Consent to national criminal history and other record checks (Word

Consent to national criminal history and other record checks
All persons involved with an application must complete this form, sign the declaration, and provide 100 points of
identification documents which must be certified as true and correct by an authorised person.
Occupational licence/registration
scheme you are associated with (mark
with an X)
Debt collectors
Estate agents
Motor car traders
Second hand
dealers and
Sex work service
Name of business/individual with whom you are associated (if applicable)
Business/individual name
Your details
Ms, Mr, etc.
Family name
Given names
Male, female, intersex
Date of birth
Place of birth
Town/city, state and country
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Have you ever had/been known by a
different name? (mark with an ‘X’)
No – go to question
Yes – list all
other names
below. If more
than 3 names,
attach separate
No - go to question
Yes – provide the
following details
Previous name 1
Family name
Given names
Previous name 2
Family name
Given names
Previous name 3
Family name
Given names
Do you have a current Australian
Driver's licence? (mark with an ‘X’)
Driver’s licence number
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State or territory driver’s licence was
Do you have a passport? (mark with
an ‘X’)
No – go to question
Yes – provide the
following details
No – go to question
Yes – provide the
following details.
If more than 3
attach a separate
Passport number
Country of issue of passport
Your current residential address
Include postcode and country if not
Period of residence at current address
From mm/yy to mm/yy.
Have you lived at your current
residential address for fewer than five
years? (mark with an ‘X’)
Previous residential address 1
If full details of previous addresses are
unavailable, details of town(s) and state(s)
will suffice.
Period of residence
If actual dates are unavailable, year of
residence will suffice.
Previous residential address 2
If full details of previous addresses are
unavailable, details of town(s) and state(s)
will suffice.
Period of residence
If actual dates are unavailable, year of
residence will suffice.
Previous residential address 3
If full details of previous addresses are
unavailable, details of town(s) and state(s)
will suffice.
Period of residence
If actual dates are unavailable, year of
residence will suffice.
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Daytime phone number
Mobiles OK. For landlines, include
area code.
Declaration, acknowledgement and consent
I declare that the information provided in this licence/registration application relates to me, contains my full name and all names
previously used by me, and is correct.
I acknowledge that:
 it is a serious offence to supply the Business Licensing Authority (BLA) with false or misleading information or omit information.
Significant fines may apply
 if any change occurs in the information provided, I must notify the BLA in writing as soon as becoming aware of the change or significant
fines may apply
 the BLA may conduct checks of any publicly available information including information held by the Australian Investments and
Securities Commission, the Insolvency Trustee Service of Australia or other relevant agencies relating to the information contained in
the application concerning me;
 The BLA will provide personal information relating to me or any director, partner, associate or other individual contained in this
application, at the time of application and once licensed or registered, to VEDA Advantage or other nominated information broking
agencies for the purpose of carrying out periodic checks of publicly available information relating to me or those individuals held by the
Australian Securities and Investments Commission and Insolvency Trustee Service of Australia.
 I have read the Spent Convictions Schemes information on this form and understand that Spent Convictions legislation (however
described) in the Commonwealth and many States and Territories protects ‘spent convictions’ from disclosure
 the licence/registration for which I am applying is in a category for which NO exclusion has been granted form the application of the
Spent Convictions legislation
 any information provided by me on this Form, or by the Australian police services, may be taken into account by the BLA in assessing my
suitability for the licence/registration for which I am applying.
I consent to the BLA at the time of application and once licensed or registered, from time to time as deemed necessary by the BLA:
 checking the records of:
Victoria Police or any other police force in Australia or overseas;
any federal, state or overseas occupation or business licensing or registration authorities or agencies
any other credit, industry or other relevant private sector agency holding information about me
any regulatory or government body or agency including the Legal Services Board and the Legal Services Commissioner.
 disclosing my personal details to the CrimTrac Agency, Australian and overseas police services and any other private sector credit or
industry agency, regulatory or government body or agency, and to these agencies or bodies accessing their records, obtaining and
reporting to the BLA on criminal history, credit and any other required information relating to me
 disclosing any credit or other information about, relating to, or involving me to any person or company named in this
licence/registration application or otherwise notified to the BLA
 disclosing the existence of any relevant criminal history information to any person or company named in this licence/registration
application or otherwise notified to the BLA.
I consent to:
 the CrimTrac Agency disclosing personal information about me to the Australian police services
 the Australian police services disclosing, from their records, details of convictions and outstanding charges, including findings of guilt or
the acceptance of a plea of guilty by a court, that can be disclosed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth, States and
Territories and, in the absence of any laws governing the disclosure of this information, disclosing in accordance with the policies of the
police service concerned
 the CrimTrac Agency providing the information disclosed by the Australian police services to the BLA in accordance with the laws of the
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Criminal history record check
Information extracted from this Form will be forwarded to the CrimTrac Agency and other Australian police services (such as
Australian Federal Police, New South Wales Police Force, Victoria Police, Queensland Police Service, South Australia Police,
Western Australia Police, Tasmania Police, Northern Territory Police Force) for checking action. By signing the Form you are
providing your consent to these agencies
a) disclosing criminal history information that pertains to you from their own records to the BLA; and/or
b) accessing their records to obtain criminal history information that in turn will be disclosed to BLA.
Such criminal history information may include outstanding charges, and criminal convictions/findings of guilt recorded
against you that may be disclosed according to the laws of the relevant jurisdiction and, in the absence of any laws governing
the release of that information, according to the relevant jurisdiction's information release policy.
