Thursday, March 20, 2014
12:00 p.m.
In Attendance: Lori Fabian, Christy D’Angelo, Sarah Ponath, Linda Coyle, Ron Sonderhouse,
Susan Herro, Sharron Stolpa
Absent & Missed: Craig Kuhary, Al Spiegel, Michelle Martin
Call to Order: The meeting was duly called to order by President Lori Fabian at 12:10pm.
Minutes of the February 20, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting: Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s and Membership Report were reviewed.
State Bar Board of Governors’ Report: The next meeting of the Board of Governors is April
25th & 26th, 2014 in LaCrosse, WI. The focus of the next meeting will be the annual budget with
further discussion on the possibility of increasing membership dues. Other hot topics are a
petition to amend the state constitution to limit the term of a sitting state Supreme Court justice,
national mock trial competition, and the upcoming elections for State Bar president and
Waukesha County. There are two spots available for BOG representative from Waukesha
County and three candidates running: Sarah Ponath (INC), Dan Fay, and Kim Haines.
Scriptus – The next Scriptus Newsletter is scheduled for June / July 2014.
Website – No report.
Annual Meeting / Awards Luncheon – This annual meeting is scheduled for May 15th at Noon.
This event will be held at the Country Inn & Suites, Pewaukee. Nominations have been received
for the various annual awards presented at the meeting. The board approved budget will be
presented to the membership at the meeting.
Budget: The budget deadline is the April Board of Directors meeting, with member approval
scheduled for the annual meeting. Treasurer Sarah Ponath presented a tentative budget and
reported changes to the accounting systems for the WCBA to allow for tracking of profit/loss of
specific events and projects, tracking of annual expenses, and treasurer / board review of bank
statement reconciliation. A proposed budget will be reviewed at the April board meeting.
There was discussion and election by the WCBA board to present a reasonable budget within the
guidelines of a balanced budget process in line with the board’s fiscal responsibility to WCBA
New Business
CLE Rebroadcasting – An update was tabled to the April meeting.
WCBA Cabinet Committee - Additional volunteers are still needed to serve on the Cabinet
Committee. A call to members will continue to be made on the website and in future
communications to membership. The focus in the next few months will be to highlight
upcoming events and the planned membership drive.
WCBA Brewers Outing – The annual tailgate and Milwaukee Brewers game is scheduled for
Saturday, July 26, 2014. Game tickets have been purchased and catering is arranged for the pregame tailgate. The award for “Rookie of the Year” will be presented at this event. Nominations
for candidates for this award are needed by June 30th.
Judicial Poll – An online poll was successfully distributed to current members of WCBA with
147 responses as of March 20th. An electronic poll instead of a paper mailing allowed for
significant savings. Lori Fabian will follow up on the requirements for a press release of the
Membership Drive 2014 – Ron Sonderhouse volunteered to obtain an updated list from the State
Bar of all current Waukesha County attorneys.
Grant Competition – Lori Fabian reported a proposal has been submitted to the grant committee
to request funding to assist the Young Lawyers section to recruit new members to the WCBA
and the YA section.
Change in Bylaws – The proposed change in the accounting year to simplify the budget process
to a calendar year cash basis rather than following the fiscal year of July 1 to June 30 requires
additional discussion. Additional discussion will be held at the April meeting.
Fridays at Four – The law firm of Hippenmeyer, Reilly, Moodie & Blum SC will host the first
Fridays at Four, tentatively scheduled for June 6th, in conjunction with the concert series in
downtown Waukesha, Friday Night Live.
National Mock Trial Advertisement – As part of the donation made by WCBA to the National
Mock Trial competition, a half-page ad will appear on behalf of the WCBA. Christy D’Angelo
will connect with the mock trial admin staff to confirm our congratulatory message.
Upcoming Events, Etc. Announcement - Sarah Ponath will distribute a broadcast e-mail to the
WCBA membership to provide a calendar of events, announcement of volunteer opportunities
within the local bar, etc. An updated membership list will be provided by Sharron Stolpa.
New WCBA Board Members:
For the 2014/2015 fiscal year, an open seat is available on
the board of directors due to the resignation of board member, Susan Herro. Christy D’Angelo
and Al Spiegel will renew their terms, with a potential open position for past-president Craig
Kuhary. An announcement to the general membership will be made for prospective new board
members and Lori Fabian will follow up with suggested new members.
Ron Sonderhouse was nominated, and has accepted the nomination, to serve as Secretary /
Treasurer for 2014 / 2015.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for April 17, 2014 at 12:00 noon in Room AG55.
Meetings are open to all WCBA membership. Please contact President Lori Fabian to attend.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:45pm. Motion by Ron Sonderhouse, second by Linda Coyle.
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Ponath
Secretary / Treasurer