[ No - Concordia Historical Institute

Peters, Clarence H. F. (1903–1984), Collection (1928–1973)
7.3 l.f. (23 document boxes) : manuscripts
Clarence H. F. Peters was born 8 January 1903 at Linn, Kansas, to Nickolaus and
Maria (nee Tewes) Peters. He graduated from Saint Paul’s College, Concordia,
Missouri, in 1923 and from Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis, Missouri, in 1927. He
earned master of sacred theology (S.T.M.) and doctor of theology (Th.D.) degrees
from the seminary and was also awarded an honorary doctor of divinity degree from
the same institution for exceptional service in the ministry. Peters also earned a
master’s degree in education from Washington University, Saint Louis.
Peters was ordained at Saint Paul Lutheran Church, Venus, Nebraska, on 14
October 1928 and served as pastor there until 1936. He was pastor of Saint John
Lutheran Church, Scottsbluff, Nebraska, from 1936 until 1939. On 21 May 1939 he
was installed as pastor of Saint Luke Lutheran Church, Saint Louis, where he
served until his retirement in 1972.
Peters served as chair of the Missouri Synod Board for Young People’s Work from
1947 to 1967 and in 1952 represented the Synod at the Lutheran World Federation
Assembly in Hanover, Germany. He also served on the National Lutheran Scouting
Committee for 27 years, receiving the Gold Lamb and Silver Beaver awards. He was
the author of numerous articles on youth work and of a book, The Early Years of the
Christian Church (Garden City, N.Y.: Nelson Doubleday, c1959).
Peters was married to Marie E. Grossheim on 23 September 1928, and they were
the parents of three children: Ruth (Mrs. Martin Brockmann), Eunice (Mrs. Edwin
Albers) and Lois (Mrs. Neil Schmidt). Peters died on 18 May 1984.
The Peters collection documents his work in youth ministry and scouting. The
original donation from Peters consisted of a large collection of periodicals and other
printed materials that were distributed throughout the Institute’s Library
collection. A small number of files containing correspondence and other documents
make up the original set of files in the Peters Collection.
Supplemental donations contained Peters’s files on youth ministry, Scouting, the
Walther League, etc., including files from many of the youth-related conferences
and conventions that he attended and participated in. Supplement II consists
mainly of correspondence.
Peters, Clarence H., Papers
Page 1
Original Donation (March 1968)
Box 1
Board for Young People’s Work
Compositions on Youth Work by Clarence Peters
Correspondence — Theodore Graebner, 1937
Correspondence — Miscellaneous, 1937, 1948–1949
Correspondence — Clarence Peters, 1948–1960
Miscellaneous Outlines
Walther League Executive Board Minutes, 1952–1955
Youth Work Bibliographies
Supplement I (Received 1 March 1973)
