Data Linkage Framework Programme Board meeting Wednesday 17th April 14:00 – 16:00 Meeting Notes Present: Andrew Morris (Scottish Government, Chief Scientist) - CHAIR Roger Halliday (Scottish Government, Chief Statistician) Sara Grainger (Scottish Government, Office of the Chief Statistician and Performance) Tim Ellis (National Records for Scotland: Registrar General) Steve Pavis (National Services Scotland: Information Services Division) – deputising for Susan Burney (Head of ISD) Chris Dibben (St Andrews, Scottish Longitudinal Study and Administrative Data Liaison Service) Vanessa Cuthill (ESRC) – phoned in at 3pm John Frank (MRC: Director, Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy) Maureen Falconer (Information Commissioner’s Office) Catherine Millington (Scottish Government, Office of the Chief Statistician and Performance) Apologies: Pete Whitehouse (Scottish Government, Health & Social Care); Susan Burney. 1. Welcome, apologies and introductions Andrew welcomed everyone and highlighted the importance of this newly established Board to steer and direct delivery of the Data Linkage Framework which offers huge potential to Scotland. 2. Structure of the group This Board and the Data Management Board have replaced the Data Linkage Steering Group. The focus of this Board is delivery of the primary Data Linkage Framework elements, i.e. the Data Linkage Service, Privacy Advisory Committee, and Guiding Principles. It is a short life group, expected to exist for between 12 and 18 months and cease when the Privacy Advisory Group is established. It was agreed that a ‘lay’ member should be included (possibly someone who is already on the SHIP advisory group), and that representatives from N. Ireland, Wales, and ONS should be invited to meetings as observers. This Board reports into the Data Management Board whose remit also covers open data, big data, and data sharing for direct service delivery. The first meeting of the Data Management Board is 7 June for which a report on data linkage will be required. Remit was discussed in general terms and agreed that close oversight and leadership of all DLF workstreams was central. Whether or not to include ‘data access’ (to not necessarily linked data) needs considering by the Data Management Board in light of other groups’ remits. Actions: Catherine to invite lay membership and observers from other nations Catherine to circulate the following key documents: a. Data Linkage Framework Strategy b. Consultation paper for the data linkage Service c. ADT report d. SHiP blueprint e. NHS National Privacy Advisory Committee consultation f. Minutes of the last Steering Group meeting g. Remit and membership of the Data Management Board Catherine to draft terms of reference for this group for agreement. 3. Work streams The structure of working arrangements was described: Gerry’s team across in NRS and ISD are delivering the Data Linkage and Sharing Service, and Sara’s team in the SG are working on public engagement, privacy and ethics including development of the Privacy Advisory Committee. On the latter Chris Dibben asked about links with UK wide departments and Sara explained that the intention is to join the Scottish Privacy Advisory Committee with whatever structure emerges for the UK from the Administrative Data Task Force recommendations as regards privacy advice and that the point about engaging with key UK departments early was well made. A number of ‘pathfinder’ projects have been set up to test the different elements of the Data Linkage and Sharing Service – the projects are due to deliver their feedback before the Service is operational (by the end of the calendar year). Questions were raised about the mechanism for the pathfinder projects to feed into workstreams on public engagement, privacy and ethics; how they will influence and shape the strategy and it’s delivery; and how they were selected for funding. It was noted that calling them ‘pathfinder’ projects was misleading as they are case studies in testing the system as it is being built. The need for better co-ordination of workstreams was identified, in particular information about roles and work plans of constituent parts need sharing amongst those involved. Roger specified the need for a single programme plan that clearly identifies responsibility of elements. It was suggested that a workshop for all those involved across the workstreams would be useful, with oversight from this group. The workshop would challenge participants to come up with a proposal for how to improve communication between workstreams and how to report to this group. Actions: Catherine to arrange workshop within next 6 weeks Gerry to provide a paper for the next meeting explaining selection of pathfinder projects and their value is to the programme. 4. Resources It was noted that although this group can’t hold financial resources it would be useful to have a high-level discussion around resources in the form of a meeting between Roger, Tim and Andrew. Roger noted that the next spending review will be in the summer. There is also money available from other sources (ESRC and MRC) and we need to be ready with a Scottish bid. Vanessa phoned in and said that the ESRC have capital funding available for opportunities linked to recommendations from the ADT report. Expect the call to be made in early June and accompanied by a workshop, with a closing date of end June. Peer review will be in July with a decision expected in September. The Board agreed that a strong bid from Scotland would be advantageous and agreed to discuss outwith the meeting who would be best placed to lead the drafting. Actions: Andrew to contact Tim and Roger to discuss resources Sara to lead discussions with others to identify resource for drafting a bid. The next meeting will be arranged for early June shortly after the Data Management Board.