ACMA Executive Meeting 15 May 2014

ACMA Executive meeting Thursday 15th of May 2014, 8.00pm
Present: A Wan, D Luo, C Lam Yang, A, To, B Chen, M Ting, K Ng, A Lim, K Liu, E Zhou, J Sung, K Kawamura,
Apologies: M Chu, P Cheng, S Loo, D Yeh, V Jeong, H Yoon, F Zhang, P Liao, L No, M Pan, V Tai, M Wong
Acceptance of previous meeting minutes: Accepted by Adrian, seconded by Carlos Passed unanimously.
Matters arising: nil
ACMA doing well financially
o ~$2500 from ACMA annual subscription
o conference - 6 paid, 3 invoiced (14 registered on website)
ANZ made a lump sum sponsorship to ACMA of $3500 for the year
Expenses: HK University lectures (as per previous years) - $500; sponsorship for yacma yumcha - $1200
Cheque account has ~$80,000 – will transfer into ANZ account
CME & sponsorship:
Lifestyle NOT sponsoring this Sunday’s CME – will correct on website
Upcoming CME Sunday 18 May 2014 – speakers Peter Fong, Andrew To
ACMA conference 2014:
General information:
o For drs and allied health
o Focus on Chinese health – how to deal with Chinese pts etc. Speakers will focus on experiences
with Chinese patients.
o 4 blocks of talks and wrap-up
o Seating at Waipuna up to 150 ppl
o CME points = 6
o 16 speakers – they can attend free of charge (count as registered)
o Registration fee is $100 before, and $150 after 28 May – same for allied health except for
o 30 spaces currently reserved for yacma members
14 registrants so far
o 4 confirmed sponsors – Neilmed, Novo Nordisk, TeArai Biofarma, Lifestyle Insurance
o No car sponsors at this stage
o ANZ sponsorship is a lump sum for the year but will likely need a stand (Sharon will be there)
Conference poster designed by Justin to be circulated around – printed copies distributed by Alwin to
exec members present at this meeting
o Locations incl: hospitals, medical school, private hospitals (Ormiston, Ascot), public libraries
o Advertising has been through: RNZCGP website and ePulse; NZ Doctor; NZMA; GP liaison for
Auckland Regional DHBs; DHB internal emails; major websites – e.g. eventfinder; facebook page
o Plan to advertise through medical equipments
o Derek will get David to put ad on WTV
o So far spent just over $1000 on advertising (mainly NZ Doctor)
Vitcom will supply AV equipment
Special dietary requirements organized
o Will have blurbs on ACMA website for each speaker
Derek has received 3 blurbs  forwarded to Kevin
Reminder to membership to register for conference @ CME dinner
o Paper registration form can be prepared to be ready for CME dinner – 50 copies
Stall spaces are not confirmed yet – Carlos to chase up floor plan
First talk after opening speech – was going to be Wilson – can talk about new direction of ACMA
instead (of being directed to more than general practice e.g. allied health)
Recent events:
o yamcha – Sichuan Restaurant; 60 attendants; reported better meal than past
o quiz night
Medical books unable to sponsor prize for quiz night
o amazing race
o ‘retreat’ – currently getting quotes for venue – shortlisted venues in Rotorua and Tauranga; aim
for early July
Focus now for yacma is on getting members to come to events
The University has banned yacma from doing med school entry ‘coaching’ on site
o Yamca is still considering whether to hold this at an off-site venue this year
o Originally the hope was to thereby attract more membership the following year, however
yacma membership has not decreased although last year didn’t have this
Careers evening has good feedback from past years – will continue
Financially healthy – MAS has increased sponsorship from $250 to $400
Idea for combined yacma-ACMA social event, e.g. quiz night, sports
ACMA-yacma Mentoring
Have tried to set up before (just for clinical students) – 10 students showed interest but project hasn’t
moved forward
Need someone to champion this cause – Dr Kristine Ng nominated as coordinator
Can be through email contact or meeting up (e.g. at CME meetings)
Mentees can ask specific questions to the mentor
Mentoring should go on for more than one year
Most useful mentoring is from TI year to HO years
To gauge interest level from ACMA drs – can mention at the next CME dinner and encourage doctors
to register to be mentors online
Tony Fernando is an ACMA member and full staff of FMHS – should be able to help with booking uni
Group email to membership – ‘if interested to email Kristine’; register interest on website  email
goes straight to Kristine
Also idea of setting up a forum on the website where correspondence with mentors occur that only
current paid-up yacma members can acess
Can also set up a forum for research projects
o Student research interest form already uploaded on website
One student expressed interest to present an elective
o ACMA currently has a $2000 money pool for electives/research projects
o Doctors can put up projects on the website
Newsletter/update from editors:
Next newsletter can be published after upcoming CME this weekend – to be published 2/52 after CME
General Business
Possible directions of future ACMA development
o Long term goal of ACMA to understand better patterns of health in the local community
Sai wong etc has Asian mental health well set-up – can we do this for gen med and other
o Can have student posters in future conferences
o more social events, e.g. hiking, - activities that could potentially involve older doctors with
young children
o Constitution only for registered medical practitioners currently – can aim to include other ‘NZregistered medical professionals’
But need to be careful what kind of ppl might come in, e.g. acupuncturist who practices
outside of conventional western medicine
A couple of ppl from Framework (NGO) applied for conference – which is ok, but as
things are they can’t join ACMA general membership
Brochures to be produced to promote ACMA – hopefully ready to be dished out before the conference
– Richard/Derek will look at dropbox document to finalise it – deadline 15 June
Maori medical/health practitioners’ website – something that ACMA can strive towards in the longterm
Good to have a regular annual ‘welcome to new members’ function
o This year’s welcome mixer to be held Sunday 29 June (day after conference)
o Kristine to organize venue which can accommodate ~30 ppl, E.g. Newmarket French café
o Derek to look for sponsorship (insurance guy – Cody)
o 4-6pm, wine & cheese event
o consider invite yacma clinical years
Correspondence in/out: membership forms & dues forwarded to Alwin; PO box subscription payment
apparently due – Benson to sort out payment
Next meeting: Thurs, 24 July, 8pm