APPROVAL DOCUMENT Programme Title: Delete and replace with programme title Partner Delivering Institution: Delete and replace with partner institution name Start Date: Delete and replace with the first year this programme is to run (i.e.2015-16) First Award Date: Delete and replace with the first year this programme is to complete for a cohort (i.e. 2017-18) Key points regarding this document: Purpose: this document exists to inform of the principle context and concepts involved in proposing this programme for approval. Completion of this document should aim to be informative in a concise and direct manner to empathise with the approval panel. Additional supporting information: may be embedded as appendices at the end of this document; however these should be appropriate to the purpose of this document and therefore appropriately cited/cross-referenced within the main text. Contents1 A1. History and Context of the Programme ....................................................................... 2 A2. Key Drivers for Programme Design ............................................................................ 2 A3. Relevant External and Internal Regulations / Policies / Procedures ............................ 2 A4. Programme Delivery (including Equality and Diversity)............................................... 3 A5. Work Based Learning (WBL), and preparation for Employment and Personal Development ......................................................................................................................... 3 A6. Currency, Scholarship, and Resourcing to Support the Programme ........................... 4 A7. Programme Focused Staff CVs .................................................................................. 4 Appendix: Click here to enter text.......................................................................................... 5 To update the contents list: left-click on table left-click on ‘Update Table’ choose ‘Update Entire Table’ and click ‘OK’ 1 Page 1 Delete and replace with institution name Delete and replace with programme title Academic Partnerships Approval Document Version 1.1 (2015-16) A1. History and Context of the Programme A1.1 Description of this programme: Delete and replace with a concise description of the programme (i.e. “This FdSc …. is ……”) that expands to define its importance for your institution as the delivering institution. This would be expected to be aligned with institutional strategy (i.e. mission(s), initiatives, policy etc) and triangulate with how these relate to communities and or industries that are potentially local / regional / national / international. A1.2 Alignment of this programme with existing and/or planned provision within the institution: Delete and replace with an outline of other programmes delivered at this institution. This should give clarity over whether these programmes are existing or planned, and may expand to include relevant FE programmes, such as those that feed students through to HE, and may also include programmes at other institutions (particularly at Plymouth University or within its Partner network) if relationships are established. If there are any transitional arrangements for students these should be outlined here. Clear lists or diagrams may be used in place of text here if this is considered appropriate. A2. Key Drivers for Programme Design A2.1 What information have current/potential students contributed to programme design? Delete and replace with identification of the expected student market(s). Clearly identify the needs and wants of the market(s), as this information will logically explain, to an extent, the programme design presented throughout these documents. In contrast with the following section (A2.2), this will have particular focus on the student experience, including needs and wants for teaching, learning and assessment as well the broader experiences of their life as a student. A2.2 Employment/Employer/Industry information relevant to programme design: As above, but here particular focus will be on the output of the programme, i.e. the experiences, skills and knowledge required and desired in a graduate from this programme. This may also extend to levels of industry involvement in programme design and delivery. A2.3 Identified opportunities for continued study post completion of this programme: Delete and replace with a list of opportunities for continuing study. N.B. this section is not only about formal progression routes, the formal definition is required only within the Programme Specification document. A3. Relevant External and Internal Regulations / Policies / Procedures A3.1 Stipulations from Academic Development and Partnerships Committee (ADPC – Plymouth University) scrutiny and approval to proceed: Page 2 Delete and replace with institution name Delete and replace with programme title Academic Partnerships Approval Document Version 1.1 (2015-16) Delete and replace with any stipulations/caveats provided in the minutes from the specific ADPC that approved the proposal for this programme to proceed to the approval process. If there were no stipulations then simply state as such. A3.2 Stipulations arising from other University communications relating to this