Box 1
1. Released Time Classes: Papers, Rulings, Clippings
2. Released Time Classes: Papers, Rulings, Clippings
3. Releases Time Classes: Papers, Rulings, Clippings
4. Released Time Classes: Correspondence
5. Released Time Classes: Theses
Box 2
6. Scouting: Reports, Agendae, Minutes of Committee on Scouting, 1945–1951
7. Scouting: Pamphlets, Brochures, Papers on Awards
8. Scouting: Correspondence, 1928–1947
9. Scouting: Correspondence, 1948–1949
10. Scouting: Correspondence, 1950–1951
11. Scouting: Correspondence, Order of the Arrow, 1959–1967
Box 3
12. Scouting: Correspondence, God, Home, Country, 1951–1964
13. Scouting: Miscellaneous Articles, Opinions, Agendae NYAR, 1967
14. Clippings, Politics (esp. Communism/Socialism and Their Effects)
15. Lutheran Youth Leadership Award, Correspondence, 1955–1964
16. LSV Caravaners, Leadership Training, 1958–1967
17. LSV Caravaners, Leadership Training (cont.)
18. Leadership Training Correspondence, 1958–1960
Peters, Clarence H., Papers
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Supplement II (Received 11 March 1974)
Box 1
1. Correspondence: A
2. Correspondence: B
3. Correspondence: C
4. Correspondence: D
5. Correspondence: E
6. Correspondence: F
7. Correspondence: G
8. Correspondence: H
9. Correspondence: I
10. Correspondence: J
Box 2
Correspondence: K
Correspondence: L
Correspondence: M
Correspondence: N
Correspondence: O
Correspondence: P
Correspondence: R
Correspondence: S
Box 3
19. Correspondence: The Rev. Carl Streufert
20. Correspondence: T
21. Correspondence: U
22. Correspondence: V
23. Correspondence: W
24. Correspondence: Elmer Witt
25. Correspondence: XYZ
26. Elmaar Bakken
27. Harry G. Barr
28. Clarence W. Benitz
29. The Rev. Gordon C. Bergin
30. Herb W. David
31. J. A. Brunton Jr.
32. Ralph Dinger
Peters, Clarence H., Papers
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Box 4
33. Dr. William Fisher — Scout Correspondence
34. William G. Fisher
35. The Rev. Daniel Fuelling
36. Russell J. Hart
37. Ernie Hogan Jr.
38. The Rev. Clair Hoifjeld
39. Dr. A. E. Iverson
40. Carl Jacobson
41. Laren M. Ness
42. Jack Oetgen
43. Prof. Walter Sohn
44. Dr. C. Thomas Spitz
45. The Rev. Frans Victorson
46. Donald G. Welsh
Box 5
47. Scouting A
48. Scouting B
49. Scouting C
50. Scouting D
51. Scouting E
52. Scouting F
53. Scouting G
54. Scouting H
55. Scouting I
56. Scouting J
57. Scouting K
58. Scouting M
59. Scouting L
60. Scouting N
61. Scouting O
62. Scouting P
63. Scouting R
64. Scouting S
65. Scouting T
66. Scouting U
67. Scouting V
68. Scouting W
69. Scouting XYZ
70. Scouting, 1962 B
Peters, Clarence H., Papers
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Box 6
71. Scouting, 1961
72. Scouting, 1960
73. Scouting, 1959
74. Scouting, 1956–1958
75. Boy Scouts of America, Correspondence on Relationships
76. Boy Scout Jamboree, Valley Forge, 1964
77. Boy Scout World Jamboree, Farragut, Idaho, Aug. 1–9, 1967
78. Boy Scout Sunday, Feb. 12, 1967
79. Boy Scout Sunday
80. Camp Chaplains, 1965–1967
Box 7
81. Chaplaincy
82. Cub Scouts
83. Executive Board Meeting, NLCS, June 3
84. 56th Annual National Countil, May 19–26, 1966
85. Inner City Scouting, Pilot Program
86. Lamb Award, 1964
87. Lamb Award, 1965–1967
88. Lamb Award Presentation, H. Haysbert
89. Lamb Award Presentation, H. Schmidt
90. Scouting in the Lutheran Church, Materials Loaned
91. Newsletter to Lutheran Scoutmasters
92. Philmont Conference, July 19–25, 1967
93. Canadian Lutheran Committee on Scouting, Pro Deo et Patria Award
94. Congratulatory Letters, Pro Deo et Patria Recipients
95. Pro Deo et Patria Letters, Carbons from Minnesota Letters
