Kokopu School Board of Trustees Meeting Monday 10th June 2013

Kokopu School Board of Trustees Meeting Monday 10th June 2013
Opened: 6pm
Present: Scott Kahle, Trent Guy, Sue Price, Lesley Parton, Mark Ashcroft, Muriel Willem, Katrina
Cowie, Paul Ruddell, Vicki Lye, Craig Dudley.
Apologies: Nil
Were made by all trustees and Ministry of Education guests Sue and Lesley.
BOT Key Roles:
Lesley presented information for the Trustees on their Key Role. Mark enquired about Board
training and what is on offer for new Boards. There are free webinars available for use by boards if
they wish to take this option. Information regarding webinars can be passed on by email if
Scott explained the process of the agenda presentation prior to the meeting so trustees can go over
reports and save time at the monthly meeting.
Katrina enquired about reporting on student achievement and the importance of making the reports
transparent to the Board.
Minutes of the previous meeting:
Read and confirmed.
Approved Scott/Paul.
Matters Arising:
Maungatapere School Zone: Mark, Muriel and Craig attended a meeting at Maungatapere School
regarding the proposed enrolment zone Maungatapere School must put in place. Craig felt
ambushed about the TEZ (transport entitlement zone) because he mentioned our bus route as
advised by the MOE, but we have been transporting children out of our TEZ which could cause
issues. Maungatapere said they have no objections to our bus route encroaching on Maungatapere
TEZ. Craig wrote a letter to the Maungatapere School Board of Trustees to request that allowance
for us to travel into Maungatapere TEZ is formalised.
Grant Application: More quotes are needed. The auditors needed to finalise the annual financial
accounts for 2012, as the 2011 accounts were outdated, to send with the application.
See report.
Out: MOE - Analysis of Variance.
In: Quotes for painting the school. Craig will collate and send out to all BOT’s.
Approved Scott/Paul
Banked Staffing Deficit: Mark explained the banked staffing deficit and how surplus staffing affected
our balance. We now owe the MOE $22,000.00 which doesn’t need to be paid back until 2014 due
to Novopay issues. This balance should reduce over this year with careful monitoring. Vicki explained
issues our school has had with Novopay.
Budget - Reviewed.
Accounts - See report.
Approved Katrina/Muriel
Mark presented the charter to new Trustees and explained what they need to focus on.
Principals Report:
Mark presented his report.
Consultation: Katrina asked about the regularity of surveying parents via questionnaires. None have
taken place this year. This year in term 3 a consultation evening will be planned for parents. Craig
suggested an open day is planned in the near future with the aim of informing senior students’
parents of the advantage of keeping their children at Kokopu School for their Year 7 and 8 years.
5 year plan: Presented and future projects explained.
After school care: Discussed where we are at, income generated and the funding source. If we paid
$17 per hour out of our op grant and then recoup the money from parents who will pay directly to
the school this will guarantee the provider a regular income. Mark would like to see this go ahead
and is sure the service will grow once established, when it will eventually become self-sustaining.
The service should also be advertised outside of the community. OSCAR funding needs at least 10
children for 10 hours per week, so this could be a possibility in the future. This topic will go into
committee at the end of the meeting.
Shade sail: A sail over the pool is an unlikely item for construction in the near future as it is a priority
four project.
Mower Security: Mark explained what Blair did to secure our mower in the shed. Blair has done a
great job and Mark would like to acknowledge this. Scott will organise a box of beer for Blair.
Outdoor Property Inspection: Mark requested a Trustee to help him do a physical check outdoors.
Trent offered to do this. Mark will contact Trent to arrange a time. We need something to cover the
notice board to stop chalk washing off. Option could be Perspex. Mark will talk with Pete about it.
Principal Appraisal:
Mark presented his appraisal from Colin Davidson.
Planned for Week 7 in Term 4. Mark has two possible options for camp.
1. Rawhiti Marae, focus - enviro areas, water sports, culture. Requested prices with no response yet.
2. Tarikura Bay, Mark has prices which are quite reasonable. Younger children would spend 2 nights,
with seniors staying longer.
Surf Lifesaving:
Instead of doing the lifesaving day this year, Mark suggested going on a day trip to Goat Island for a
snorkel session. Everyone liked this idea so it will go ahead later in Term 4.
Sports Jackets:
Viewed samples of embroidery from Stiches that would be on the jackets. They seem to be a
reputable company and we will use them.
Calf Club:
Date set is October 19th. Farmlands will sponsor our calf club.
Protective Disclosure, Equal Education Opportunity, Taha Maori and Equal Education Opportunity
will be reviewed prior to the next meeting, then amended or approved at that meeting. A draft copy
of the Gift and Entertainment policy which is a new policy we are required to have was handed out
for review also.
Please review and approve current minutes by the end of the week so they can be published on our
website in a timely manner.
Next meeting:
A discussion about the library will be on the agenda
The next meeting will be held on Monday 8th July at 7pm.
Meeting closed: 8.25pm
Vicki and Craig left. The meeting then went into committee.
Vicki – email Scott annual accounts. Email BOT addresses.
Scott - Accountancy fees, box of beer for Blair, Farmlands sponsorship of Calf Club
Trent – Outdoor property inspection with Mark. Mark to contact Trent.
Craig – Collate painting quotes, forward to Trustees.
All – Approve these minutes before Friday and review policies listed before next meeting.