miss farm

Aberdeen Campus
418 Aberdeen Ave.
Winnipeg, MB, R2W 1V7
Phone: 204-586-6792
Email: staidanschool@mts.net
November Newsletter
Hi Parents/Guardians:
What a nice fall it has been! It’s great for us to be able to go
outside for P.Ed. classes and also at lunch. As the snow arrives and it
gets slushy, we have asked each student to bring a pair of indoor
runners so we can keep the school cleaner. Students will be asked
to leave their outside shoes at the door and change into their indoor
runners for school. Thanks for your cooperation with this.
Here are a few highlights from October:
We packed out the old bridge for our Thanksgiving feast on Oct.
9th. There were around 80 people in attendance. Praise the Lord
- we do have much to be thankful for.
Our 2 student of the month awards were given to Destin
Hornbrook & Hailey Gunn. Congratulations!
We made some good connections with the students from Linden
Christian who visited our campus for the day on Oct. 10th. They
led us in chapel with special music and testimonies.
Our gr. 6 – 8’s had a good time at the farm on Oct 15th. A big
thank-you to Gwen and Norm Neufeld for making their farm
available to us.
We were able to watch a powerful drama by Sarasvati productions
called “Giving Voice” on Oct 21st. At the end, students were
given the opportunity to jump in and change some of the scenes.
The gr. 9’s and 10’s were able to attend We Day at the MTS Centre
on Oct. 29th. We Day is an event put on by the Free the Children
Charity that celebrates the social actions that youth can take to
address such issues as poverty, the environment and even
bullying. More on this to come as we discuss what actions we
would like to take this year at school.
Plans are underway for some of our seniors to go on a Mexico
mission trip in March (we went along with Calvin Christian School
last year as well). Ms. Mona, Ms. Werner and students have been
raking leaves to raise money. Thanks to parishioners from St.
Aidan’s Church for the work and donations.
We are nearing the end of first term. There is still a lot of work
to do to get all those assignments done.
New Staff Member at SACS
We are happy to have Miss Dana Doerksen join our staff as an Educational Assistant.
Miss Dana has worked with Inner City Youth Alive in their summer program and now
joins us at St. Aidan’s. Miss Dana recently shared in chapel about her wide range of
interests which includes things such as gymnastics, singing in a band, skateboarding
and wakeboarding. Welcome Miss Dana!
Big thank-you to our Volunteers
We are grateful for volunteers who come in and help us on a regular basis at the school.
Miss Jill, Mrs. Ev, Mr. Metcalf, Mr. & Mrs. Werner and others help make our school run
more effectively. Thanks also to those students who help our cook, Brenda in the
kitchen. If you are interested in volunteering, please call Mr. Visch at the school.
Calendar of Events
Tuesday, Nov. 2 – Farm Day for Gr. 9 & 10
Thursday, Nov. 6 – We will be at our Calvary Temple Campus for a concert with
Fresh I.E. (we leave at 8:30 am – return at 10:30 am)
Friday, Nov. 7 – Pastor Dave Labdon will speak to us in Chapel
– gr. 6 – 8 Niji Mahkwa
Tuesday, Nov. 11 - Remembrance Day – No classes
Tuesday, Nov. 18 – gr. 6 – 8 Niji Mahkwa
Friday, Nov. 21 – No Classes (Administration day)
Wednesday, Nov. 26 – gr. 6 – 8 Niji Mahkwa
Friday, Nov. 28 – First Term Report Cards handed out
Tuesday, Dec. 2 - Parent – Teacher Conferences (12 – 4 pm)
Students dismissed after lunch at 12:35