96. The Lutheran Scouter
97. Items for “The Lutheran Scouter”
98. World’s Fair, New York, 1965
Box 8
99. Young People’s Board — Miscellaneous
Lutheran Youth Conference, Nov. 5–7, 1957
Lutheran Youth Conference, Nov. 5–7, 1957 and Upward Call
Conference, Nov. 7–10, 1957
Lutheran Youth Conference, Jan. 22–23, 1957, Hotel Mark Twain,
Saint Louis, Missouri
Upward Call Conference, Nov. 8–11, 1956, College Camp
Upward Call Conference
Peters, Clarence H., Papers
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Lutheran Youth Conference, Upward Call Conference, Nov. 10–13,
Box 9
Lutheran Youth Conference, De Soto, Jan. 12–13, 1955
Lutheran Youth Conference, Jan. 13–14, 1954
Lutheran Youth Conference, Jan. 14–15, 1953
Lutheran Youth Conference, Feb. 8–10, 1952
Lutheran Youth Conference, Jan. 17–18, 1951
Lutheran Youth Conference, Jan. 20–21, 1950
Box 10
Lutheran Youth Conference, Jan. 13–14, 1949
Youth Conference, 1948
Youth Conference, Jan. 29–30, 1947
Youth Conference, 1946
Youth Workers Conferences, 1959–1960
Youth Workers Conference, 1958
Youth Workers Conference, 1957
Box 11
Youth Workers Conferences, July 29–Aug. 9, 1957
Youth Workers Conferences, 1956
Florida-Georgia Youth Workers Conference, April 9–13, 1956
Youth Workers Conferences, 1955
Youth Workers Conferences, 1954
Youth Workers Conferences, 1953
Youth Workers Conferences, 1952
Youth Workers Conferences, 1951
Youth Workers Conferences, 1950
Youth Workers Conferences, 1949
Youth Workers Conference, 1948
Box 12
Pro Deo et Patria Information
Pro Deo et Patria Recipients
Pro Deo et Patria Correspondence, 1964, A–L
Pro Deo et Patria Correspondence, 1964, M–Z
Peters, Clarence H., Papers
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Box 13
W. F. Weiherman, 1963–1964
Witte – Peters, 1958–1967
North American Ecumenical Youth Assembly, 1961
Budget, Young People’s Work, 1958–1961
Family Correspondence, 1965–1973
Family Letters, mimeographed, 1966–1970
Christmas Greetings, mimeographed, 1969–1971
Miscellaneous Correspondence, A–L, 1963–1973
Miscellaneous Correspondence, M–Z, 1963–1973
Board for Young People’s Work, 1963–1972
Lutheran Brotherhood, 1964–1972
Lutheran Laymen’s League, 1963–1964
Box 14
Scouting, 1963–1973
Walther League, 1963–1965
Peters – Neil Schmidt, 1965–1973
Scouting Correspondence, 1963–1973
Youth Workers Conference, 1954
Youth Workers Conference, 1957
European Ecumenical Youth Assembly, 1960
Walther League, 1936–1958
Supplement III (January 1976)
Box 1
1. Marriage in the Twentieth Century, 1959
2. The Believer-Priest and His Church Altar
3. Statement of Policy Governing Church Contacts with Groups Now in
Fellowship with Us (1959)
4. Various Addresses #1
5. Various Addresses #2
6. Various Addresses #3
7. Various Addresses #4
8. Christian Youth and World Problems
9. Psalm 23
10. Released Time Information
11. Clippings … Miscellaneous
12. Walther League Materials
Peters, Clarence H., Papers
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Box 2
13. American Lutheran clippings
14. Western District Pastoral Conference, Memphis, Tennessee, Oct. 16–18, 1956
15. Florida-Georgia Pastoral Conference, October 18–20, 1955, Key West, Florida
16. Kansas Pastoral Conference, May 17–19, 1954, Wichita, Kansas
17. East Missouri Pastoral Conference, Sherwood Forest
18. E. Mo. Pastoral Conference, Sherwood Forest, Sept. 21–23, 1954
19. Address Detroit Pastoral Conference on Youth Work, March 12, 1951
20. Western District Pastoral Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas, October 17–19,
21. Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, St. Paul, Minn.
