News Easter 2015 - Pheasey Park Farm Primary School and

Pheasey Park Farm
Primary School and Children’s Centre
Wimperis Way, Great Barr, Birmingham, B43 7DH
Head Teacher: Mrs. S. Lanni
e mail:
Tel: 0121 366 6183
Fax: 0121 325 0136
Web Site:
Children’s Centre Manager: Mrs. B. Butlin Tel: 0121 366 7639
Dear Parents,
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
As the Easter break draws near we would like to bring the following information to your attention:
We have said good bye this term to the following Staff:
Mrs J Wingate who retired from her position as Senior Supervisor after 28 years at the school.
Congratulations to Mr R Evans who has secured another position at a college in Birmingham. We thank
Mr Evans and wish him all the best.
Mrs Blackham will be retiring at the end of this term having worked at Pheasey for 20 years. We
thank Mrs Blackham and wish her all the best. Mrs P Harley will take over from Mrs Blackham in the
Mr Hartwright resigned from his position at the end of February to work at a school closer to home.
Congratulations go to the following staff:
Mr P Godwin who will be taking Paternity Leave during the Summer Term.
Miss. N Elsden has been appointed as Learning Mentor working across the school.
Mrs C Sheen has been appointed as Teaching Assistant in Year 4.
Mrs L Green has been appointed as Teaching Assistant in Nursery.
Miss S Zogaj has been appointed as German co-ordinator.
Mrs R Lewins has been appointed as Play Leader.
Congratulations also to Mrs Shariff and Mrs Enyedi who will be taking maternity leave from the end
of this term. Mr Hancox will be covering Mrs Shariff’s maternity leave and Mrs Owen-Hall will be
covering Mrs Enyedi’s maternity leave.
We welcome back Mrs Spink who will return from maternity leave in the Summer term and will work in
2MH. Mrs Willis will continue to oversee 2MH until Mrs Spink’s return.
Please find attached Staffing for April, 2015.
Pheasey Park Farm
Primary School and Children’s Centre
Wimperis Way, Great Barr, Birmingham, B43 7DH
Head Teacher: Mrs. S. Lanni
e mail:
Tel: 0121 366 6183
Fax: 0121 325 0136
Web Site:
Children’s Centre Manager: Mrs. B. Butlin Tel: 0121 366 7639
May I remind parents that Dinner Money must be paid on a Monday morning for the whole week
where possible. The office sends out weekly reminders chasing unpaid dinner money. Please ensure
that payment is made promptly to avoid a debt building up. The price of School meals is £2.00 per
May I remind parents that School Fund is currently £6.00 per year. Children in Nursery and
Reception also bring in 50p per week to cover the costs of various activities. Could we please ask
parents who have not yet paid this year to send the money in with their child in a named envelope
for the attention of Mrs Bennett – Finance Administrator.
May we remind parents that children need to be in school every day and on time. Please ensure
children are at School by 8:45 a.m. each morning in order to take part in their class Handwriting
session and afternoon nursery starts at 12:30p.m. prompt. If children are late this disrupts the
lesson. If children are ill, please contact school by 9:00a.m. every morning with the reason in order
to receive the correct absence mark. Children must be collected promptly please at the end of the
Please note that children in FS and KS1 are dismissed directly to a responsible adult at the end of
the day.
Children in KS2 are dismissed and should be collected by a responsible adult off the playground.
Please ensure that you have signed the consent slip if your child is in Year 5 or 6 if you wish to allow
them to walk home alone. All other children need to be collected by a responsible adult.
May I also remind parents that young children should not be running around on the premises when
children are being collected and secondary aged children are not allowed to come onto the premises
without approval before or after school.
May I remind parents that scooters and bikes should not be rode at all on school premises at any time.
Attendance has significantly improved and children are excited, motivated and challenged coming
into school. Our absence rate is currently 3.91%. 108 pupils have achieved 100% attendance since
September and 224 pupils have achieved 100% attendance this term. We hope to achieve 97%
attendance for all children. Well done to parents and pupils for this improvement, let’s keep it going.
Pheasey Park Farm
Primary School and Children’s Centre
Wimperis Way, Great Barr, Birmingham, B43 7DH
Head Teacher: Mrs. S. Lanni
e mail:
Tel: 0121 366 6183
Fax: 0121 325 0136
Web Site:
Children’s Centre Manager: Mrs. B. Butlin Tel: 0121 366 7639
When we return after Easter, children will have the option to continue to wear either their shirt &
tie or the Summer uniform as detailed below:
Sky blue polo shirt with grey skirt, trousers or shorts
Plain grey skirt, pinafore or tailored shorts
Knee length pale blue and white striped or gingham summer dress
Sandals may be worn in dry weather with socks. Sandals must be black or navy and flat.
May I remind parents that all children are required to complete their Homework and return it at the
time stated. All children are required to participate in P.E. and Swimming unless there is a medical
reason to indicate otherwise.
We would be grateful if parents could send in any school vouchers from Tesco and Sainsbury’s. We are
also collecting Morrison’s Vouchers. Please also send in Box Tops from Nestle Cereals. Please send all
tokens to the School Office. Thank you for your support.
Both girls and boys football teams are competing in the Walsall Schools League. Both teams are
representing the school very well and are proud ambassadors for Pheasey.
Our children have enjoyed playing Tag Rugby this term with a festival due to take place later this
Congratulations to our Boys and Girls cross country teams for their excellent performance this year.
