description of the procedure

Application form 1
Request for a whole genome scan using the Affymetrix Genechip Human
Mapping 250K Array
For the request of a genome-wide scan please contact Angelien Heister to discuss with her
the best strategy for your project.
1. The following points will be discussed during this meeting:
2. Does the project involve homozygosity mapping or classical linkage analysis?
3. Are there enough samples to perform linkage? The facility can perform simulations to
predict the expected LOD score.
4. Is there enough DNA available for the analysis of choice?
The linkage facility would also like to have the following information:
1. Description of the disease
2. Overview of the pedigree
3. Billing information
4. Information concerning the DNA delivery to the linkage facility
If necessary
1. Have candidate genes been excluded? Which markers were used for this?
2. Should genes be excluded before the start of the whole genome scan?
3. Is the disease dominant/recessive or X-linked (for simulations and linkage analysis)?
4. Frequency of the disease gene, information regarding penetrance of the disorder
5. Degree of consanguinity of family (in case of homozygosity mapping)
For more information contact
Angelien Heister :024-3617752