22. Triennial Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Houston,
Texas, June 17–27, 1953
23. Forty-First Regular Convention, Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 21–30, 1950
24. Synod of Missouri, Ohio and Other States, Chicago, Illinois, July 19 to 29,
25. Fiscal Conference, St. Louis, Mo. – July 31–August 2, 1956
26. Fiscal Conference, July 13–20, 1955, Concordia College, St. Paul, Minn.
27. Walther League – Miscellaneous
28. Youth Work — (Walther League)
29. Walther League Convention, Michigan State University, East Lansing,
Michigan, July 11–16, 1959
30. Walther League Convention, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, August 10–14,
31. International Walther League Convention, Stillwater, Oklahoma, Aug. 11–
15, 1957
Box 3
32. Walther League Convention, Ames, Iowa, July 22–26, 1956
33. Walther League Convention, New York City, July 3–7, 1955
34. Walther League Convention, Long Beach, California, July 4–8, 1954
35. Sixtieth Anniversary Convention of the Walther League, July 19–23, 1953,
Chicago, Illinois
36. Walther League Convention, Ottawa, Canada, July 6–10, 1952
37. International Walther League Convention, St. Louis, Missouri, 1951
38. International Walther League Convention, Denver, Colorado, July 2–6, 1950
Box 4
39. International Walther League Convention, Houston, Texas, July 10–14, 1949
40. International Walther League Convention, Portland, Oregon, July 12–16,
Peters, Clarence H., Papers
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41. International Walther League Convention, Buffalo, New York, July 7–11,
42. International Walther League Convention, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1946
43. International Walther League Convention, Saint Louis, Missouri, July 18–21,
44. Walther League Convention, Pittsburgh, 1938
45. International Convention, Detroit, July 1937
46. Florida District W. L. Convention, Tampa, June 12, 1955 and LSV School,
June 13–16
47. Albany District Conv., Albany, N. Y., Sept. 11–12, 1954
48. Oklahoma District Walther League Convention, Tulsa, Oklahoma, September
6–7, 1953
49. Indiana District Walther League Convention, Evansville, Indiana, May 30–
31, 1953
50. Utah-Idaho Convention, Idaho Falls, Idaho, September 2–4, 1950
51. Nebraska District Walther League Convention Banquet, Lincoln, Nebraska,
August 27, 1950
Box 5
52. 1943 Mo. District Walther League Convention, St. Louis, Mo.
53. Ohio District Walther League Convention, September 17, 18, 1949, Toledo,
54. Southern Pine District Walther League Convention, Oct. 30–31, 1948
55. Southern California W. L. District Convention, October 9 and 10, 1948
56. Missouri District Walther League Convention, De Soto Hotel, St. Louis,
Missouri, September 4–6, 1948
57. Oklahoma District Walther League Convention, August 31 to September 1,
1947, Stillwater, Oklahoma
58. Saskatchewan Walther League District Convention, Lutheran Bible College,
Outlook, Sask., Can., June 30–July 2, 1961
59. Southern Illinois District Walther League Convention, Chester, Illinois,
September 1 and 2, 1946
60. Kansas District Walther League Convention, August 24 and 25, 1946, Kansas
City, Missouri
61. Walther League Convention, Nebraska District, 1939, Grand Island
62. Walther League, Nebraska District Convention, Omaha, 1938
63. Walther League, [Nebraska] District Convention, 1937, Columbus
64. Walther League, 1936 [Nebraska] District Convention, Fremont
65. Workshop in Youth Work with Seniors of St. Louis and Springfield
Seminaries, May 5–8, 1957, 1958
66. Workshop in Youth Work, Concordia Seminary, Summer School Session,
Peters, Clarence H., Papers
Page 9
67. Workshop in Youth Work, Concordia Seminary Seniors, St. Louis and
Springfield, May 1–4, 1955
68. Workshop in Youth Work, Concordia Seminary Seniors, St. Louis and
Springfield, May 2–5, 1954
69. Workshop in Youth Work, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, April 16–
17, 1953
70. Workshop in Youth Work, April 6, 1951, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
71. Workshop in Youth Work, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, April 19, 1950, for
the Senior Class
The original collection was donated by Peters in March 1968 along with a large
number of publications and periodicals related to youth ministry that we
incorporated into the CHI Library. Supplements I and I were donated by Peters in
March 1973 and March 1974. Supplement III was donated by Saint Luke Lutheran
Church (Saint Louis, Missouri) in January 1976 from papers left there by Peters
before he retired.
2 October 2013
Marvin A. Huggins
Peters, Clarence H., Papers
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