It is usual practice for an applicant’s personal information to be disclosed to Australian police services for them to use for
their respective law enforcement purposes including the investigation of any outstanding criminal offences.
Spent convictions schemes
Victoria Police
For the purposes of employment, voluntary work or occupational licensing/registration, police may restrict the release of a
person’s police record according to the police “Information Release Policy.” If you have a police record the “Information
Release Policy” may take into account the age of the police record and the purpose for which the information is being
released. If ten years have elapsed since you were last found guilty of an offence, police will, in most instances, advise that
you have no disclosable court outcomes. However, a record over ten years may be released:
 if it includes a term of imprisonment longer than thirty months
 if it includes a serious, violent or sexual offence and the records check is for the purpose of working with children, elderly
people or disabled people
 if it is in the interests of crime prevention or public safety.
Findings of guilt without conviction and good behaviour bonds may be released. Recent charges or outstanding matters
under investigation that have not yet gone to court may also be released.
Other Australian police services
Where a criminal history record with another Australian police service has been obtained, any relevant legislation (and / or
release policy) affecting that police service will be applied before that record is released. Under various pieces of
Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation a person has the right, in particular circumstances or for a particular purpose,
to not disclose certain convictions/findings of guilt over a certain age. Such convictions (widely referred to as “spent” or
“rehabilitated” convictions) will not be released. Please contact individual police services directly for further information
about their release policies and any legislation that affects them.
The Business Licensing Authority (BLA) is committed to responsible and fair handling of personal information consistent with
the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and its obligations under the Business Licensing Authority Act 1998. For privacy
information, please refer to the Information and privacy - Business Licensing Authority page on the Consumer Affairs Victoria
website ( or telephone 1300 13 54 52.
Note: The information you provide on this form and which the CrimTrac Agency and other agencies provides to the BLA, will
only be used for the purpose of licence or registration unless statutory obligations require otherwise.
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Proof of identification
In order to carry out checks, the Business Licensing Authority needs to establish the identity of each person. To prove your
identity you are required to provide 100 points of identification by providing certified copies of the documents described
below. All documents must be certified by an authorised person.
You must provide:
 At least one document from either category A or category B; that is you do not need to provide documents from both
categories as long as all other minimum requirements are satisfied.
 At least one of your identity documents must contain a photograph. If you are unable to provide a listed document
containing a photograph you must submit a passport style photograph of yourself correctly certified as described
 The combination of documents supplied must, as a minimum, equal a total of 100 points and provide evidence of your
full name and date of birth.
If all documents provided for 100 points are under the same name you will not be required to provide additional ID
documentation if you provide a maiden/alias name. If the 100 points provided are under two or more different names
(e.g. birth certificate in maiden name and driver’s licence in married name) then further ID documents will need to be
provided as evidence of a name change (e.g. change of name or marriage certificate issued by a State or Territory Registry
of Birth, Deaths and Marriages, or divorce papers issued by the Family Court). These documents must be originals or
certified true copies and DO NOT count towards the 100 points.
Category A – each document is worth 70 points
Birth certificate
Australian passport (current, or expired within the previous two years, but not cancelled)
Australian citizenship certificate
International passport (current, or expired within the previous two years, but not cancelled)
Other documents of identity having the same characteristics as a passport; e.g. diplomatic/refugee documents (photo or
Category B – The first document is worth 40 points and each additional document is
worth 25 points
Current licence or permit (government issued)
Working with children/Teachers registration card
Aviation security identification card/Maritime security identification card
Public employee photo ID card (government issued)
Department of Veterans’ Affairs card
Centrelink pensioner concession card or health care card
Current tertiary education institution photo ID
Reference from a medical practitioner (must have known the applicant for a period of at least 12 months)
Category C – each document is worth 25 points
Birth extract
Foreign/international drivers licence
Proof of age card (government issued)
Medicare card/private health care card
Council rates notice
Property lease/rental agreement
Property insurance papers
Australian Tax Office assessment
Superannuation statement
Seniors card
Electoral roll registration
Motor vehicle registration or insurance documents
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 Professional or trade association card
If relied upon, the following documents must be from different organisations:
 Utility bills (e.g. telephone, gas, electricity, water)
 Credit/debit card
 Bank statement/passbook
Persons who are authorised to certify documents as true copies
Justice of the peace or bail justice
Public notary
Barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court
Clerk to a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court
Prothonotary or a deputy prothonotary of the Supreme
Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the County Court
Registrar of the Magistrates’ Court
Registrar or Assistant Registrar of Probates
Associate of a judge of the Supreme Court or County
Secretary of a Master of the Supreme Court or County
Person registered as a patent attorney
Member of the police force
Sheriff or deputy sheriff
Member of Parliament of Victoria
 Member of Parliament of the Commonwealth
 Municipal councillor
 Senior officer of a council as defined in Local Government
 Registered medical practitioner
 Registered dentist
 Veterinary practitioner
 Pharmacist
 School principal
 Bank manager
 Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants or CPA
 Secretary of building society
 Minister of religion authorised to celebrate marriages
 Person employed under the Public Administration Act
2004 at a classification level at or above that prescribed.
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Examples of correctly certified documents
Failure to provide 100 points of correctly certified identification documents will result in a delay in processing your
application. Note: at least one of your identification documents must contain your photograph.
70 points example: Australian Passport
40 points example: Heavy Vehicle Driver’s Licence
25 points example: Medicare Card
If you have any questions about acceptable identification documents please contact the BLA on 1300 13 54 52.
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