Draft agenda_Haz waste prevention

2016 Experts’ workshop on prevention of
hazardous waste
Venue: German Federal Environment Agency (UBA),
Bismarckplatz 1, 14193 Berlin
24-25 February 2016
Draft agenda
Updated: 21 January 2016
2016 Experts’ workshop on prevention of
hazardous waste
24-25 February 2016
Venue: German Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
Bismarckplatz 1, 14193 Berlin
Draft agenda
The objectives of the workshop are:
to discuss progress of the implementation of the hazardous waste prevention;
to discuss priority hazardous waste streams in terms of prevention;
to identify potential prevention challenges and barriers;
to discuss evaluation techniques and methods when it comes to the implementation;
to identify examples of good practice;
to establish links to other policy areas such as: circular economy, resource efficiency,
industrial emissions, chemicals and others.
Chair: tbd.
Day 1, Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Registration of participants
Welcome and Introduction
 Welcome by UBA
 Objectives by EEA
 Introduction by EC
 Brief introduction of all participants and status of hazardous waste
prevention by country
Session 1: Hazardous waste prevention in production (processes)
 Structure of the session 1
 Presentations by selected countries*:
o Waste prevention in large (industrial) activities
o Waste prevention in medium and small size activities
o Technological changes in production processes
 Brief introduction of the working groups
* Each topic will include 1-2 presentations of 10 minutes
Coffee/tea break
[Break-out rooms]
 Discussion within the working groups
[Participants will be split into three groups. All groups will follow the same
topics/structure. Moderators: UBA, EEA; note takers: ETC/WMGE]
 Wrap up of the Session 1
Chair: tbd.
Day 2, Thursday, 25 February 2016
Session 2: Hazardous waste prevention in products
 Structure of the session 2
 Presentations by selected countries*:
o Reducing hazardous substances in products (how to improve the
quality of recycling products?)
o Products design
o Products labelling
 Brief introduction of the working groups
* Each topic will include 1-2 presentations of 10 minutes
Coffee/tea break
[Break-out rooms]
 Discussion within the working groups
[Participants will be split into three groups organised around each topic.
Moderators: UBA, EEA; note takers: ETC/WMGE]
 Wrap up of the Session 2
 What comes next?
 Closure of the workshop