Pupil Parliament 9 oct 2015

Pupil Parliament
9th October 2015
Matters Arising
Money in school
Wall in to playing field has now been fixed so
pupils no longer have to stay away from it.
 Christmas bauble competition entries have been
sent off.
 Isla and Kelly have spoken to their mums who
are happy to car share on some occasions.
There was discussion about cycling to school.
Mrs R felt that the road is quite fast and so
wouldn’t be happy about anyone cycling to
school unless they had permission from their
parents and were coming a different route.
 The new line system at the end of the day is
working much better.
 Charity ideas for dress as you please: Mrs R had
information from Jeans for Genes and Clan but
welcomed suggestions. Abbi suggested a charity
supporting people with brain injuries due to a
family member needing that type of support in
the past. Isla suggested it go to dementia or
Alzheimer’s sufferers as that is also a condition
of the brain. Daniel thought it could support blind
people through Guide Dogs. Votes taken and the
money is to go towards brain injuries with 14
votes. Mrs R to look in to an appropriate charity.
 Waste Warriors did a survey for fruit and it was
decided to have fruit 3 times a week. However,
the Parent Council don’t have enough money to
fund this amount at the moment so fruit will be
once a week until they get more money.
 Minutes approved by Inga Hardy and seconded
by Kelly Morrison.
Mrs R spoke of an incident a couple of weeks ago
where one pupil had lent another pupil some money for
a drink at lunchtime. That pupil then demanded the
money back the next day and took more money off him
than had been given. Mrs R said that no one was to
lend anyone any money. There is always water
available. Parents give pupils money for dinners or
drinks or so on but don’t want their money to be given
away to others. Please keep money safe.
Mrs R got pupils to stand up if they had blond hair, or
had glasses, or freckles, or brown eyes. She then said
that the people with brown eyes would get to do a fun
activity while everyone else had to write an essay.
There was a discussion as to whether or not this was
fair and how everyone felt. Mrs R read out a definition
Teachers in P1-4
of race: “A group of people who share physical
characteristics and traits.” We discussed how it may
feel to be treated differently because of your race,
religion, nationality, etc. We spoke about how everyone
is different and we should respect those differences and
that people shouldn’t be made fun of or treated with
disrespect for being different. We discussed whether it
was right or wrong for people to have used racist
language against our visitors to school yesterday and
talked about how that may have made them feel if they
heard the comments. Imogen said that “we should treat
others how we would want to be treated ourselves.” We
all agreed that that was a good idea. We agreed that we
want people to come to Crudie and feel welcome and
go away with a good feeling. We agreed that we all had
a fantastic time yesterday and that that was not
because of the race, religion or anything else of our
visitors but because they were great drummers and
This year’s Christmas concert is Straw and Order. It is
about a legal dispute between the donkeys and the
cows that live in the stable in Bethlehem. Mrs R will
carry out some auditions at group time.
Ms Burn won’t be back in the P1-4 class after the
October break. Mrs Ewen will be in on the first Tuesday
and Mrs Kingsley will be in on the first Wednesday.
After that Mr Anderson will be in every Tuesday and
Wednesday. Mrs R hopes that everyone will make the
teachers feel welcome.
 Jeorgia brought up that there were problems with
the laptops: they aren’t being shut down
properly, they aren’t being tidied away properly
and people are logging on with other people’s
usernames. The reasons why this is a problem is
because the laptops then don’t have enough
battery for the next person, the user might have
their own work saved that they don’t want others
to access, it takes a lot of time to log off
someone else’s account and log in with your own
one. Theo was concerned that other people keep
using his username and password. Mrs R asked
for solutions: Harry – thought that each class
should have classroom monitors for taking out
and putting away laptops. Monika – thought that
we should number each laptop and number the
slots on the trolley so that every laptop goes
back in the right place. Inga – felt that we should
do a master class to show the little class how to
shut down the laptops properly. Some people are
just pressing the button to switch it off but that
Next Meeting
isn’t good for the computers. Arran – wondered if
we could set up new usernames and passwords
as he felt the usernames were too long. Mrs G
said that Mr J and herself had simpler
usernames so Mrs R will get Mrs Cowie to look
in to it. Mrs R will make up a sheet to go on the
Pupil Parliament wall that people can add their
name to if they need a new username and/or
 Inga was concerned that some of the hall chairs
had lost their feet and that they were scraping
the hall varnish when people weren’t careful. She
was concerned that there was a lot of varnish
being picked at during Pupil Parliament. Mrs R
was disappointed that people had been picking
the varnish and that it wasn’t respectful to the
school property or to Mrs Brennan who has to
varnish the floor every summer.
 Daniel was concerned that the line for milk at
lunch time was so big that people who didn’t
need milk couldn’t get past. Mrs R asked for
suggestions. Abbi suggested that the milk trolley
was put closer to the window. Mrs G agreed that
would work and would start it today. Mrs G also
reminded everyone that cups for water were kept
next to the cloths and people didn’t need to go in
to the milk line for them.
 Leo said that the boys and girls could help the
teachers if they ever had sore hands or needed
helping. Mrs R thanked him very much for the
offer and said she would pass that on to the
other teachers.
Friday 20th November 2015