Please talk to your child and teacher about getting to the bus promptly. No open Food or Drink is permitted on the bus at any time. Drivers need to be focused on their #1 task, which is driving and when the driver encounters fewer distractions, the safer the ride will be for your children. It is important that you review these rules with your child and ensure they understand that failure to comply with these rules will result in a suspension and/or cancellation of service. It is written in the “Terms of Agreement” section of the registration forms that “we reserve the right to cancel or suspend service without notice or refund for any reason including but not limited to, defacing and destruction of property, and/or the mischievous or disruptive conduct”. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact the office. Kind Regards; Judy Tully Owner/Operator Child Name: ____________________ Parent Signature: ___________________ Date:__________________ Bus: 905-428-9208 Fax: 905-428-3060 www.tgtschoolbus.com tgtschoolbus@hotmail.com Twitter: @TGTSchoolBus T.G.T Inc. 24 Roosevelt Ave Ajax, Ontario L1S 2L2 Bus: 905-428-9208 Fax: 905-428-3060 www.tgtschoolbus.com tgtschoolbus@hotmail.com Twitter: @TGTSchoolBus