Peer Program Selection Form Approximately nine months prior to the deadline for submission of the self-study, the program will provide the EAC with a list and description of five peer programs for the purposes of comparison and benchmarking. The description should show how the peers are sufficiently similar in mission, expertise, curriculum, institutional context, and students to permit a useful comparison. The EAC can be called upon to help identify and describe peers; however, the program has the final authority over the selection. The program may also select additional programs (e.g. aspirational, competitors, etc.) on their own timeline. Programs should use this template to submit their list of peer programs. The final template should be included as an appendix to the self-study. As you consider potential peers, please consider the following: The purpose of the peer institution list is to create a context for useful comparison, evaluation, and planning. The primary audience for the discussion of peer programs includes: o The program itself, which may be able to glean good ideas, avoid problems, improve educational effectiveness, or better articulate requests for resources by situating the program relative to peers. o Your Curriculum Committee, which needs a context within which to evaluate the program’s self-study and its plan for the future. o The external reviewers, who need to understand the type of program against which it is appropriate to compare expectations. o The Dean and VPAA, who need to understand the challenges and opportunities faced by programs with similar missions and institutional resources. Peer programs should be similar in size, curriculum, faculty expertise, and mission, but need not be identical. Elements of your program that are distinctive should be present in at least some of your peer programs, but need not be present at all of them. It is likely that no single peer program will match every element of your program, but most elements of your program should be reflected somewhere in the peer list. The program level questions in the template below are guidelines to help programs consider relevant elements, not criteria or conditions for selection. It is possible for a program to be considered a useful peer even if it does not share one or more of the important elements identified in the template. Peer programs should be situated within an institution similar to the University of Redlands, with similar students, resources, mission, and structural complexity. The list of peer programs submitted to EAC is a working document and may be revised as work on the self-study dictates. At any time, programs may select additional peer and aspirational institutions to augment the effectiveness of their self-study; such additional institutions need not be submitted to EAC using this template, though doing so would be useful. Programs have the final authority over the selection of peer institutions for the self-study. For each of the five peer institutions selected for the self-study, complete the checklist on the following pages. In the five charts below, please enter the requested information about each program selected, and the institution within which the program is located. The comment boxes are for the program’s use during the self-study, but comments are not required. 1 Program (e.g., Philosophy, MBA, etc.): Institution (e.g., college or university): Yes No Redlands Yes Yes Yes $26,121 $8,696 5147 16-1 31% 72% Institution* Yes Yes Yes The program offers a similar curriculum: Comments: The program employs a similar number of full-time faculty: Comments: The program mission and goals are similar: Comments: The range of faculty expertise is sufficiently similar: Comments: The program appears to be situated in a similar institution: Has a residential undergraduate college and professional schools Offers significant adult education/degree completion programs Emphasizes liberal arts across all schools Endowment assets per full time student (FTE): Instructional Expenditures per full time student (FTE): Total students enrolled: IPEDS reported student/faculty ratio: Percent graduate students: Six year graduation rate: General Notes: *This information is available for institutions on the University’s Peer Institution List; EAC and Institutional Research can assist in finding this information for other institutions. 2 Program (e.g., Philosophy, MBA, etc.): Institution (e.g., college or university): Yes No Redlands Yes Yes Yes $26,121 $8,696 5147 16-1 31% 72% Institution* The program offers a similar curriculum: Comments: The program employs a similar number of full-time faculty: Comments: The program mission and goals are similar: Comments: The range of faculty expertise is sufficiently similar: Comments: The program appears to be situated in a similar institution: Has a residential undergraduate college and professional schools Offers significant adult education/degree completion programs Emphasizes liberal arts across all schools Endowment assets per full time student (FTE): Instructional Expenditures per full time student (FTE): Total students enrolled: IPEDS reported student/faculty ratio: Percent graduate students: Six year graduation rate: General Notes: *This information is available for institutions on the University’s Peer Institution List; EAC and Institutional Research can assist in finding this information for other institutions. 3 Program (e.g., Philosophy, MBA, etc.): Institution (e.g., college or university): Yes No Redlands Yes Yes Yes $26,121 $8,696 5147 16-1 31% 72% Institution* The program offers a similar curriculum: Comments: The program employs a similar number of full-time faculty: Comments: The program mission and goals are similar: Comments: The range of faculty expertise is sufficiently similar: Comments: The program appears to be situated in a similar institution: Has a residential undergraduate college and professional schools Offers significant adult education/degree completion programs Emphasizes liberal arts across all schools Endowment assets per full time student (FTE): Instructional Expenditures per full time student (FTE): Total students enrolled: IPEDS reported student/faculty ratio: Percent graduate students: Six year graduation rate: General Notes: *This information is available for institutions on the University’s Peer Institution List; EAC and Institutional Research can assist in finding this information for other institutions. 