Directive #2 20 September 2009 Chair: Marlene Pavletic Isn`t it

Directive #2 20 September 2009
Chair: Marlene Pavletic
Isn't it wonderful to be living in a country where the changing seasons challenge us in various ways?
Someone once suggested that when you become reluctant to change, remind yourself of the beauty of
autumn. I plan to comment under the headings for this committee as outlined in the Constitution and
Recruitment and Maintain Membership
As of July 31st, 2009, membership in Ontario shows a total of 46,723 members which represents a
decrease of 7,582 members from 2008. This is a major concern. Membership is a year round activity
and the challenge from national to increase membership by October 31st is ongoing so I urge you to
contact those members who didn't renew as a final resort. As you prepare for next years membership
drive, please revisit the challenge from national council. The goal is to achieve a ten per cent increase
in membership nationally before the convention in Ottawa and the rules of the challenge are simple.
For parishes with 25 or less members, recruit ONE new member; between 26 and 60 members, recruit
TWO new members; between 61 and 100 members, recruit TREE new members and over 100
members, recruit FOUR new members. There are still women who don't belong because no one has
asked them. A high percentage of women don't renew; are they possibly "snowbirds" who go south?
Make an effort to approach them before they leave. Perhaps a small parish committee could work
together to develop strategies. Where there's success, share the ideas. I look forward to hearing
success stories. Please note that the Bellelle Guerin Award criteria have two changes: the deadline
date has been removed and it has been further stresses that Life members are not eligible for the
Leadership and Development and League Resource Material
I encourage you to survey both parish /archdiocesan levels to ensure councils have
parish/archdiocesan manuals of policy and procedure and an updated National Manual of Policy and
Procedure. These resources provide structure. All levels of the League are having difficulty filling
positions. New leaders rely on good resources. Mentoring is vital as we encourage members to
assume positions. Leadership training and funds from both national/ provincial councils are available
to provide training. Various workshops are available on the national web site. I will be conducting a
survey asking for feedback on training needs. The League magazine, the provincial Trillium News and
Views and the e-letter on the national web site are excellent resources.
Annual Reports
Attached are the templates for completing reports. The task would be made easier if everyone used
the same template. However, what works best for an individual parish may not be the suggested
format. I have enclosed guidelines and suggestions. It is important that deadline dates be
respected. The archdiocesan presidents will bring reports to the provincial executive meeting on
February 5th 2010. Take time to create a professional report free of spelling and grammatical errors.
Have another person proof read it.
Life Membership
Dorothy Meehan, provincial life member liaison is in contact will life member liaisons so keep in touch
with the archdiocesan liaison for updates. If there is a candidate eligible for life membership, be
aware of deadlines and criteria for application.
Report time can be a tiring task but it can be rewarding if we approach it with a positive attitude. I
wish you well as you reflect on the past year and review the good works accomplished by members in
each archdiocese.
I am open to questions and suggestions so please call or email any concerns or assistance you may