GSCYTA Board Meeting March 10, 2010 Minutes The GSCYTA

GSCYTA Board Meeting
March 10, 2010
The GSCYTA Mission:
To promote and develop the growth of youth tennis in Scott County Georgetown.
To develop programs which encourage youth tennis & foster a lifelong love for tennis.
**Those in attendance were: Julie Dick, Darci Tipton, Meg Ann Leigh, Kenda Moore, Angie Saylers, &
Millie Wrobleski.
II. What is GSCYTA?
A. Community Tennis Association – our CTA is made-up of a dedicated group of volunteers that
have come together to support community tennis programs for youth.
 Short Term Goal – Implementing and managing Jr. Team Tennis program for 5-12 year
olds in Scott County for 2010.
 Long Term Goal – to gradually encompass all facets of youth tennis programming in
Scott County as board seeks projects that benefit tennis in our community. Fund-raising
programs will be necessary for both short term and long term goals. Julie also discussed
future plans to become a paid staff member to the association in order to keep
operations continuous.
 Bylaws – Julie is currently putting together bylaws and once completed a copy will be
sent to each board member and discussed at next board meeting.
 Budgets – The budget will include Jr. Team Tennis expenses and income ($41.00 per
participant will go into the GSCYTA account).
B. Linking GSCYTA to the USTA Network
 USTA is a model for non-profit organizations because of the strong ties it has formed
with the community. These community based relationships are fostered through CTAs,
which provide local USTA members with a forum through which they can fundraise,
conduct sanctioned tournaments, develop educational programs, and offer USTA
instructional programs.
 GSCYTA is registered with the USTA: receive insurance liability, data management,
official certificates of membership of USTA, access to USTA funding, trainings, support
materials, networking, and awards.
C. 501c3 Tax Exempt Status
 GSCYTA is currently applying for 501c3 Tax Exempt status.
III. Board Position
A. Description/Nominations/Designate
*The board reviewed board positions, made nominations, and voted on positions of the board
1. President – (control of Board of Directors, supervise and control the affairs of the
corporation and the activities of officers) – Julie Dick
2. Secretary – (keeps minutes to the meeting, keeps communication among board
members, sends meeting reminders) – Holly Osborn
3. Treasurer – (manages budget, funds, & expenses –must give budget report at each
meeting) – board agreed to allow Julie’s husband who is a CPA to serve as treasurer –
Scott Dick
4. Communications Coordinator ( media relations – keep media aware of program through
press releases, contact with schools regarding sign-up information – getting flyers
approved and distributed, other advertising opportunities) – Millie Wrobleski
5. Logistics Coordinator (plan any hoopla associated with match days, picture day, prizes)
–Resa Browning
6. Volunteer Coordinator (maintains list of volunteers, delegates and schedules volunteer
duties such as monitors, set-up, checkpoint table, snacks, etc) – Angie Saylers
7. 8U Coordinator (coordinates with all the 8U coaches on schedules and any related
activities) – Darci Tipton
8. 10U Coordinator – Kenda Moore
9. 12U Coordinator – Meg Ann Leigh
GSCYTA Board Members
Julie Dick, President
Holly Osborn, Secretary
Scott Dick, Treasurer
Millie Wrobleski, Communications Coordinator
Angie Saylers, Volunteer Coordinator
Resa Browning, Logistics Coordinator
Darci Tipton, 8U Coordinator
Kenda Moore, 10U Coordinator
MegAnn Leigh, 12U Coordinator
III. Jr. Team Tennis Program
A. Description of program
1. 8U & 10U will use the USTA QuickStart Format – ages 5-10 using modified court setting
2. 12U play Full court
3. Goal of program is to have 144 kids 6 teams per level or minimum of 4 teams per level
4. Fees – Total cost of program is $76.48 Break down - $19.00 USTA membership/$16.48
USTA shirt/$41.00 GSCYTA
5. Recruitment – we are getting all players signed-up and put in program bank – once
coaches have had a chance to meet with players (tryout) and discuss ages/ability –
participants will be placed ordering into teams. For instance, we don’t want a team with
all 5 year olds against a team that is all 8. In addition, we want to attempt to divide
teams with balanced age, ability, and sex.
o $41.00 is used for local programming expenses through GSCYTA
o Players that have the ability can play up a level but not down. E.g. an 8 year old
player can play in 12U if ability to compete on a full court.
o In order to recruit players – board decided to host a Jr. Team Tennis Kick-Off
event to be held on Sunday, April 25th 1:00 – 4:00pm at the Public Library. We
will set-up displays with information, demonstrations, and to have computers
available to help parents to sign their kids up online. Coaches and board
members are expected to attend.
o Board discussed getting flyers out to schools on the program as well as the kickoff. Julie is looking into getting flyer templates and board members suggested
possible helps cost of printing by buying reams of paper for copying.
o Millie is going to get press release out to media on registration upon Julie
sending her some templates.
o MegAnn invited GSCYTA to set-up booth on Jr. Tennis Team program at the
Summer Programs Fair on April 13th at 6:00pm.
o Julie is also will be working with Parks/Rec on sign-up taken through the Pavilion
and developing a sign-up form that is a hard copy form participants can fill in
rather than using online reg. if necessary.
o MegAnn is going to help to recruit high school players to assist with program in
coaching and monitoring matches.
IV. Calendar of Events
Team Captain/Coach Meeting – March 15th
Kick-Off -Sunday, April 25th – 1-4:00pm Public Library
Volunteer/Coach Training May 16th – needs to be confirmed with USTA – 2:00 – 5:30pm
Team Tryout – Saturday, May 22nd. Needs to be confirmed by coaches
Schedules are currently being decided based on court availability and size of teams.
Next Meeting TBA – In meantime, board will stay in communication through e-mail.