2014-01-08: Minutes YMD

JANUARY 8, 2014
President Pro-tem Browning called the regular meeting to
order at 7:00 p.m. in the Rockaway City Hall Community
Commissioners present:
Bob Browning, Paul Daniels,
Valerie Folkema, John Luquette, Kelly
Staff present: Kevin Greenwood, David Olson, Jessi Coon.
Ron Waggoner, Matt Jackson, Jennie Messmer,
Steven Haapala, Tom Kent, Mike Saindon, Joe
Mike Saindon shared that the U.S.C.G. will be looking for
public comment on the disestablishment of the buoy system.
Daniels asked about a timeline for the disestablishment.
Saindon noted that the use of GPS systems have lessened the
need for the buoy system.
Folkema entered at 7:03 p.m.
Manager introduced Jennie Messmer to the commission and the
public, noting that Messmer had a meeting to attend so to
assist the port may want to move to the old business of
adopting the updated management hiring procedure
resolution. Manager noted the attachments to the
resolution, which was changed from being part of the
resolution. Manager reviewed benefit package, advertisement
and timeline. Manager noted change in timeline to try to
possibly meet commission desires to possibly hire by May 1.
Reviewed technical committee screening process and staff
tours. Manager pointed out non-interference clause in
section 10. Folkema asked if that prohibits people from
approaching the commission, manager agreed that it
prohibited people from lobbying the commission. Manager
also shared that Re-opening the Recruitment allows
commission to re-open the search if the candidates are
deemed unsatisfactory.
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Motion by Browning, second by Barnett to adopt resolution
creating a process for the appointment of the new port
manager. Motion carried 5 – 0.
Manager moved to New Business item 1; Consideration of
Interim Manager Employment Contract with Jennie Messmer.
Manager noted that Bill Anderson with SDAO was contacted
but had not submitted any information for the interim
position. Manager introduced Messmer and Messmer shared her
background and experience with the commission. Messmer
noted experience with economic development and a strong
budget background. Folkema asked if commission had
questions, no questions were asked. Manager brought up
hours of work, noting Messmer currently working 20 hours a
week in Wheeler. Manager noted a contract amendment to
allow for training time for Messmer. Luquette asked when
manager’s official last day would be, manager noted January
31 official last day.
Motion by Daniels, second by Browning to approve interim
manager employment contract with Jennie Messmer. Motion
carried 5 – 0.
Motion by Daniels, seconded by Luquette, to approve minutes
of December 10 regular meeting and December 30 special
meeting. Motion carried 5 - 0.
Manager noted interesting numbers in the financial reports.
Checks were cut to Bergerson for their invoices, but have
not been sent. Waiting for EDA funds to be deposited.
Barnett asked about payment to Mtc. Supervisor. Manager
apologized for the payment not being on the agenda, but
payment corrects non-exempt issues.
Motion by Luquette, second by Browning, to approve the
payout of the Mtc. Supervisor comp time balance. Motion
carried 5 – 0.
Motion by Daniels, seconded by Barnett, to approve the
December financial reports and payment of bills. Motion
carried 5 - 0.
Jackson noted his return from vacation and that the wharf
project going well. The contractors are feeling confident
of the piling and progress is consistent. Piling did not
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cooperate at first and after the first test piling
installed the piling was tested and found within
satisfactory limits. Jackson noted that a sub-contractor
for Bergerson was now on site and both teams will be
working together. Daniels asked about the clay soil being
transported, he was concerned that the soil not make a mess
of the city roads. Manager noted specs on the 5 ton crane,
noted a meeting about the crane and the placement. Jackson
felt as though it should not be a problem but wanted to
consult with HHPR to work on a specific location; his
concern was to be able to access trucks as well as vessels.
Manager also noted piling being stored near port office.
Jackson noted the reasoning is to give both Bergerson and
sub-contractors better work space. Luquette asked about how
the businesses were doing during this, manager noted that
The Cannery had some issues, but the port was trying to
work with The Cannery to resolve. Folkema noted that with
so many businesses closed it doesn’t look very lively to
draw in customers. Browning asked about the riprap
timeline, Jackson commented that the timeline is unknown at
this point, but should be able to be done within the inwater work period and within two weeks time. Manager noted
comments about the noise; not as disruptive as first
thought. Daniels asked if the $200,000 contingency had been
used. It was noted that the contingency has not been used.
Manager shared that may incur extra charges from HHPR,
noting not significant charges. Commission thanked Jackson.
Waggoner noted constant contact with Jackson and Walker
throughout the process, and will be in attendance at
monthly meetings. Daniels asked about concrete and rebar
within the piling, if that would be done during the inwater work period.
