MFL Geography The Romans I can RE Jesus’s miracles Good Friday Locate and map out the Roman Empire (compare now and then) Name and locate cities and countries in Europe Similarities and differences Volcanoes (Vesuvius) Maps , atlases and globes Plans of Roman baths and villas (fieldwork) Trade links Earthquakes in Italy Maths Link Roman numerals Shape Year 3 Term 2 History Julius Caesar’s attempted invasion Power of Roman army Celtic resistance Britain as part of the Roman Empire – why did they invade? The decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire Hadrian’s Wall Impact of technology, culture and beliefs Romans Music Recorders Science (800BC - 500AD) PE Gymnastics Visits/Visitors/Parents Outdoor and Adventurous Roman Baths Roman visitor Perform Boudicca play to parents Rocks – inc volcanoes DT English Dialogue and Plays Instructions Language Play Models and sculptures demonstrating how the Romans changed the world Art Roman mosaics Roman architects and designers Drawing and painting Roman shields Roman catapults Computing Databases of Roman gods Research about Romans E-Safety DB Primary – VLE Espresso Coding PSHE Outdoor Learning Opportunities Re-enactment of Roman battles Outdoor and Adventurous activities Looking forward (Economic well-being) My friends and family (Sex and Relationships personal hygiene)