STATUTORY REFERENCES FOR ALASKA MUNICIPALITIES STATUTORY REFERENCES FOR ALASKA MUNICIPALITIES The statutory references listed below refer the Code user to state statutes applicable to Alaska municipalities. They are up to date through April 14, 2013. General Provisions Local Alaska Const. art. X government Classification AS ch. 29.04 of municipalities Codification AS 29.25.050 of ordinances Home AS ch. 29.10 rule Municipal AS ch. 29.35 powers and duties Elections AS ch. 29.26 Extraterritorial AS 29.35.020 Acts AS 29.25.010 jurisdiction required Penalties AS 29.25.070 to for Civil penalties AS 29.25.072 Surcharges AS 12.55.039, 29.25.074 Collection AS 29.25.075 be by ordinance ordinance for violations on ordinance of Eminent AS 29.35.030 violations by minors violations penalties domain Administration and Personnel Municipal AS 29.20.220 et seq. executive Governing 29.20.050 et seq. bodies Hoonah, Alaska, Code of Ordinances Page 1 STATUTORY REFERENCES FOR ALASKA MUNICIPALITIES Municipal AS ch. 29.25 enactments Manager AS 29.20.460 et seq. plan Appointment AS 29.20.360 of officers Municipal AS 29.20.370 attorney Municipal AS 29.20.380 clerk Municipal AS 29.20.390 treasurer Oaths AS 29.20.600 of office Combining AS 29.35.010(2) offices Conflict AS 29.20.010 Bonding AS 29.20.610 of of interest offices Compensation AS 29.20.620 and of elected Vacancies AS 29.20.170 in Open AS 29.20.020, 44.62.310 et seq. employees officers office public meetings Departments AS 29.20.400 Emergency AS 29.35.040 disaster powers Utility AS 29.20.310 boards Local AS ch. 18.10 health School AS ch. 14.12. districts Local AS ch. 14.14 administration administration and boards of schools Hoonah, Alaska, Code of Ordinances Page 2 STATUTORY REFERENCES FOR ALASKA MUNICIPALITIES Planning AS 29.40.020 commissions Local AS 29.55.010 historic Administrative AS 29.40.050 district land commissions use Personnel AS 29.20.410 appeals system authorized Revenue and Finance Annual AS 29.35.120 audit Acquisition and AS 29.35.090 disposal of land and interests Property AS 29.45.010 et seq. land taxation City AS 29.45.550 et seq. property Enforcement AS 29.45.290 et seq. Sales AS 29.45.700 et seq. in of tax tax and use liens taxes Municipal AS ch. 29.47 debt Special AS ch. 29.46 assessments Budget AS 29.35.100 and capital Investment AS 29.35.015 Fees AS 29.35.125 program pools for police protection services Business Licenses and Regulations Alcoholic AS 29.35.080 Franchises AS 29.35.060 beverages and permits Animals Hoonah, Alaska, Code of Ordinances Page 3 STATUTORY REFERENCES FOR ALASKA MUNICIPALITIES Animal AS ch. 3.55 care and dog control Health and Safety Garbage AS 29.35.050 and solid waste Fire AS ch. 18.70 protection Fireworks AS 18.72.060 Hazardous AS 29.35.500 et seq. chemicals, Air materials quality and control wastes programs AS 29.35.055 Smoking AS 18.35.300 et seq. in public places Public Peace, Morals and Welfare Offenses AS ch. 11.41 against Offenses AS ch. 11.46 Offenses AS ch. 11.51 person against against Offenses AS ch. 11.56 Offenses AS ch. 11.66 the family and against against vulnerable public public Curfew AS 29.35.085 property health for adults administration and decency minors Controlled AS chs. 11.71, 17.30, 17.35 and 17.37 substances Weapons AS 18.65.700 et seq. and 29.35.145 Vehicles and Traffic Alaska AS title 28 Uniform Vehicle Code Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places Special AS ch. 29.46 assessments Hoonah, Alaska, Code of Ordinances Page 4 STATUTORY REFERENCES FOR ALASKA MUNICIPALITIES Extraterritorial AS 29.35.020 jurisdiction Public Services Municipally AS 29.35.070 owned utilities Franchises AS 29.35.060 and permits Garbage AS 29.35.050 and solid waste services Buildings and Construction Electrical AS 18.60.580 et seq. code Plumbing AS 18.60.705 et seq. code Trailer camps AS 18.35.010 et seq. and motor courts Subdivisions Subdivisions AS chs. 29.40 and 40.15 and dedications Zoning Zoning AS 29.35.180 and ch. 29.40 Historical AS 29.55.020 districts Hoonah, Alaska, Code of Ordinances Page 5