Manager noted late correspondence in the packet; a letter
to the Ebel family, letter from Mautner (L-35). Olson noted
he would be getting quotes on the Garibaldi Charter
building and the apartment. Luquette asked about the barge
removal. Manager stated that the barge was already being
taken apart and the family is safely on land. Manager also
noted a letter in the packet from the City thanking the
Mtc. Supervisor for the sewer repairs in the RV park.
Manager also shared a letter from Tom Kent in the packet
for the removal of the F/V Icarus. Saindon noted the USCG
has a derelict removal program that the port may want to
look into. Kent noted that max cost to the port would be
$6,700. Browning asked about the burn site, noting that the
port burn site has very strict limitations. Olson noted no
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creosote/oiled wood allowed on port burn pile. Daniels
asked about time constraints. Olson noted the boat needs to
be out of the water soon. Manager stated that commission
could strike the last line of the contract if so desired.
Folkema noted that would give Kent a 60 day window to
destroy boat. Coon shared that there is still 30 days left
of noticing before the boat can be destroyed.
Motion by Daniels, second by Barnett to accept contract
with Garibaldi Dry Dock with amendment not to exceed
$6,700. Motion carried 5 – 0.
Manager noted addition of boat insurance verbage. Browning
asked about B-dock vacancies. Staff noted no vacancies at
this point, boats are on wait list.
Motion by Daniels, second by Barnett to adopt Resolution
2014-01 Setting Rates, Fees and Charges. Motion carried 5 –
Manager noted budget officer is not filled and has to be
determined and felt as though commission should pencil in
Jennie Messmer.
Motion Daniels, second by Luquette to approve Budget
committee, officer and calendar. Motion carried 5 – 0.
Manager noted goals outlined for him last year and felt
that it may be helpful to outline goals for the next
manager. Manager shared possible projects the commission
might want to focus on and asked each commissioner to rank
the projects and priorities. Each commissioner shared their
ranking with manager.
Olson noted that the water line for the café is underway
and the meter will be turned on the first of February.
Daniels asked if crew would be doing water samples, Olson
noted that the city would be doing the testing.
Olson also reiterated that he would be getting bids for
repair on the charter office and apartment. Olson shared
that he hadn’t gotten to go through the inspection report
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Olson also shared the new health and safety manual that he
has been working on. He has given copies to the staff and
has sent it off to SDAO for approval.
Coon noted the F/V Icarus was on her staff report, but
already addressed. Coon spoke with OSMB about the grant
program for derelict/abandoned boats, their program will
reimburse 75% of the cost to dispose of. OSMB also shared
HB 2233 a house bill shortening the noticing and removal
time of derelict/abandoned boats and increasing the
percentage of reimbursement.
Coon also shared that the SDAO conference was coming up in
February, if any commission would like to go let the office
know as soon as possible.
Manager shared that the Vision planning has had lots of
input and Keillor now would like to schedule a workshop
with the purpose of mapping out each activity. Workshop
will be open to the public but the commission may limit
participation since so many public forums have already
taken place. Folkema asked the commission about their
availability on the 15th. Manager stated his intent to have
materials to the commission by the 13th. Workshop set for
January 15th from 6-8pm. Folkema asked if the next meeting
would give opportunity to do further scheduling.
Manager noted that Morgan Civil Engineering has completed
the RFQ for TIGER funding, and manager hired HHPR to
complete technical specs, funds coming from the port not
grant proceeds. City has submitted IGA for construction
management. Port has till the end of January to submit the
required documentation.
Manager noted that he spoke with Scovell about designs for
the RV park, he felt that Scovell was uncomfortable
creating plans without a builder. Manager stated that this
will be a project for the next manager.
Manager thanked everyone for the relationships formed and
memories made over the time spent at the port.
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Luquette asked about parcels L-34/36 if the income
generated made them worth keeping. Manager noted he would
reserve judgment until bids are in for repair.
Folkema shared attendance to BOCC Countywide priorities
Spoke with Mary Sause regarding a farewell get-together for
Manager Greenwood. Looking at a January 22nd date at the
Garibaldi Museum. Folkema is working with Jessi and Tabitha
to arrange this.
Met with Fritz Graham with Senator Wyden’s office regarding
a gathering with other dignitaries. Looking at dates of
mid-late February. Folkema will draft a letter and have it
sent from the port.
Folkema also noted that the speed of the pilot car has been
excessive and wondered if it could be slowed down at all.
Olson noted that he would speak with the contractor about
slowing the pilot car down.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Valerie S. Folkema, President
John Luquette, Secretary/Treasurer
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