4 Program (e.g., Philosophy, MBA, etc.): Institution (e.g., college or university): Yes No Redlands Yes Yes Yes $26,121 $8,696 5147 16-1 31% 72% Institution* The program offers a similar curriculum: Comments: The program employs a similar number of full-time faculty: Comments: The program mission and goals are similar: Comments: The range of faculty expertise is sufficiently similar: Comments: The program appears to be situated in a similar institution: Has a residential undergraduate college and professional schools Offers significant adult education/degree completion programs Emphasizes liberal arts across all schools Endowment assets per full time student (FTE): Instructional Expenditures per full time student (FTE): Total students enrolled: IPEDS reported student/faculty ratio: Percent graduate students: Six year graduation rate: General Notes: *This information is available for institutions on the University’s Peer Institution List; EAC and Institutional Research can assist in finding this information for other institutions. 5 Program (e.g., Philosophy, MBA, etc.): Institution (e.g., college or university): Yes No Redlands Yes Yes Yes $26,121 $8,696 5147 16-1 31% 72% Institution* The program offers a similar curriculum: Comments: The program employs a similar number of full-time faculty: Comments: The program mission and goals are similar: Comments: The range of faculty expertise is sufficiently similar: Comments: The program appears to be situated in a similar institution: Has a residential undergraduate college and professional schools Offers significant adult education/degree completion programs Emphasizes liberal arts across all schools Endowment assets per full time student (FTE): Instructional Expenditures per full time student (FTE): Total students enrolled: IPEDS reported student/faculty ratio: Percent graduate students: Six year graduation rate: General Notes: *This information is available for institutions on the University’s Peer Institution List; EAC and Institutional Research can assist in finding this information for other institutions. APPENDIX: Peer Institution Information Programs are not required to select peer programs from the institutions on the list below. Because these institutions have already been identified as peers for the University, information for each is readily available, and included in this appendix for use in completing the peer institution selection form, should programs from these institutions be selected. APPROVED PEER INSTITUTIONS FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF REDLANDS: Baldwin-Wallace College (OH) Butler University (IN) Drake University (IA) Hamline University (MN) Loyola Marymount University (CA) Monmouth University (NJ) Saint Joseph’s University (PA) University of San Diego (CA) University of Scranton (PA) University of the Pacific (CA) Westminster College (UT) School of Business edla nd s Bal dwi n- W alla ce C olle ge But ler U nive rs ity Dra ke U nive r sity Ham line Uni ver s Loy ity ola Ma rym oun t Un iver Mo s ity nmo uth U ni ver s ity St. J osep h’s Uni vers ity Uni vers ity o f Sa nD iego Uni vers ity o f Sc rant on Uni vers ity o f the Pac ific We s tm inst er C olle ge Ave rag es Uni Com par ver sity ativ e El of R eme n ts 2011-12 Peer Institution Data: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Liberal Arts Emphasis in Professional Programs * * * * * * * * * * "A+ School for B Students" * * * * * * * * 64 71 73 73 72 80 60 78 73 77 69 59 71.4 Retention Rate 86 82 89 85 80 89 80 89 88 89 88 79 85.3 % Graduate Students 31 10 8.7 24.3 43.7 30.9 14.4 11.9 24.6 24.5 38.1 16.1 22.5 Endowment / Student ($1,000'S) 21.3 26.6 29.2 23.4 13.3 38.2 8.9 23 33.8 18.6 26.5 19.5 23.7 Student / Faculty Ratio (IPEDS) 16.5 16.1 11 14.4 13 12.6 15.3 15.3 13.5 15.8 11.2 13.3 13.8 Enrolled Students 201011 4539 3510 4179 4379 3326 8211 5008 5242 6856 5142 5915 2614 4944 School of Education Music Ed.D NAC&U 6 Year Graduation Rate * * * * * * * Key to Peer Institution Comparison Chart School of Business School of Education The institution offers degree programs similar to the School of Business; these may or may not be offered in a separate unit from the college. The institution offers degree programs similar to the School of Education; these may or may not be offered in a separate unit from the college. Music The institution offers music degrees accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM). Ed.D The institution offers a doctoral degree in education with some similarity to our Ed.D offering. NAC&U Member of the New American Colleges and Universities consortium. Liberal Arts Emphasis in Professional Programs There is evidence in the mission, curriculum, or public commitments that the institution emphasizes the liberal arts in all programs, including professional degrees. "A+ School for B Students" 6 Year Graduation Rate The institution is placed in this category for regional universities by US News and World Report. Institutions in this category are 1) ranked in the top half of their category, 2) have first year retention rates above 75%, and 3) admit a significant portion of "non-A" students, as determined by test scores and class rank. Percentage of entering students that graduate from the institution within 6 years. Retention Rate Percentage of full-time, first-time students that remain enrolled in the third semester. % Graduate Students Percentage of all enrolled students enrolled in graduate programs. Endowment / Student ($1,000'S) Total endowment divided by total full-time enrollment. Student / Faculty Ratio (IPEDS) Full-time student enrollment + 33% of part-time student enrollment, divided by total instructional staff reported to IPEDS. Enrolled Students 2010-11 Total number of students enrolled full-time.