MODULE 14 YOUNG PEOPLE TODAY SESSION 1 CHARACTERISTICS, NEEDS AND INFLUENCES KEY OBJECTIVES • LIST THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE AGE RANGE OF THEIR SECTION AND THE SECTIONS ABOVE AND BELOW • DETIAL THE NEEDS OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE AGE RANGE OF THEIR SECTION AND THE SECTIONS ABOVE AND BELOW • OUTLINE THE INFLUENCES ON YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE AGE RANGE OF THEIR SECTION AND THE SECTION(S) ABOVE AND BELOW PEST ANALYSIS • • • • P olitical factors E conomic factors S ocial factors T echnological factors TASK 10 minutes • In small groups • complete a PEST Analysis of the society in which young people live. • Record your work on one piece of flipchart paper. task 10 minutes • In small section based groups BRAINSTORM the characteristics typical of a young person of the age range of the section in which you work. • Record your answers TASK 30 minutes • Decide which 6 characteristics from those brainstormed are the most typical in the age range in which you work • record under the heading “characteristics” • discuss the needs and influences of young people in that section • record the the 6 most important needs and the 6 most important influences respectively Young people today session 2 How scouting responds Key objectives • Outline how scouting attemps to respond to the characteristics, needs and influences on young people in the 6 to 25 age range • explain the leaders role in responding to the characteristics, influences and needs of young people in their section Task 40 minutes • In small groups consider the needs, influences and characteristics of young people and how scouting attempts to respond to these • be prepared to give a short feed back on what conclusions have been reached Scouting responds in the following ways • The 3 key principles of scouting are adaptable to the individual • the promise and law vary according to age • the programme is progressive and sectional • scouting has 6 personal development areas • different awards • increasing amount of responsibility