Our Girls team achieved first place in the Walsall competition with Mia Jackson, Year 6, being
awarded a gold medal for first place. Our children will now represent Walsall in the Black Country
Our school took part in the Sportshall Athletics and we are very proud of their achievements. We
await the final results.
Our swimming team has performed exceptionally well this term winning all of the Galas in which they
have taken part. We will now be representing Walsall in the Black Country Finals.
Congratulations to our Foundation Stage children for taking part in the Easter Bonnet Parade this
term. The quality of the Easter bonnets was outstanding and we thank all parents for their support.
Pheasey Park Farm
Primary School and Children’s Centre
Wimperis Way, Great Barr, Birmingham, B43 7DH
Head Teacher: Mrs. S. Lanni
e mail:
Tel: 0121 366 6183
Fax: 0121 325 0136
Web Site:
Children’s Centre Manager: Mrs. B. Butlin Tel: 0121 366 7639
All children enjoyed designing Easter Eggs this term.
A number of KS2 children have enjoyed Poetry Workshops led by Walsall Schools Library Support
Service. Our extra-curricular reading club enjoyed a visit by Donovan Campbell who inspired the
children with his many poems.
Year 1 enjoyed performing their show ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarves’. This was enjoyed by
parents, governors and staff.
World Book Day was a huge success this year with the children taking part in a range of interesting
activities and a special visit by Clifford the Big Red Dog!
Safer Internet Day this term taught our children about internet safety.
Bird watch week was enjoyed by all our children this term with many exciting activities taking place.
FS/KS1 theme days have been enjoyed by our children.
Science Week was another exciting week for our children with many Science based activities taking
place across the school.
Fair Trade and Waste week taught our children to care about the environment.
Music concerts have taken place this term for Recorders, Steel Pans and Brass and our children have
demonstrated the progress they have made to parents and Governors.
Our International Stand Up to Bullying Day was a very inspirational and informative day.
We have continued to enjoy visits by Timezones and Timepieces to present history workshops to our
Year 3 and 4 dance clubs have performed extremely well taking part in the Forest Arts Dance
Festival where they received very positive feedback.
Our school choir is going from strength to strength and performed at the Forest Arts Music Festival
We would like to thank parents for supporting our extra-curricular clubs this term and we encourage
all of our children from years 1 to 6 to participate in at least 1 club each week.
Pheasey Park Farm
Primary School and Children’s Centre
Wimperis Way, Great Barr, Birmingham, B43 7DH
Head Teacher: Mrs. S. Lanni
e mail:
Tel: 0121 366 6183
Fax: 0121 325 0136
Web Site:
Children’s Centre Manager: Mrs. B. Butlin Tel: 0121 366 7639
We continue to offer workshops for parents in order to provide information about our curriculum and
assessment procedures and thank all parents who have attended.
Thank you to all parents for supporting children’s day and residential visits this term.
Pheasey Friends organised the KS2 Valentines Disco on Thursday 12th February which raised £480.
World Book Day also raised £447.
School enjoyed celebrating Red Nose Day with a dance-a-thon in which all pupils took part. School
raised £419.80 which has been forwarded to the Red Nose Day appeal.
Thank you to all who donated and took part in making all three of these events fun and worthwhile.
Our Cash4Clothes collection in January raised £61.00 and we thank all parents for supporting this.
Thank you to all parents who attended our parents evening this term. It is pleasing to know that
parents are very pleased with the quality of learning opportunities which our children receive. We
would also like to thank parents for their support with our Book Fair. The commission generated will
provide additional books for our library.
I would like to congratulate and thank Children, Staff, Parents and Governors for a highly
successful term here at Pheasey Park Farm. The hard work and support has really been appreciated.
It is pleasing that this hard work is reflected in the children’s results this term.
We are really looking forward to our Easter Service at Beacon Church on Friday 27th March at
9.45am where our Year 3 children will be leading the service accompanied by the school choir.
We are pleased to inform parents that on 3rd and 4th March 2015, we commissioned a Lead Inspector
from Tribal to undertake a Pre-Ofsted inspection of our school. We are very pleased to inform
parents that the Inspector stated:
‘The great majority of pupils in the school are now making good progress’
‘The teaching of pupils with Special Educational Needs is extremely good and sometimes outstanding’
‘Pupil’s behaviour and attitudes to learning are excellent’
‘Pupil’s attendance is above average and improving’
‘Teachers have good subject knowledge and apply it well’
‘The determination for the school to improve is evident at all levels of leadership’
Pheasey Park Farm
Primary School and Children’s Centre
Wimperis Way, Great Barr, Birmingham, B43 7DH
Head Teacher: Mrs. S. Lanni
e mail:
Tel: 0121 366 6183
Fax: 0121 325 0136
Web Site:
Children’s Centre Manager: Mrs. B. Butlin Tel: 0121 366 7639
‘Progress data shows the positive impact of the school’s drive towards excellence’
‘Early Years provision is good and children make good progress’
‘Work is well matched to pupils learning needs with extension tasks for the most able’
We would like to thank all parents who have attended events and/or supported with transporting
children to various events this term. If parents bring younger siblings into school for events please
take extra care when walking through the car park.
After the Easter break the main gates on Raeburn Road and Wimperis Way entrances will be
unlocked at 3.10pm for parents to enter the school site in order to collect their children at the end
of the school day.
May I remind parents that school will break up on Friday 27th March at 3.25pm and will re-open on
Monday 13th April at 8.40am.
I would like to thank the children, parents, staff and governors for their support and I wish you and your
children a peaceful Easter Break.
Many thanks for your support.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. S. Lanni
Head Teacher