Geometry Window Art Project Overview Monday -1. Watch stain glass video. 2. Design a stain glass to fit front window of school using geometrical shapes – regular and composite. a. Students will measure the window. b. Students will need at least 5 different geometric shapes (polygons) including at least two regular polygons. At least one shape must repeat. Also include at least two composite shape. c. Students are given the scale factor to draw their design to. d. Students will begin design. (It can be general design, cub design, or representative of their elementary school attended). e. Homework – design of stain glass. Tuesday – 1. Finish design of stained glass. Color and outline shapes in black. Daily grade. 2. On a sheet of notebook paper list the 5 different geometric shapes (polygons) including at least two regular polygons. At least one shape must repeat. Also include at least two composite shape. Daily grade. 3. Use a ruler to measure lengths of all listed shapes – record on the above notebook paper. Daily grade. 4. Homework – complete all work to this point. Wednesday – 1. Work with your focus groups to be the expert on formulas of area and perimeter for different shapes. Focus groups will have 10 minutes to put it together. We will take 15 minutes to present. 2. Students will complete calculations of area, perimeter and circumference on a sheet of notebook paper of listed shapes (from Tuesday) and figures and complete design. Daily grade. 3. Homework – Finish calculations Thursday – 1. Teacher will demonstrate scale and scale factor. 2. Students will use proportions to prove their design is to scale. Done on notebook paper – finish for homework. Daily grade Friday – 1. Students will finish any work to this point. 2. Students will write an essay that walks the reader through the processes they used to create their product and find their measurements and calculate area, perimeter, circumference, etc. Students will tell how they could use this in the future and list any examples they have seen that uses geometry in art and architecture. Student should describe in detail how they see geometry in art and architecture in the real world using a specific example and pointing out the mathematical attributes of their example. Daily grade. Typed gets extra credit. Due after spring break.