Ch 34.3 Student notes

Chapter 34: The Biosphere
Section Goal: The student will describe what defines a biome and then list and describe eight major terrestrial
1. biome2. tropical rain forest3. savanna4. desert5. chaparral6. temperate grassland7. temperate deciduous forest8. coniferous forest9. tundra10. permafrost-
Concept 34.3 Biomes are the major types of terrestrial ecosystems.
I. What is a Biome?
A. biome: major type of terrestrial ecosystem that covers a large region of Earth (abiotic and biotic),
related to latitude
II. Tropical Forest
A. tropical rain forest: type of forest near the equator that receives as much as 350 cm of rainfall
yearly, tall broad-leaved trees create a canopy where little light reaches the ground
B. Plants adapt to shade, many mosses and vines grow on trees
C. Animals are tree-dwellers as well, including monkeys, birds, snakes, and bats.
D. Contains 50% of all species, most diverse, Ex: Madagascar, Amazon
E. Clearing forests is a conservation problem (mining, lumber, farms)
III. Savanna
A. savanna: grassland with scattered trees; found in tropical regions of Africa, Australia, and South
B. Animals, such as zebras, wildebeest, antelope, and, in Australia, kangaroos, as well as numerous
insects, also are burrowing animals, and predators (lions, cheetahs, etc.)
C. Warm climate with alternating wet and dry seasons, droughts are common, animals often migrate
IV. Desert
A. desert: land area that receives less than 30 centimeters of rain per year, temperatures varies
greatly; often have less plant life, Ex: Sahara, Gobi
B. Cactus adapt by storing water, kangaroo rat has a burrow for shade
V. Chaparral
A. chaparral: temperate coastal biome dominated by dense evergreen shrubs, mild, rainy winters,
hot, dry summers, brush fire common to climate Ex: Mediterranean, California coast
B. Animals of the chaparral include deer, birds, and rodents that feed on the shrubs and their seeds, as
well as lizards and snakes.
VI. Temperate Grassland
A. temperate grassland: biome characterized by deep, nutrient-rich soil that supports many grass
species, colder winter than savannah, seasonal droughts, height of vegetation depends on yearly
B. North American grasslands (also known as prairies, Midwest) include grazing mammals such as
bison and pronghorns, as well as coyotes, snakes, lizards, worms, arthropods, rodents, and insects.
VII. Temperate Deciduous Forest
A. temperate deciduous forest: forest in a temperate region, characterized by trees that drop their
leaves annually, large trees, winters cold, summers hot (parts of Ohio, eastern forests of US)
B. deciduous trees such as maples, oaks, beeches, and hickory shed their leaves in autumn, which
helps reduce evaporation during the winter
C. Microorganisms, fungi, and arthropods live in the soil; Mammals found in the temperate
deciduous forests of eastern North America include deer, squirrels, chipmunks, foxes, and bears.
During the cold winter, many of these animals conserve energy by greatly reducing their activity
VIII. Coniferous Forest
A. coniferous forest: forest populated by cone-bearing evergreen trees; mostly found in northern
latitudes, northern regions are called taiga, long cold winters, heavy snowfall, Ex: Canada lower
B. conical shape of tree needle (leaf) limits snow from piling on trees, and limits evaporation during
dry periods
C. Typical taiga animals include hares, moose, elk, wolves, and bears.
IX. Tundra
A. tundra: biome in the Arctic Circle or on high mountaintops, characterized by bitterly cold
temperatures and high winds, Ex: Northern Canada, Alaska, Siberia, and Arctic
B. permafrost: permanently frozen subsoil, shallow topsoil, mosses, lichens, grasses thrive, no large
C. Lemmings, caribou, and reindeer eat the tundra ground cover, some animals like the snow owl
change color
Lesson Reflection:
Biome Mix-Up Activity (partner activity): Using your book, match the biome with the specific
characteristic. Fill in the correct answers on the handout provided.
Summary of Key concepts:
Complete the Summary of Key Concepts 34.3 and turn into the box.
Technology/Application/Connection to real-world:
Learn 360: Real World Science: Biomes & Ecosystems