approval: Delete and replace with any other stipulations that have been either formally communicated or have arisen and been appropriately agreed during discussions with subject-cognate staff at the University. If there have been no such stipulations then simply document as such. A3.3 Stipulations from external regulatory/professional bodies: Delete replace with any of these. Should these then not align with Plymouth University Regulations this should be explained here. If there are none then simply state as such. A4. Programme Delivery (including Equality and Diversity) A4.1 Equality and diversity: Delete and replace with explanatory text that defines any specific capabilities students will be required to have, to meet the aims and the intended learning outcomes of the programme. This should be carefully considered, as any level of discrimination for any reason must align with fully justified need and must not be a result of any prejudice based on preference (i.e. to avoid in-depth and complex consideration of assessment design). A4.2 Teaching & Learning: Delete and replace with explanatory paragraph(s) that outline how these two elements align within the context of this programme and its subject area. A4.3 Assessment & Feedback: As above, but regarding assessment and with a focus on inclusivity of assessment and feedback. A5. Work Based Learning (WBL), and preparation for Employment and Personal Development A5.1 Embedding employability: Delete and replace with a conceptual framework for how employability has been embedded within the programme through Teaching Learning and Assessment (TL&A). A5.2 Work Based Learning: Delete and replace with a concise outline of WBL if included in the programme. This should be actual placement activity in the workplace (whether internal to the delivering institution or within industry) rather than simulated activities better described as Work Related Learning (WRL), which would be expected to be included in the description in A5.1. If WBL/placement opportunities are not a part of this programme simply state as such. Page 3 Delete and replace with institution name Delete and replace with programme title Academic Partnerships Approval Document Version 1.1 (2015-16) A6. Currency, Scholarship, and Resourcing to Support the Programme A6.1 How will the team’s currency for delivering this programme be maintained? Delete and replace. This would naturally extend beyond direct teaching staff to support/technical staff, equipment and infrastructure (including learning and digital resources). A6.2 Articulate scholarly activity as it relates to the programme team: Delete and replace. A6.3 What additional resources are required to successfully deliver this programme? Delete and replace, e.g. equipment, specialist facilities, specialist staffing contributions etc. Subject to consideration at the approval event, the panel may well consider that these would become conditions of approval. A7. Programme Focused Staff CVs (The following template for CVs is designed to target the programme’s delivery needs. These should be completed for each module leader, as well as the programme leader, to match those listed within OP1.2 of the Operational Specification and PD3 of the Programme Details documents.) The following CVs represent all proposed team members. Any changes to staffing post approval would be expected to follow the approval’s agreement of Staffing and Resources (section PD3) in this programme’s ‘Programme Details: Modules and Resources’ document: Surname: Delete and replace First name(s): Delete and replace Title and letters of entitlement: Delete and replace Awarding Institution: Delete and replace Employer(s): HE Qualifications: Date(s): Delete and replace Delete and replace Employment Date(s): Record/Current Post: Delete and replace Delete and replace Delete and replace HE Teaching and/or Programme / Module Date(s): Management Experience Details (including FHEQ2 (Manager/ Lecturer/ level) Demonstrator etc): Delete and replace Delete and replace Delete and replace Current and Planned Scholarly Activity and Continued Professional Development: Delete and replace Professional Activity (including professional association membership, board/committee membership): Delete and replace Awards/Grants (cite awarding body): Delete and replace 2 QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications: Page 4 Delete and replace with institution name Delete and replace with programme title Academic Partnerships Approval Document Version 1.1 (2015-16) Publications (refereed and non-refereed papers, books, articles, reports, consultancy reports etc): Delete and replace To ease the approval panel’s consideration, please ensure this template is employed. To copy the CV template: hover mouse over the table then left-click on the box that appears in the top left corner right-click ‘copy’ select a position on the page, ensuring there is more than a single line between CVs, right-click and ‘paste – keeping formatting options’ Appendix: Click here to enter text. To create additional appendices simply copy and paste the above heading. Page 5 Delete and replace with institution name Delete and replace with programme title Academic Partnerships Approval Document Version 1.1 (2015-16)