Biome Booth Purpose To research a particular biome and create an interactive display that others can learn from. Procedure 1. You will need one display board (tri-fold, about 2 feet tall) 2. Research your assigned biome to find out the following information a. climate b. soil type c. general appearance d. typical plant life e. special plant adaptations f. typical animal life g. special animal adaptations h. special characteristics (including resources) 3. Place this information on your display board. a. Make sure you include the name of your biome. b. Make sure each piece of information you gathered is labeled (e.g. subtitles) c. Use pictures, color, creativity – even include actual representative samples (e.g. a cluster of pine needles for the coniferous forest). Grading **Counts as a project grade** All information present All information accurate Creativity Appearance of display Presentation of information 18 pts 32 pts 20 pts 10 pts 20 pts Note – Printing information from the Internet and attaching it directly to the Biome Booth is considered PLAGIARISM!!!!! The information MUST be in your own words!!! Biome List Tropical Rainforest Temperate Grassland Arid Desert Coniferous/Boreal Forest Temperate Forest Intertidal Zones Tundra Marshland/Swampland Temperate Rainforest Semi-Arid Desert Savannah Arctic Marine Taiga Pelagic Zones Freshwater Lakes and Rivers